Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Support vix is hot

    But I agree with crazyp

    Tiers or divisions as he said.

    It's a reasonable thing to and not that hard I guess.
    We see in lots of other games and actually helps the game grow.

    Beginners fight beginner, etc, make the rewards better for each tier, in a growing scale.

    That will make people try to evolve their builds and their game knowledge... It's a new goal.

    Yes u always have people using alts but that's perhaps a way to help recruiting new members and share the knowledge.

    Works in lots of games so why not here?

    People can't argue with that or with the bigger prizes in top division

    Just my opinion but I won't ever play and rpg or any sort of game if I started with max level armor weapon etc.

    Make people earn their things fighting the ones they can.

    Is rewarding skill such a bad thing? Becuz let's be honest... Other than picking your roster what else can people be excited about wars?

    Happy kawing
  2. There are two relatively simple solutions that can be implemented quickly and easily and don't require mechanics changes.

    The first is to calculate an internal hit ratio (who can hit who within your clan). If you fall outside the limit sign up is rejected with a message telling you your. IHR, you can then change your roster to meet the requirement. This should have many positive benefits on the quality and number of matches with few down sides. The only variable to rest here is the value for IHR, I would suggest between 90 and 95% would be a good start value providing better matches without being too restrictive on what builds can war together.

    The second solution is for you to war with a roster consisting of just people from your clan or friends who want to war together. If everyone does this matches will improve, wars will be more fun, war novices will get a chance to experience war.

    If you guys are serious about wanting better wars rather than just complaining because you can't build the best roster prove it,just war. Sure some clans will still try and work the extremes and build 'unbeatable' rosters , you can decide how to deal with them. I suspect this will never happen as most people would rather win than enjoy the war.
  3. I dun mine bfe in war cuz it's a capped stat,

    I really think bfa should b included but only if it is capped - 100m per category.

    If devs can't cap it - then throw it out
  4. Btw I think divisions to hard - ppl merc all the time.
  5. SUPPORT. I will not be warring S3 any longer. In addition, the thousands I spend on nobs and xstls are now being only given out based on the lvl of participation and contribution of Devs and imo your left wanting. Thank you and good day!
  6. So came to war at a family clan - lb and midgets leave us 10 plunderable targets out of 25 - im so excited 
    I think its very telling also that last season we used to fill a 29 roster and had to turn people away for war - this season its harder work to fill a roster of 25
    There has to be a simple solution somewhere to this
  7. Support Vix ️️New system really hasn't changed much other than seeing a lot more SH around 
  8. There is a very simple way to resolve this, but the community (my family included) insists on beating a dead horse, all the while shoving money up its ass. 
  9. Lol, sadly machine has hit the nail on the head.
  10. In all these discussions, I wanna give a shout out to Empire Rising. Perhaps the one clan that never gave in and played the exploit game. They were always a top 5 war clan, simply because they had the best players.

    Now look at their match up for week 1 war 6. Laughable. Zaft has how many LB players? How is it even feasible to win a war like that. I personally wouldn't even know how to command a war that lopsided. Devs should be ashamed.

    I dont wanna stray off topic, but they need to be recognized.
    Respect to ER for not playing the exploit game.
  11. Def respect empire rising

    Devs  on us all the time - they think givin us 6-14 mith after a bad match will satisfy us and quiet us.

    We already see major clans such as kotfe and empire rising and even lb players pissed at the incompetence and the insincere nature of the devs. I would wager that those clans from s2 are not happy either that participated in s2 boycott.

    Fixing EEwars is not rocket science and they have had plenty of time to adjust wars. It's is obvious to all that the devs have no intention of truly reforming EEwars.

    This thread has been around and I feel that devs have not taken it seriously and any response from them without action should be regarded as a false move on their part to quiet us. At this point, I cannot trust anything from the devs regarding reforming wars til I actually see them do it.
  12. I just saw devs comment on rh no match - how the freak are there any clans close to their stats.

    Further proof the devs r either incompetent or blatantly biased.

    I know the devs are good at one thing at least. #1 at being stupid
  13. Looking at war scoreboard for war 4.

    - I would say 8 out 21 appear to be good matches ~38% of wars good match
    - I would also say 12 out of 21 appear b really bad matches ~ 57% of wars terribly matched
    - that leaves 1 out of 21 wars weren't matched great but what can you do ~5% wars weren't a good but weren't outright bad either.
  14. Ops meant war 6 not 4
  15. Totally support vixen. Clan I was in for war 6 I was ranked 7. I have a 123 mill BFE attack bonus and 20 mill BFA attack bonus, plus all pro packs, and the 4 resets bonus from back in the day. I was failing half my attacks on other clans #23. System is deffo broken big time.
    Seems every clan I war with we end up fighting a clan that can work the system with a huge top and small bottom. EE wars just isn't fun anymore.
  16. Oh well , i read most of the ideas that players are giving u devs but u dont even bother to reply.
    pretty sad to know how less u respect ur customers :(

    Apart from that , i hv thought out of an idea that may work out to be good in the matchmaking system since u also know it sucks atm :eek:

    i think u should concentrate more on bfa/bfe , cs can be fine if difference upto 40mil , i hv seen fair matches like that . but if oppossition has overwelhming bfa/bfe , match up sucks coz bfa/bfe is static unlike cs . Thats wat happens when we match clan like RH , cs wise they are lower most of the time , much lower ,but they hv much more bfa and bfe advantage in wars , cs is important , but bfe/bfa is relatively more important ;)

    Changes are tough to implement , but wats ur job devs ? sit around doing nothing about so many accusations that ur customers gave u ?, wats the wait for ? , why dont u give reply ? i know u are reading this , but ignoring wont help it .

    u hv got to change the algorithm or more and more players will leave ee , and u will ruin wat used to be a good part of the game . :evil: :evil:
  17. So many people distressed, and I totally feel the pain. Let's look at this from a standpoint of a grocery store and a shopper.

    First, I want to buy milk. Most stores offer 1-3 brands of dairy and the only difference is the expiration date. But if I buy milk and and the milk is sour when I get home, I can take my milk back and get a refund.

    How many people want to ask for a refund based on a broken product? I'll bet it's more than the devs at ata would like to know. I'll gladly take one, but they'll likely fold before that would happen. So let's look at this objectively, shall we?

    So many people love this game as I do and are willing to fight to preserve it. At this time, the bulk of you consumer base is totally left in the cold without a build change. And most of them are offering solutions to bring EE back to what it was in season 1 and prior to that. So why the displacement of the bulk of us?
    Worldwide, more people are actively dropping stats to become GH/SH to adjust to the EE war system while others just stop trying. The rest(LB) keep playing their game and dumping their cash in as they always have. Problems with that arise and I'll start with LB.

    They only comprise .5% of your consumer base. However, they keep the lights on at ata. The mids, who would spend money with any type of attainable goal, have no goal, so why spend the cash? And GH/SH become complacent and need no longer to spend cash on seals or xtals(more than for war) as they've lost the need to grow.

    So, in essence, you have cut your own throats by making 80% of your consumer base useless for EE wars. so why spend the cash? Becoming LB or dropping to GH/SH are the only VIABLE options to the average player. And most don't want to go backwards. I don't want to do that again. I have made the sacrifice once and would rather not again.

    Machines, mad respect for your stance on this. I fully support you. But I still have hope that ata isn't just trying to cash out what little it has left before it dies.

    Recap: ata devs need to start listening to the loyal consumer base that puts the extra cash in your pockets. Cater to the middle class instead of only those who spend thousands. There are more of us, by far, who can make this a more lucrative app for you, if you would just look at the big picture. I'm no finance major, but the simple math behind it combined with recent decline in ata sales and kaw reviews tells me that you need to do a bit more to get things rolling again. Listen to your community and fix what will be an inevitable demise for your once glorious bottom line.
  18. Support , lop sided matches are a pain in the bum and I've yet to get a match this season (even if it is only a few days into it). Needs a split war system to separate the GH/SOSH or reworking so a mix of builds can take part. Small rosters helped a lot, at least there were more clans taking part and the GH could be spread around more ...


    DEVS- please stop asking me to rate your game, fix the bloody war system/match ups so I'm not wasting my precious crystals just to get pounded and THEN I will rate your game...

    You've allowed this to go on FAR FAR too long ya greedy bunch :/

  19. Oh and I like the idea of a BFA cap , I did suggest long ago that bfa effect be nullified for wars (stats vs stats, you will always stand a fair chance, even bfe wouldn't throw it far out) but it wasn't popular lol. If the algorithm can isolate bfa for match up purposes then surely it can wipe it out for a couple of hours eh...