Season 3 War Schedule

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. The timing for Asia is totally off for people who are working. 4am,7am,11am,4pm. In chaos war, 10pm is doing just fine. Why push it back to 11pm?
  2. Thanks for the quick eye! War #6 was supposed to say 7:00PM PST and has been updated.
  3. Can we see more small rosters please? 25 per is going to be difficult for many of the newer clans who have been prepping for 11 man rosters. Thank you as always
  4. Have there been changes made to address the LB/SH,GHT,GH issue? I'd love to be excited, but I'm still quite apprehensive about that HUGE gorilla still sitting in the corner.
  5. Really? I don't think SGT timezones wont fit our schudule 7am-11am-11pm are the times we people work/school. Otherwise people with no life wouldnt care .
  6. Ive never complained about devs bc i know they probly working a long time on alot of things i just wanted to know a few things kaw_admin
    Could there be some 11man thrown in occasionally (those were fun :D )? And maybe a 1hr war or two be put in weekend a couple times during s3 :) looking forward to the next s3 thread :D
  7. Need warriors for Season 3
    Wall me/owner for interview
    SH/GH/GHT/Tanks needed
  8. No 11 roster wars? A lot of my friends and I really enjoyed those wars and I hope we will have some during Season 3? (Hint hint) Also these war times really aren't very good for GMT people as most of us are travelling to/at work or school for the 8am wars and are there during all the middle-of-the-day wars and the 3am wars are a little too late. That leaves only 1 war at 11pm that is plausible to do. Please consider this
  9. @kaw_community
    When will war crystals be released? Before season 3 I hope?
  10. Please bring back KaW_Admin as if Kaw_community ruined everything :(
  11. No offense but with all these advantage KO wars that will occur you made SH/GH/GHT a lot more desirable build.
  12. Okay so all this Chaos War **** trials with roster #s and you decide to make every war 25 player roster ? Throw some 11 player wars in the mix too.
  13. No.... I was banking on at least some 10/11 man wars :(
  14. Fixed SKO has got to ******* go 
  15. Gotta say from someone totally neutral (my little sister who doesn't play kaw) her words and I quote "wow bro they dev guys seem to not give a rats ass what there customers say" and thats just from the comments on this thread alone neverminds the weeks and weeks of your loyal PAYING customers telling you what is wrong with war system matching/gh lb stacked clans being the main ones to be honest im glad with exception of some wars at some point to max the last of my season two gear i dont care about warring.why dont i care pretty simple because the more time that passes since season one more it becomes apparent you couldn't run a piss up in a brewery. The fact is season one had 1 flaw the matching that was it but now the flaws are everywhere in ee, seriously go back to season one mode an try tinker with the lb gh thing and leave the rest the hell alone.
  16. I agree with many of the other posters. Can you alternate some smaller rosters in with the 25 man rosters, like 1-2 a day. This allows for smaller clans to war without gathering random people constantly from world chat.
  17. Now you have made me feel better, but I feel bad for bashing the new schedule.
    Sorry! :oops:
  18. Before anyone even thinks about doing anything, I think we should see the planned rewards... Lets avoid the same path as the Moth Hunt?
  19. Why fix something that works well? What is the purpose of implementing something that is not tested and proven? What is the purpose of having so many pre-season wars @10pm sgt and roster size 11 if it doesn't work?

    1. Why do u want to change the weekday war timing? 10pm works well for most Asians. Pushing back to 11pm will only cause lesser sign up from Asians and Australians. Do u have stats to back the change that 11pm attracts more sign up?

    2. Why increase the roster size? 11 pax works well for most clans. It's easier to find a team of 11 than 25. With lesser teams formed, u will have more mismatch and more players will feel frustrated. Do u have stats to back the change that 25player roster has more sign up and match up?
  20. What happened to the 5pm PST weekday timeslot? As someone with a full-time dayjob and family life, that would be my optimal time for war.
    Anyhow, thanks devs for all the hard work. After more than 2 years this is still my favorite game.
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