Season 4 Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Wish ever one best of luck on the battle field 
  2. I see a ton of complaining about putting the season 3 equip on sale, it's still war only, not to mention massively expensive. The S3 ring costs more than the Red sword or BP. Really guys? You can max the red mace (if no fails) for less than buying the glaive. Don't understand the issue
  3. So end sh maybe have normal war extra it was taking time for improved system not Indi again :(
  4. Im just glad they are offering so many war times man.
  5. Well played u chumps u ruined EE the fact u can buy S3 equips is a joke. Clans work hard to get there equipment and then u go and release it for everyone who didn't put the time and effort in to get the rewards is ridiculous 
  6. Smithy, think about this for a minute. I warred to 50 rancor in S2 and made 2,148 mith total. That is roughly the glaive, BP, and one upgrade. Those buys aren't feasible man.
  7. You act as if the equip is free lol

    Twenty war wins FOR EACH PIECE

    Give me a break
  8. Congrats devs, you have completed 6 month after announcing pvp, and i mean real pvp, not this ee ****, updates, without doing anything  liars, liars, liars
  9. Smh * very slow clap for devs and a pat on the to special school you go
  10. My biggest thing is, you introduce primal wars 2 weeks ago.... and now 2 weeks later S4 is starting with the extremely controversial primal wars which half of kaw don't want.. ONLY 2 WEEKS and you make it part of, yet another failed season..
  11. Odds of winning any given Indy war if you're the best warrior in KaW: 50%

    Odds of winning any given Indy war if you're a complete and utter Nooblet: 50%

    I'm in! And all my other towerless EB alts are too! This gon' be Noob-a-licious
  12. Sometimes it makes me wonder if it actually is 'a thinking ape' that comes up with these ideas and decisions..
  13. Why do primal war with inactive mole that hot a couple times to avoid being inactive?
  14. What happened to classic wars? I understand having 2 or each but without classic no support for s4
  15. Fair for all . All can now war  different builds work differently for the diff wars.....good job.
  16. Looking forward to S4. Will def get involved with some info wars.
  17. Indi war still great..fair fight. Almost everyone warexperienced.

    As long there r no war class or no limit cs for anticipate in war there will be always rooster stacking n cheating.. No support on primal war!!
  18. Please make them all classic devs  advantage and random suck haha
  19. So back to playing "clash of clans" or "tapped out" or "monsters" thanks Devs 3 accounts that won't be spending any money on your game any more 2 years of building equipment and bfa for you to through it back in my face I won't spend another penny on this horse Sh*t EE wars where made to pull clans together good job Devs