Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. The war rosters we have to put together do not reflect the majority of the player base. We're being forced to war in one way and one way only , and it's not enjoyable

    Even when we win , it's really because we had the biggest lb or our top was more stacked than the other side. The wins feel cheap 80% of the time. Idk how these clans war with 60-70% gh/sosh and not feel guilty about it. My bigs can't hit your bigs so you win.... Wow great job , wall post "much respect Great War" my ass.

    Now sure you get a good war here and there . And they're great. Worth putting together the roster stat spreadsheet and all the opening strategy into. Those wars are what make me want to play this game. But for the other 80% of matchups: matchup is made, you pull up matched roster and you either say "we got this" or "we're ******". And what's fun about that?
  2. support
    Also Lady_Liz made a very good point on page 1, about removing the use of SAT pots while scouting
  3. Lady_Liz love your suggestions about scouts ... Absolutely correct in what you are saying :)
  4. So many failed matches lately :(

    Idea's, much like the banner thingy, need to be put on the back burner until the war system is working effectively.

    Or at least some of levels should be given occasionally.
  5. Support

    Just because we are able to hit a LB doesn't mean we will succeed. Are successful actions put into play with hit ratio? Or is it simply I can reach them so they had the hit ratio to be matched?
  6. Part of the problem is also the limited pool of players doing or looking for ee. Wars need more participants to get better matches. Perhaps some no xstal wars would boost participation.
  7. Full support for Vix. I've warred many wars since EE started and I can honestly say I'm not really Gonna bother with season 3 because it's a waste of my time and money when the same old same old roster issues and bad match ups just hasn't changed.

    Fix the plunder issue, fix the match ups, give all of KaW a reason to build and fight to the best of their abilities, encourage us to keep our builds string and varied not just LB and GH/SH before you kill this game for those who truly love and enjoy a fair fight.

    Great work yet again Vix
  8. I've said it in the past.
    The only way to make matches fair and competitive is to cap bfa for EEwars only - 100m cap per category. Devs do not weigh bfa as they ought - the stat they give u is static and thus key in war.

    Personally, it makes sense, but the only reason I see that they have not implemented is that they are biased toward lb players. Are devs allowed to b biased - it's their game so I say yes.

    But if ur gonna b biased, admit it...please dun lie to us and say this garbage about fair matches and hit ratio.

    Whatever I'll say what no one else has said. Devs r biased and they could care less about non lb players and they dun care about fair matches cuz they gettin real money so we can play w fake gold. If they actually cared they would have implemented the great things I read about in forums regarding changes for EEwars from s2 boycott...did they? No, they stated in forums - we ain't changing squat.

    I'm just saying it as it see it.
  9. @Sinan
    The pool is shrinking, because 90% of builds can't compete in the current arena without facing a god awful stacked roster. Why waste real money on a match that is predetermined before the match starts? Let's see, if I lose I get a whopping 6-8 mith return and get to replace my pots. People are being foolish by continuing to compete in this flawed arena. So far there has only been one thing that the developers hear and it's not our voices, it's our wallets slamming closed.
  10. Welcome has hit the nail directly on the head. I will not even bother with season 3. Why should I??
    Props to all the Machines posts on this thread! Y'all know fight mechanics very well, and have made a lot of valid points here! Cheers๎€‘
  11. Good post Spil in an excellent thread. Let's hope the Devs take notice of what is clearly a broken war system. Probably won't but heres hoping that they do. Love to war with my clannies but at the moment the might of the few is killing the fun of the many.
  12. If the machines are out of s3, that tells u how jacked up the system is - cuz the machines love to war.
  13. Wonder - ur more optimistic than me.

    I warred in s2 and I dun see any kind of changes that make me think devs give a crap. They dun. The only way that could cause them to care is if every clan sat out of s3.

    All devs care about is $$$. As long as we spending $$ on xstals to use in wars - why should they care.
  14. Support ๎„๎€๎„
  15. Support this whole damn thread. Nothing more too say. I have nothing intelligent to say about these last two seasons. I'm tired of repeating myself. This is really sad my whole clan can't war. I'm very upset about it.
  16. It's sad but and messed up - devs dun care! All they care about is caterin to the needs of a few.
  17. Yeah your right Tiger false optimism I'll admit it but gotta live n hope. As Prince says our clan is struggling to war, ppl totally disheartened. Our clan owner who is a wonderful lady puts her whole heart into this game, her clan and her friends who play it, is at her wits end trying to beat a broken system. People who know us at Rawwrrr know who I mean. Devs fix this soon or your apparent greed and blind ignorance will inevitably kill the golden goose.
  18. I have got to say that I love the "ode to season 3" on your clan page! I also agree that The_Vixen is pretty dedicated, or she was when she helped my old clan out back in the day. It makes absolutely no sense for solid builds with knowledgeable players to be getting the shaft like this.
  19. I support this 200% but the problem is everyone coming out with some amazing ideas now the question is will the devs actually listen?
  20. Farm all the gh/sos exploiting war rosters until they reset or upgrade. Good thread Vix. Hope somebody listens.