Devs why now? Why wait till kids are back in school and football starting up? Should have done over summer or wait for winter days
Main reason. There is a gaming season for adults and kids. September marks the start of the adult gaming season. Kids don't spend the money on pay to play games. Adults do. Most adults gaming activity drops off in the summer for obvious reasons. So it's all about the revenue opportunity. $$$
Nerfing LBs bro? So thats the plan? 4 year LB = 4 month HFBC Clan extinction Bit worried seeing ATA closing down.
OMG aLL the criers lol. stop it plz !! If you are big BFA/BFE u still have indy wars to flex that in if u want clan wars with your so called kaw buddies u still have primal wars. U guys wanted a fix to exploits and roster stacking then here u go but once again its still not satisfying to you unless u get it only how u want it. And about the EQ everyone says they worked so hard for to get in season 3 being on sale???? to get that equipment you have to win more than your fair share of wars for mith to buy and upgrade it so others are still working hard for it just as u once did. Stop crying and Kaw and stop complaining about the war events you're going to participate in anyway. The devs are trying to appease everyone with this move and is being as fair as possible. Stop complaining for awhile and allow the developers to play around and tweak these programs on their own for a bit and see if eventually they don't find the right solution but the whining and crying doesn't help at all.
A fair war sounds good to me, and sh can still participate in primal wars no problem! Can't wait for season 4 to start!
Indi wars all about luck n who on ur rosters .inactives/leaks no xtals .people not followin orders. U will be lucky if i get a wc n a good tracker .anyway happy kawin everyone
Devs!! I'm excited for S4!! Newer accounts like me have a chance in these wars and I'm grateful because I'll spend years playing catch up even still! Thank you for releasing S3 equip to buy and giving notice for what we'll win in S4! Makes planning mith spent less worrisome. I also enjoy the fact that war medals won will not be lost once gained, that will lead to more people warring and better match ups because there's not the fear of losing what's already been earned. Great idea!! I do however look forward to more updates, like game interface and clan structure related but glad to see revamped EE!! Keep up the work devs!! Good luck to everyone in Season 4!!
These updates are the first updated I have seen in a long time that are actually sustainable for the longevity of the game ... Again I say good job devs .. Finally one right
Maybe next off season you can just have me send my money directly to your Ferrari saving account. Seems spending on my build was pointless, all the warring I did over the last three seasons, pointless. Not sure why there aren't at least some clan wars.
So bfa and bfe are useless on season 4? This is discouraging a lot of players from building bfa and getting equipment as well. It's illogical to be rewarded equipment and not be considered useful in season wars. Likewise, to spend for nobs to do hte to build bfa. It's all rewarding the non-spending players of kaw.