Season 3 - Match Up Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. The devs haven't got a clue they don't listen to there customer base do u really think they care? They are still creaming in the $$$ people still buy crystals for EE and EB if they making money they don't care the only way they would fix it is if everyone just stopped playing the game or stopped buying crystals and nob. That's not ever going to happen so they will never fix it.
    We just got matched with RH, they had 18 GH you have no chance! You attack make 950k from them they attack me and get 50 mil it's impossible to win.
    I won't be doing any more wars this season the chaos wars were good fun got better match ups and the wars were close. But once again they jump from 11 man rosters to 25 so all your hard work sorting rosters and teaching people was a waste of time.
    It proves they don't care Kaw_admin or community have not been in any of the threads on this subject they bury their heads in the sand then after the season say we will fix it change things for the off season then change it back to the same as the season before! It's pointless complaining about it as nothing will happen!
    Dimma out ️
  2. So many complaints and mo word on any fix
     way to go devs
  3. Kaw Admin already did comment... Page 11. They're going to watch this season closely and try some changes between Season 3 and Season 4. That tells me they've given up on the current season.

    And you know what, Kaw Admin? So have I. 
  4. Oh, since your "Please Rate KaW" pop up came up yet again, I took your advice and did just that. Enjoy your 1-star review. Not that it'll make it to the list of reviews I'm sure. 
  5. Be realistic, in real war, bigger tankers have more advantage than a war buggy.

    If big attackers cannot get plunder from gh/sh, allow them to hit gh/sh and factor a higher reduction of gh troops (troops lost x (attack size/gh size)).

    Please bring back schedule from chaos war. S3 schedule is ridiculous.
  6. System is broken. They don't intend to fix it.
  7. War times are rubbish too , ive done enough seasons too know they are all slightly wrong just need adjusting slightly an hour here and there
  8. Head to the App Store leave a nice review for them
  9. Devs should increase gh/sh base pay out- inside EE to match a mid attack build (50-70m). If they out paid more to hit the advantage of having them would be gone. The incentive to build and grow would come back
  10. I cant even get a match up with SH/LB 
  11. What match-ups 
  12. Lol the incentive to grow has been abandoned entirely due to S3. Why grow your kingdom if you obtain much better success rates as a small timeless exploited build. EE wars are fooked and are no longer enjoyable events only time wasting fixed
  13. Up matches that leave you angry and robbed. 5 Star rating? id have to be bribed lol you dont even deserve 1* (Y)
  14. lol silly good EE warriors!!! S3 is for SOS1/TANK clans
  15. Fully support. I am a sh and I would rather war as a mid or hansel then get no match after no match. But this does not mean RH, PA, or SOTRA and all the other clans like them will change their roster. Promote growth eliminate the need for small builds in war unless they are a small clan with no bigs.
  16. Yawn. How about the inevitable conclusion that kaws war system sucks. It's boring, it excludes 80% of builds and sizes. It's repetitive, it's excludes people in certain time zones or people that can't be glued to their phone for hours. It needs to be more random, people want to war at their convenience, not have to show up at a certain time. War on kaw needs to be something you can opt into at anytime and dosnt exclude anyone. I don't have the answers but the current pvp system is the worst I've experienced on any game
  17. No use complaining guys. Those stubborn self centered motherfuckers don't give a damn. As with politics, big business, it's all about the money. Until we (players) as a whole do something like boycott, nothing will change. Or at least the way we the players want it. Hit em where it hurts, in he bottom line.
    Until then, as I've said numerous times, they can hang from my bean bag.
  18. SUPPORT!!! I also am a sh. This is the 3rd time I have downgraded my build. Over a trill gold lost rebuilding totsl overall so i could war S2 & S3. Otherwise I would uave been a hansel and with these rosters atm a jansel gets ate up.
  19. Well according to another thread it's lowparticipationlololololololol