Re: Season 4 Concerns Phil thats how it works. Like i sad. Took the normal community 3 seasons to get rid of SH and fix the ee system. Took the devs 1 week to bring them back for the LB.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Clans Wars appease some n 3 war choices should accommodate everyone now. Its still pathetic that anyone thinks 1 build should be good for every war there is...naive.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Most wc told u if u keep 20 man rosters we needed more then 1 hour prep time .. 1 hour is more then enough for 11-15 man rosters but 20 pushes that window special in indi wars Which is actually 50-45 minutes by the time matches happen .. Also the really short sign up window between end of wars before and the match ups of next war is ridiculously small u can't get ur players that took part in the war for as long as 30 minutes into that hour because of lock and u can't cast for war until that last hour ... Means a huge rush and a huge head ache Atleast for casting can we change Woc and just cast it for which war we want like a check box so we can start casting earlier .. Most clan based wars don't have a problem with inactivity but having to be able to be on in that short a window to cast and sign up is a problem atleast for some
Re: Season 4 Concerns @KING Its 1 war war daily n don't begrudge others for what they built when u have a crap build.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Plunder skunk based on your post , you have obviously been in a coma the past two seasons. please slip back into it
Re: Season 4 Concerns Seriously to all the people saying "way to only listen to the lb" In primal wars lb players pay more, and make less per hit on other players. In my war last night again hlneo, she paid me 87m a hit! And as much as 97m to some people in my clan. This is almost twice what a normal HFBC build pays. It's only fair they have wars they can be successful in.
Re: Season 4 Concerns My build is what i can afford, sorry i don't spend hundreds in the game weekly so i can have the devs whipped.
Re: Season 4 Concerns The shorter wait time too many asked for n got is what is. 20 ppl can help do the SS. When a majority of Veteran WC's complain then it has merit. Dropping roster sizes is a bandaid n watered down solution causing more clannies to be out of war n watching or leaving.
Thank you devs! If you don't have a proper war build, indys are there. If you're a mid or between, primals are there. If you've been doing this for some time and wanna war with the big dogs, clan wars are back. Everyone should be happy now. You don't want the drama associated with a particular type? DON'T WAR THAT TYPE! Happy kawing peeps!
Clown shoes! You will only be succeeding in dividing the playing field by an even larger margin. What 50/75% of warriors have change their builds to prepare for the primal wars. And now this, you say good matches were tough because of participation & your fix is to divide the field even more & after we thought the manipulations were over.......
Re: Season 4 Concerns Troll Lb can do indi wars like everyone else. They are no more special. They will match against others their size and be given a fair shot at winning.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Thanks for listening devs, this a small step in the right direction for the future of KAW. However, your post made it sound like stacked rosters don't exist in primal wars too? Don't blame your loyal long time players for matchup problems. The problem is with YOUR matchup algorithm. Now that GAW and FC are shut down I am hopeful ATA can put more resources into actually SOLVING matchup problems and improving the matchup algorithm instead of just throwing in a quick fix that will end up having the same issues in the end. Look well into the future not just into the immediate. Keep the impressive dynamics of this game available in ALL formats. Thanks for listening to the people
Re: Season 4 Concerns So if I'm in the central timezone the first war signups would end at 4am, correct?
Re: Season 4 Concerns Twice, no middle of the road clans in their right mind is going to cast for chaos/clan wars You'll have lb vs lb And stacking vs stacking That's it. So we will just have two separate leagues kind of.
Re: Season 4 Concerns King try spending 3 yrs like many have n u disrespect those that earned or payed for their build. U have Indy Wars be happy. Others have their Clan n Primal War clans n did not solicit ur opinion on what they want n do. GL
Re: Season 4 Concerns It's not the ss it's planing and communicating that plan back to clan in a detailed way they can understand without rushing it specially to 20 different people ... I supported shorter wait times if rostered stated small as well as a bunch of others .. We were shown one thing and given another But that's not my biggest concern it's the casting and sign up windows ... Specially if u have member in the indi war just before ... U can be left with as little as 30 minutes to cast and sign up and honestly it's just too short Unless devs are sending message we don't want u doing 2 wars back to back in that case so be it
Re: Season 4 Concerns @kaw_community What is ATA going to do about large leaderboard players exploiting the classic war system in order to obtain a no match (by stacking an extremely oversized roster) to renew their Estoc Edge? These players are not actual warriors yet are still permitted to have a gold bonus constantly although they participate in VERY FEW actual wars.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Sorry Troll, but I cannot help but snicker. When exactly have the LB played fairly? When they were clan stacking in order to get No matches? When they were buying accounts left and right? Playing fair is not a term I would use with certain LB players.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Ppl ppl...there r 3 war types now so pick n play what u want. Its irrelevant what ppl say about wars they r not in nor r built for. Its also very apparent old school Clan War ppl claim much eg organized whilst the losers r not. As Spilatch said slip back into your coma. Lol As for ppl thinking the majority knows best give ur head a shake. Forums r generally a WHINEFEST n many ppl have their own agenda. Does not mean they have any validity neither.
Why are people still whining? Everyone gets a share of the pie now. It Why does that bother you? You don't wanna war against a lb sh stack? Don't, you get to choose now. Quit bitching… Oh wait, you wanted the devs to punish everyone for taking advantage of the system in place because you were late to the party? In that case, go blow it out your assination..