Season 3 War Schedule

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. Thanks for giving us 5 days to build 25 person rosters! You guys are a joke.
  2. Yes!

    After reading every post, I am happy to see all of the disappointment left by determined warriors. Betrayed and cheated by the devs who gave them a glimpse of hope.

    Makes me happy I chose to further my growth and not waste xtals, time, and money on a broken war system, bad matches, and poor organization and execution. ️
  3. The war season should have started last week! The fact that we tried 10 vs 10, 11 vs 11 , 15 vs 15 and 20 vs 20 all winter and now it's switched to this 25 vs 25 bs without any preseason is a giant fail and no logic behind it.
  4. Reminds me.
    If memory serves right you guys said the next bone dragon eb would be released mid-January. Today is the 15th 
  5. There should be some kind of minimum hits (atk..sct..stl..) before a clan gets to get to play eb for there mith back and it should be individually so one or two members can't cover it alone. To many mith hunters out there.
  6. What happen to war crystals? If I remember correct they were supposed to be available for season 3
  7. Let the gh/lb stacked wars continue. Lets see if the current trend continues and this set of wars will be the worst yet! As they've done nothing but get worse and worse since the only goos time in ee, season 1.

    Enjoy warring with and against mostly ghs, and a few lbs. While those of us with real builds get screwed over some more.
  8. Everyone asking about 11 man roster's, do you not realize that only worsens the gh issue and leaves almost no spots for mid builds? Atleast when its 25 theres still somewhat of a place for mids like myself. Even so, as with every post by kaw admin, they respond to simple time errors and such, yet they never even touch any comments about the one REAL issue that trumps any of these start time complaints. Who cares when they start if every match you get is against a sh/lb stacked clan. Until the real problem is addressed all of these other concerns are minimal, everyone should be asking why this, enormous problem continues to absolutely ruin ee wars for many of us not willing to go so low as to drop stats
  9. Please add some down under time wars
  10. No back story theme for season 3? No pic of items we will get? No reset of clans prestige ranking ? No war xtals? Still have to hit VP after losses?

  11. Wow only 3 set ko matches...Here's to bs "whack a mole" matches. Seeing Season 3 being even worse than season 2...if that were possible. No mention of war xtals either. Well...this may be a "sit back and watch" season lmfao.
  12. Aside from the same lb/GH issues since clearly that will never be addressed properly.

    ( some creative ideas have been thrown out there but nothing has taken hold I guess )

    Why are there only 3 set ok wars?

    That's the only war that isn't a plunder and turtle and a team with better strategy and leadership can overcome the bad matchups.

    The better question I guess what demographic are you aiming to please? I would always feel it's better to expand those who are able to war and enjoy it but it seems fewer select builds are being catered to in order to war.

    Just my thoughts
  13. Hell just bring back how things were done in Season 1 :lol:
  14. What was the point of the last right weeks if you just throw everything out the window? This preseason is now useless
  15. Last season seemed very east coast U.S. Friendly. This is terrible for the EST working class. I can do 2 wars all week! 6pm. Or stay up crazy late doing 10pm wars n if a loss go to bed around 1am to get up at 6am. Not a fan of schedule at all. Hope others are happy with it at least. May end my s3 ventures. Good luck warriors!
    My name is -DEX- and I approve this message.
  16. ok ty for the schedule/ko times....
    lets all get over our butt hurt and adjust..
    devs change nothing please im not happy with come stuff but im sure i will get over it
    keep everything as is plz stick to your guns !!
  17. first impression ... i am loving it.
  18. Thank you devs, u make me can't do war in S3
  19. Please, could y move war time from GMT 8pm to GMT 9pm as it was during Chaos ee-wars ?? (its to early!working!)
  20. What was the point of doing 11 and 20-men roster wars ? All of these are 25. Did you even listen to what has been said for the past weeks ? At least the war times are good from the start for once 
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