Season 3 War Schedule

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. The last half of my post seems to have disappeared.... Let me try again..
  2. Here's hoping my entire post appears this time.

    Dear KaW_Community,

    These war times exclude half the world from being able to participate in wars this season, due to your restricted 4 war times repeating throughout the week.

    I would assume this will even prevent American nightshift workers from being able to participate in many of these wars also.

    It would be preferable to see at least some of these 16 war times suit more than just a couple of timezones. I know that season 1
  3. Still not working...lets try this in 2 parts.

    Part 2: It would be preferable to see at least some of these 16 war times suit more than just a couple of timezones. I know that season 1
  4. KaW_Community,

    There seems to be an issue with me posting my reply.....

    I apologise to those who have read the fisrt half of my post a couple if times now but this thread doesn't seem to want me posting the second half.... Strange...
  5. Rose. You can not use the "and" symbol in forums. Take out the ampersand and replace with the word and. That will work.
  6. Part 2 of my original post:

    It would be preferable to see at least some of these 16 war times suit more than just a couple of timezones. I know that season 1 and 2 had at least a few wars that suited most timezones, however this season 3 war schedule does not include any of those times.

    At the very least, please make a few of the season 3 war times accessible to players of other countries/timezones (other than PST and EST) as this is a game played by people from all over the world after all.


  7. Thanks Gabriel, a clan member also just pointed this out!!

  8. Kaw community, I noticed you mentioned on page 14 that you said you guys had better participation during S1 and S2 with larger rosters. My question is do you think this may have been related to better rewards given during a season vs the rewards given in off season instead of the roster sizes? If that might be the case might you consider some kind of comprise between 11 and 25?

    You more than double the roster requirements needed during a season than in an off season. In an effort to please clans who have given feedback that 11 is too small, which I highly doubt meant they had enough "extra" players to fill over two full rosters. With double roster sizes these same clans may not be able to war at all from home now and all forced to merc or not war at all.

    I'm not saying 11 is the "magic" number just curious why there is not a comprise possible between 11 and 25 that not only helps out war organizers, but also makes exploiting smaller rosters with stacking less impactful. As an FYI clans "learned" to stack with bigger rosters not smaller ones. ;)

    Lastly I will say, we get you guys do this for a living but we do this for fun. When putting together these rosters and trying to recruit to fill them becomes more of a job than fun for us, that is when you see decreased participation. Your data won't show this frustration by war organizers who decide trying to get a war together is more hassle than it's worth. Won't matter how many people want to war if no one wants to organize them on the player side. Just my thoughts. I don't expect a reply. :)
  9. LP is exactly right
  10. Correct LP, when you have no one to organise war it matters diddey squat how many members wanna war it just ain't gonna happen. Hence fewer clans warring and more disparity in clans as ppl merc out to find wars. The soul of this game are its clans and once they start to break up to find wars then eventually this game will fade and die. So come on you fat cats at ata listen to your community and making the changes.
  11. Havent you people realized already that the devs dont give a rat about what we gamers think?!

    I gave up on this a long time ago.

    You have the moths fiasco and Season 3 fiasco as the latests pearls coming from them.

    They havent change in years, it wouldnt be now that it would magicly accour. :lol:
  12. Boooo you removed the war down under
  13. Well said LP.

    As a clan owner and war organizer it is very involved selecting the right roster for 25 and then designing a game plan for the war based on the war type (advantage, random, set ).

    The hardest part is trying to avoid the clans that no one can compete with. They are not exploiting the system because the devs allow this to happen over and over with no regard for the cast majority of clans concerns. There are only a few clans that use this system to the level that is impossible to overcome. Why are they not fighting each other every war? The last 2 weeks my clan has had more no matches than matches yet we have used the same build composition and size a the previous 7 weeks. Yet I notice that the stacking clans manage to get a match every single war. What changed and why are you not letting us know so we can once again try to figure out how to play this game with out being abused by a select few clans?

    Thank you for your time.
  14. Yeah 11 man roster was better. Easier to make and less nm. Maybe try 15 or so roster.20 is a huge pain 25 will be worse. Tons of nm
  15. One thing 25 man rosters can do is thin out the pool of gh sosh so that every roster can't field 10 of them. This of course is dependent on enough clans actually warring.
  16. @ Kaw_admin,

    It seems that the matchup formula has been changed recently. I personally have had (assuming I am remembering correctly) 9 no matches in the last 10 wars I have signed up for. That is frustrating in the extreme. We set aside a great deal of real life time to prepare for war, and then get nothing.

    Given that Season 3 starts on Monday, please provide some feedback to us so we can understand WHY we are not matching so we can make appropriate adjustments.


  17. WAYYY too many one hour wars, if it doesn't change I won't be spending much this season- That's for sure.
  18. Not to mention if the matching algorithm is the same I won't spend much anyways. It's literally the worst it's ever been.
  19. I like the mixture of times and ko styles. Why can't you devs mix up the roster sizes as well ? It would only make sense, since you said before that more people were warring with the 11 man rosters then before. Some people want big roster, some want medium rosters, some want small rosters, some want short wars, some want long wars. Why can't you devs mix it up on a daily bases so all sizes of clans can war in the season 3 ? I know a lot of people changed their builds thinking they would be able to war, and now they can't that's not fair. The season should be full with a variety of sizes, styles, and times, and the playoffs could be a standard style, size, and times. If that's the case clans and people need some type of notice to prepare. unlike this madness created here with the start of season 3. In closing a least mix it up so everybody can be happy a least a day or two every week of the season, don't try too hard to make one style of clan/people overly happy.
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