Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Why not create a clan war template that is activated by the WOC, by activating WOC you drop into this template.
    This template would be restricted to a max and min bfe/BFA/Cs and it would be down to the clan to best fit this template .i suspect this has been suggested before but just a thought ?
  2. Here's a thought, maybe your match making program is bunk. I've done countless ee wars at many clans. And 70% of the time left saying " what the **** ?" You may not like my language or tone, but personally, I don't give a ****.
    Try this instead: Use all that money you get from us constantly dumping money into your coffers to hire a few idiots that can count. When it comes time to match up clans for war have these idiots eye ball the clans that have signed up and compare clan to clan, instead of your bunk system. Maybe use a program to tell you which clans are close to same cs but shouldn't be hard to look at the 25 signed up.
    This may take a lil more time, but it would work. At least a hell of a lot better than the current system. Fix it, use that lump 3 feet above your ass.
  3. Suggestion: make a 5mil league. Any clan that signs up with all members 5mil only matches to clans in that signed up similarly and can't get matched to Clans that use smaller gh/lvl1 SOS to lower overall CS. I bet more and more clans will start warring again if they didn't have to feel forced to use GH's to avoid RH like rosters. Cuz we already know that a clan that has a bunch of mids are the ones that have the highest hit ratio with RH type rosters which makes no sense at all. Just a suggestion.... Response from kawadmin will be: "thank you for your feedback. We have many exciting improvements that we will be looking to implement in the near future.." Lol .. I think a lot of people have some good suggestions but if over a year's worth of data can't fix the system, then unfortunately I don't think they are willing/capable. Kawadmin will run ee into the ground just like the other system wars that came before it.. Sad.. It had potential
  4. Oops.. Correction: 5 mil league..
  5. make that and then all sh will convert to sht to such extent that they cross that mark(hlbc sh with few attack builds is already close to 3m cs)(or take a look at exodus sh) , and 1 thing more , under 5mil cs , then u will see more and more noob clans who are always defeated by sh only clans, then who will solve that problem ? :roll:
  6. When devs nerfed ghs , they said they doing it so that people grow and dont follow that build just because its the cheapest and most plunder giving build , so they decreased the plunder and their hit range .
    After that , ee warriors found out an alternative for this , replaced all guilds by sos lvl 1 , known as sh now , wats up now devs ? u gonna kill sh after s3 too ? or ur reason to kill gh was just some dumb crap ? or u are out of ideas ? u just screwing up things more , so many players are saying s1 was great compared to this new system of urs , but u arent listening , are u ?
  7. Prestige ranking to determine matchups is a valid idea, but needs to be tweaked to prevent exploits. My advice would be to create a individual prestige rating for each acct. These would be added together from each member on the roster, and matched with a comparable clan.

    The only way I can think of to game that would be to let in builds with poor prestige to drop the clans overall. This wouldn't necessarily help them though. As in order to have a poor prestige rating that build probably won't be experienced, or will not have a good war build.

    Great ideas in here, hope they can fix EE wars before they die. It's sad how such a great idea has been twisted by such a small % of the community that the majority no longer can/want to participate. I put this on the devs. You've ignored the issues for too long, and may have already hit the tipping point. If no one enjoys the wars but the ones gaming your system you will lose players.. some permanently.

    My real fear is that you've built up so much ill will in your player base that poor reviews and sales will spell the end of a game I've spent so much time on. I'd hate to lose the many friends and enjoyable experiences I've had here because of your neglect to address the majority of your players concerns..

    Best wishes to all, and good luck  Please devs, don't let us down
  8. I'm pretty sure a 5 mil account even with all lvl1 SOS and towers will pay more than 10 mil a hit. And any clans that have accounts lower than 5 mil in their roster just doesn't get to be in that bucket of matches... Therefore for those who likes to war with gh's can still war with gh... Just a suggestion... Obviously 5 mil was am arbitrary number.. 6 mil would do too..
  9. Did I just see KaW_Admin pop in to say they were looking at fixes?


    *wipes tears from eyes*

    No, really, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Good one. That was worth the wait thanks KaW_Admin. Couple of points though;

    1) Get a real account you statless n00b.

    2) Maybe, just maybe, in future, fix the problems when you originally said you would BEFORE pissing off the entire EE community.

    That there is free advice. I also give pointers on not releasing unrealistic expectations of equipment and how to stick to timescales for when you're ready for the advanced lessons.
  10. There have been many good ideas expressed above. And plenty of venting by a community that obviously has loads of bad EE experiences to support their dissatisfaction with a broken system.

    Hoping the Devs will actually take action to return fair, balanced EE match ups so we can once again enjoy this aspect of the game.

    Thanks to Vix for the thread. Thanks to all of you who have expressed thoughtful suggestions. Keep those coming! To those who only wish to rant, please keep it focused. As in, until this gets sorted, I won't be taking part in EE.

    Devs, the ball is in your court.


  11. I just don't understand why no one makes two clans gets nooby alts with a guild and stable and just fight in ee they will be the only fighting due to the only two clans that small
  12. I will adress the scout issue as it is overpowered in ee. I noticed the suggestion of tripling the loss if fail and go after the ability to use pots.

    Another way is to simply have the defender loose less spies if scouted. I think it is simple enough and will adress a lot of issues regarding ee, including the somewhat overpowered small builds.
  13. Kaw_admin care to chime in?
  14. As of right now, the developers have absolutely zero incentive to fix the broken system. Do you know why? It's because complaints, suggestions, and ideas cost them no money.
  15. Page 11 cactus... They have, and what more did we expect? The same thing that was said post S1 and S2. "We will look at the suggestions given between S* and S*" ...., and ignore them. So guess we gonna have to put up with what we have. Well I'm gonna go try find a war spot tonight for this ugly towered ass of mine to feed the lb dudes and bounce off the GHs. Good luck all. 
  16. For those of you who want equipment to count for more I think your logic is off. If equipment counts for more then the small sh with great equipment will only see clans with bigger mids and there will be an even larger gap in plunder earned. The fix is very simple. Make it so the more buildings you have the more plunder you pay. Close the strength rating gap between a lvl1 sos and a lvl 3. Spy buildings are rated as the weakest of the 4 types of buildings as well. Why not make them all equal? Or make the spy building rank stronger? It does cost more.
  17. Post war 10 matches pls
  18. Why not have a system that forces people to have a semi balanced roster, if clans had to meet an internal hit ratio mids would become valuable as you can't war without them.

    Would greatly reduce No-matches too 
  19. I think with the tightened hit ratios devs where hoping people would war with mids, but no-one is willing to change first and lose constantly.

    So no-one is getting a match 
  20. I support the boycott too, this is getting ridiculous