Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. I tho this was a complaint thread my bad lol
  2. Re: Season 3 - Match Up Discussio

    Reason clans are getting no matches is surely because no-one wants to go war with enough mids to guarantee a match as your setting your clan up for a loss to a stacked roster.

    As someone Mentioned earlier would be fixed if your clan had to meet an internal Hit ratio test to sign up. 
  3. I support the internal hit ratio!
  4. support vixen
  5. Clans that successfully stack rosters (such as rh) have good hit ratios. This is because their gh/sh all have enormous bfe and bfa, making them capable of hitting all but the biggest lb players.
    The problem is that plunder is earned based on opponents buildings, but buildings make a very small fraction of the total strength of a highly successful war build.
  6. If they have good hit ratios why are the constantly not matching with the tightened hit ratios?
  7. I have a very simple proposal that will fix the match up problem. And don't try to say there is not a problem because gross mis-matches continue to occur and when it happens 5 times in a row and you are on the losing end of it, it is discouraging.

    Forget about trying to match stats. The match up should be based on the clan's record. I propose a system similar to that used in Chess. Clans who war regularly would get a rating based on the strength of the opponents they win and lose against. Lets call the rating "Prestige"....except we all know that the current prestige calculation is seriously flawed. In Chess if you beat a much lower ranked player, your rating does not go up and if you lose to a much better player your rating does not go down. I'm sure the chess ranking algorithm is published somewhere. Match ups should be against clans with similarly rated Prestige. Initially the match ups would be all over the place, but rankings would quickly settle out and soon only comparably matched clans will be matched. This may lead to clans seeing the same set of opponents more frequently, but I'm sure that would be preferable to the huge mismatches that have been the norm of late.

    This system eliminates the GH/SH problem because it takes the stats out of the match up algorithm. Also it is self correcting. If a clan beefs up with a couple of LBs, then their Prestige will rise until they start matching comparable foes.

    I'm sure there are other solutions, but please do not think that the current matchup system is working.

    And support Vixen!
  8. There is a problem with that pops. Players who want to exploit it can easily start new war clans with small alts that lose, then move in with their main accounts for easy victories.
    Successful clans would lose members as their matches got harder. The current situation shows that most do not war for fun, or for clan pride or loyalty, just out of a selfish desire for the best equipment.
  9. Actually I feel that a combined raw stats of 8m for each player should be required for sign up, this will solve all the GH/SOS issue
  10. First off.....I wasn't trying to trash talk Vixen. I think a healthy discussion of ee issues is a good thing. Hence me taking the time to express my opinion. As far as posting with a main....why should I? So that everyone who differs with my opinion can lighten my bfa and ruin season 3 for me? Listen to me or not....your choice...but I've seen way too many people get screwed over forum posts.

    I would say 95% of kaw has a very poor understanding of the game mechanics. The mid size players are all upset because they have a hard time in ee. Most, even if they have put up a few million cs in towers, have still built with the EB mentality. The EB mentality places combined stats above all else. You have to get those cs up so you meet the minimum stats to chase the next piece of eb equipment. So what happens? At about 37 lands when eb warriors unlock the lvl3 castle and lands get expensive...the eb warriors start upgrading everything to level 3. This very quickly makes you a mid-size player and you can get your eb equipment. The smart ee players have found that they can build on 55-60 lands the same strength build as a maxed out 30 something land build.....and that ee build will make way more plunder. The clans that are really good have learned through experience how to win. RH core group has been doing ee since it started. So do the other good clans. So I'll say it again.....take your lumps...learn kaw game smart.....and have fun. And by all means post constructive criticism to help improve the experience. But quit crying and complaining for god's sake.
  11. @Sniper
    You're still invalid, but I will answer you. This 95% of KaW you speak of, that foolishly upgraded (blows my mind).. Forget it. You're still invalid.
  12. sigh... idiocy.... fact out of the average of say every 100 ee warriors warring currently. Id say 45 of them have less then 5m cs raw stats... with current system those 45% with less then 5m cs can scout bomb and some can even atk successfully on 20m+ builds. those same 5m cs pay 1-20m MAX plunder when hit yet when hitting the 6m-20m+ builds they get 35-100m per successful hit on atk's.. lets leave the stealing out of it cause most clans don't use the plunder mechanic anymore... ok so they scout... because the current system being broken as it is... those same 5m cs scouts are as follows...

    equipment currently spy atk can be around oh say 150m depending on equip of course qand maxed... ok 2% comes to 3m stats
    pots... lol 160,340,000 wich gets broken down to 3.206.800 stats
    all this not including bfa wich we all know are quite large on these gh/sh dropping builds to be successful. they can hit 6m spy def quite easily without bfe... rediculas in my eyes...

    that's just the gh issue... and again gh are not whats broken in ee its the matchup system... match like roster builds with like roster builds... force that stacking clan to face another stacking clan... not give them no match because they CANT face each other if properly built...

    ill stop talking been repeated over and over all the issues if I continue ill give myself an aneurism... I am already boycotting ee till fixed season 3 is already decided stacking clans get the rewards all others get a lot of wasted crystals... yada yada there wont be a season 4 due to only stacked clans will even continue... and since they rarely face each other... bam ee ends...

    I support op im with u all the way.
  13. Jernau, you hit the nail on the head. EE Wars were supposed to be about fun but it is just about exploiting the system's weakness to get the best equipment.
  14. I've never said the devs matching system is perfect. I think the hit ratio needs to be reduced. There's no need for a 25m cs to be able to attack a 5m cs and vice versa. A reduction from 5x to say 3x would be more appropriate given the size of builds that t6 has brought about. Bfe/a certainly needs to be weighted for a larger portion in matchups as I mentioned before. There are, however, a lot of crybaby noobs that don't understand their builds and how to play them and build them for ee. You know what I'm talking about. It's the tower hansel that plunders first thing and opens up to attacks and lets their spies get sb'd away. It's that attack build who has 12 sos even though he never does anything but scout. It's the guy who kamikaze's into a tower build wasting his whole attack bar to win 3 out of 7 attacks. There are a ton of little tricks and tweeks that make the difference between a winner and a loser. Experience is the best teacher. If you're a to the guys and gals who aren't.
  15. @kawadmin...I think ur just trolling.
    @voodoo... 1 and then some
    @sniper...I'm betting even ur main is just a dropped build, riding on the backs of mates in a stacked roster clan, scared of a fair system, otherwise worthless account. Happy kawing tho
  16. *1 and then some @ voodoo
  17. Forum fail... 1*
  18. Y won't the dang plus sign work here? *sigh*
  19. @sniper: nice to see you calling all of kaw cry babies, when you hang your loyalty wherever you can get all the EE equip the fastest. LOL