Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Something I have noticed in the minimal wars there is, is that there is no middle ground. You've either got your big ass war clans with their huge rosters with a few LB peppered in them. Or you have your tiny clans drop builds to get a match up they can win.

    And then you have the RH conundrum with 18gh and a LB.

    In the middle where you've got an average ratio of where everyone in the war group can hit each other. A lot of the time I've been in one of those clans we either get match with the leaderboard beasts. Or shafted by the DTS/DTW mechanic.
  2. Support. Vix is clearly hot.
  3. I like the idea being bantered around about wars with tiers of cs :)
    Lets all the lb battle it out , lets the GH/SH battle it out - the rest of us can get down to business 
  4. Sorry "Welcome to the Machine" page 6 missed your reply. Thanks.... As I said our clan owner has had enough with smashing her head against the proverbial. The "ode to season 3" on our clan page just about sums up our feelings regarding s3.
  5. I agree, and more and more clans lately are using the RH roster, which means in order to be in a clan that can compete you need to be build complete or a GH, mids are now obsolete in EE, and since it takes so much time to get build complete, the only option for most is to drop their builds. Also, the GH fix the devs did, did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help. Only difference is now some GH use SOS lvl 1 instead.
  6. Another thread falling upon deaf ears... Maybe next season
  7. Sadly gh and lb clan stackers being fed for so long that they are now geared better then vast majority and mids being screwed... And now nearing mid of week 1 and what I see is 3/4 of sign ups are gh stacking clans.... And there complaining about the 1 clan that's stacking pure spy to beat them hahaha.... Less then 1/2 signups are actually warring and te gh/lb getting no match get free mith.... So fun..... Still nothing said by devs on the 20 or so threads complaining except one wich the dev asked for advice and said we plan on fixing issue" yea not done
  8. There is some great ideas in this post, thanks guys. We'll be looking at this Season very closely and getting ready some changes to test between S3 and S4.
  9. Test changes after season 3? So many suggestions here have been made and repeated since season 2. Are we supposed to give up on good matches for season 3 then
  10. As a mid i say please actually do something, above post gives me hope!
  11. Here we go I have an Idea...Perhaps not original but who knows....introduce middle build only wars.
  12. We've already waited 8 months for you to fix this mess.. Now we have to wait longer? 
  13. Gawd these wars make me laugh! Mind you, the devs provide the broken system, we're the ones using it still, so why change it? They're still making bank. Can't tell you how many 800b GH/SoSH I see out in Kaw today from dropping builds Until we make a change ourselves, nothing will happen- as proven in the past two seasons  Here's to another screwed up season  Enjoy!
  14. Wow what a lot of butthurt on this thread. I still have fun at ee. I win some. I lose some. In the end I get some equipment. So many eb warriors lose 2-3 wars and cry it's not fair. The really good clans have taken their lumps....sacrificed growth and plunder to build a ton of towers....and spent lots of time perfecting their strategy. I see lots of crying from people who don't understand kaw mechanics very well. More stats don't mean more plunder. More lands with att/spy buildings mean more plunder. Why do rh sos hansels plunder so hard? Most have 50 sos or close to it. You think your 30 land build with everything maxed can touch the plunder a 55 land build makes? If you do you don't understand kaw mechanics. I agree that static stats.....bfa/e and towers are what determine the success of many actions in ee since stats are not greatly different when most ee is fought under 50% troop levels. More weighting could be given to static stats to improve matches. Stop crying though. Build your team and take your lumps....have some fun. We all lose sometimes.
  15. i partially agree with u , eb builds without towers do not hv a place in ee , but wat about the towered mids ? , with 2m adt , 2m sdt , still they get whacked by sh/gh who hv high bfa , thats why devs should give more attention to bfa/bfe as u said instead of cs.
    oh well but wait we are wasting our time , kaw_admin already said they wont change anything in s3 :( :( :( :( , so s3 already screwed :| :cry:
  16. I'm very disappointed already in this Season 3 EE wars, 6 no match ups in week 1 and 2 really unfair matchups, this is the biggest joke I've seen....first the devs gives us 10-11 members for war then 20 members for war, so every clan get tons of pratice and then when season starts it's 25 members for war and WE CANT GET A MATCHUP, c'mon give me a break, poor hit ration or we could of matched u with others clans but blah blah blah excuses excuses.........matches us already DEVS
  17. @sniper,
    Believe me when I say that Vix understands EE mechs, OSW, EB, along with KAW mechs very well and brings many good points. Furthermore, anyone that knows KOTFE know we take our losses and fight hard.
    Most what I see on here are ideas and concerns to help EE get better. I for one would enjoy seeing them worked on a little more with hit ratio, or roster size to limit gh to LB.
  18. @sniper
    Please post with an account that shows you actually matter.
    Thank you
    Buh Bye
  19.  True
  20. In between S3 and S4? No!! We've already been stupid enough to let you guys keep stringing us along. If you don't fix something now- I seriously doubt you'll have very many people or builds to work with come a S4. No way are hundreds of people going to continue to waste their time only for a No Match all season long. :evil: