season 3 week 3 war 5 "good roster match"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camerooney, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Cam you might be right that furious and sexy are bigger but as you know it's not how big u are it's how u use it
  2. No Kaw adm here but we get broken talking with his mouth all over his face.. 1 we don't need to cheat the system ass face 2 u have warred here and know we (K.o.S) don't cheat and u may stop implying that now
  3. idk cam i just replied to it…
  4. They just unlocked it
  5. Yeah I see it's been unlocked. No response though from kc .....
  6. The post is now unlocked.
  7. Any comment on matchup? Rank 12 v 23 or the other one 7 v 19?
  8. In both cases the matchup were within 15% of each other based on CS+BFE+BFA
  9. Correction 7 v 19 was 16% rounded up.
  10. Ty kaw admin ... I'm guessing if they were towered properly they would have been out of range for sure

    I'm not complaining we are used to having to fight up and by our standards was a close match up .. That's all we ask for close matches and fun wars win or lose
  11. Trying to make the best matchups and not too many no matches is a challenge, but we are up for it and will keep trying to make it work better. Apologies for the times when it doesn't work out that way.
  12. Where's the 1v1 EE wars at admin?
  13. Thank you for responding kaw.

    16% difference in CS is less than I expected, however, it is still a bigger difference than there would be with the 10/11 clans in between those two examples given.

    It strikes me that this may be kaw way of dealing with unplugged equipment. Just guessing so could be wrong.

    If unplugging equipment changes match up doesn't that mean that the match-making process needs changed?

    Should BFE be removed from match up so that there is not distortion in match ups be unplugging equipment, or in the short-term if this can't be changed then advise everyone in order that all clans unplug equipment which would result in a fairer match.
  14. Thanks kaw for the explanation.

    I would like to comment on the war of clan #7 vs #19 and the 16% strength difference between them.

    Clan #7 had 224M total CS and clan #19 had 248M total CS. So, based on stats alone, clan #19 was stronger. However, taking into account bfa and bfe, clan #7 was apparently 16% stronger.

    The disparity between the CS of clan #7 being lower but the overall strength being 16% higher is caused by the 11 SH and the 4 ally LB clan #7 used.

    Now, a difference of 16% in CS may be acceptable and can still produce a fun war. But in this case, the CS of clan #7 was lower which means the strength difference was purely caused by higher BFE and BFA - and those had to be more than 16% bigger since the total CS of #7 was lower.

    BFE and BFA are static, which means they won't lower during war. CS however lowers almost down to zero (except the towers which were about equal on both sides). The 'advantage' in CS that clan #19 had is therefore worth a lot less and should be weighed in a lot less.

    So in this case, where the strength difference is over 15% and caused by static BFA and BFE, the actual difference is much bigger. I would like to know if the matchup algorithm accounts for this. Because based on that matchup, it seems it doesn't. Thanks.
  15. me, that's exactly the point. Matchmaking just takes into account CS, BFE and BFA. No difference is made between build types, roster type or static/non-static stats.

    It is like adding apples, pears and oranges up and matching the same number of fruits in a basket together.

    However, depending on the respective rosters, stats aren't equivalent depending if they are static or not. A high CS roster will get hammered as soon as they fight from pin. I guess the only viable solution would be to skim your troops/spies (forget it though when matched against a stacked roster...).