Season 3 - Week 1: War 10

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Just wondering the reason why mini mooncake got no match up. Hope not a classic copy n paste reason
  2. Seriously, when you gonna make it so mid size builds can war, im tired of wasting my money and trying to change my build to fit war roster just to get matched with lb/hansel teams and not bein able to even hit one person, this is bs!!!!!!
  3. Please implement internal Hit ratios Devs and force all Clans to use mids or not m
    Be able to sign up 
  4. Just realized on pg 2. Kaw admin said they just sit back drink kopi n do nothing since early S2 on match up alogarith OMG what a wonderful life do nothing n get salary 
  5. This is the part where I tell you if I had a d!ck to suck it..I'm done wasting my $ on ********!
  6. Do you not think anything needs to be changed?
  7. So basically either you drop build which many of us worked hard to get and become a gh /sh or a miracle happens and you wake up a lb player.
    Leaving those mids out of the fun of war.because wars are now geared towards mids getting pummeled by bigs or not making plunder off the smalls.
    Thanks devs for thinking of the kaw community as a whole. Yes this was said in a sarcastic tone.
    That leaves me out of warring S3 along with pretty much my entire clan as well as many others.
    On the bright side I will be saving money since I won't spend another dime on this game. Happy Kawing.
  8. One of the only ways to get the devs attention is to rate it 1 star in the play store.

    That will get them going.

    But be smart about it and dont write stupid ****.
  9. Guys, when is everyone going to get it? The matchup "algorithm" is a joke and has been since season 2. You'd probably get a better chance at a decent matchup by drawing clan names out of a hat. A lot of players have offered up a great many suggestions at how to improve things and make EEs more enjoyable for everyone, only to have a deaf ear turned to them. And when people DO get a response back it's the usual line about "hit ratios." When the vast majority of KaW players are complaining about crap matchups and no matches, and people are leaving the game more and more each day because the game is no longer a source of enjoyment... For the devs to see all of that and still say "we haven't changed the matchup algorithm since season 2" shows a complete disconnect with the player base. Using hit ratio as you base for deciding matchups does NOT work. Simply put:

    The... Devs... Don't... Care.

    The KaW cash cow is on it's last legs, it's that simple. They know it. But in the meantime, let's throw in a "promo" or two to get people to buy xstals and bleed them of their money just a little bit more. KaW is being pushed away from PvP more and more and geared more towards EBs, which is where the xstal money is. But to appease the masses, here's a free xstal as a carrot... But won't you please give us a 5-star rating? Just don't count on having your suggestions listened to. 