Season 3 Equipment Now Available at the Alchemist

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Horrible. Season winnings should be exclusive. Huge slap in the face to those that warred and earned this. Well done Devs.
  2. You guys are all complaint about how you warred so hard by tapping buttons fail to realize that I order to buy this equipment the person who can afford it must also have to tap those buttons real hard. If you already have them why complain? It's not like better ones will come out anyways... Oh wait
  3. In my opinion, this was needed.

    Clans won't let me war with them for 2 reasons...My build...My equip. This will at least bring me in closer.

    Thank you devs.
  4. In order to the costly mith devs must increase every mith cast rate and increase the mith buying cap and more spells must be implemented or this isn't gonna work
  5. Devs,
    stop to release new season equipments. why not just reward us more miths then let us can enchant those S3 eq to level 15 , 20 or more...
    no one gonna spend 12K miths to buy those S3 eq with a slighly better than S2, EB equips.
    but they will sepnd 20k or more to buy them when they are 50%+ better than S2, EB equips.

    thats why ppls spend so much real $$ on HTE as they can get much better bfa.
    If devs set a max bfa for ppls, guess most b2b HTE clan will just disappear.

    Come on, Devs, warriors need much better equipments for EE wars, not just slighly better!!!!!
  6. release slighly better EE eq every season will just let most of warriors skip some season wars.

    only keep same EE equips reward with higher level upgrade will keep ppls warring to chase big miths
    to enchant their equips.
  7. so expensive lol
  8. Woohoo! Kaw_comm trolling!!! Lololol

  9. Are you kidding?? I need 7000 miths to just buy all of them. Plus more to upgrade them. if i get 50 from each war then also ive to do 140 wars to just buy them. more to max them.
    You said players worked hard to get this eqs from s3. I say many became sh to t get those
  10. Many became sh to get those eqs easily. Moreover i dont think any player have did 140-150 wars to get that.
    No support unless you reduce price.
    I btr do s4 & events to get them.
  11. Not to mention you won't win all those 140 wars.

    And also hansels make half the mith you get lol. So 280 wars needed for a Hansel most likely, and you need to win all 280.
  12. Please open up mith sales for people that don't want to ee.
  13. Wow, so many inconsistent changes to the game as of late, , where did this one come from??? Ernie from the temp agency?? At least when I bust out Yhatzee I know that a Full-house will be a Full-house today or next week, lol. We should probably expect more buildings and lands in the near future . Lol so wishy washy. I feel like the first born child of a new mom who doesn't know how to mother. Don't worry after the 10th kid she'll get it right..........
  14. Yeah Sidewinder is correct. Need to WIN 280 matches & for that ive to do 400-500 wars. Really you want us to do that?? This is total waste. Atleast do a simple math before you launch something. I was really glad when i saw this thread first but after seeing price i loooooool.
  15. If you dont want to decrease price then just give us 500 miths for a win :-D
  16. U didn't win it durning the season ... It should be harder to get .. The idea isn't for u to get a full set when u didn't win it in a season .. It's to allow u to work hard and obtain a few missing pieces or pieces u need to help

    By the time u save up enough to buy 2-5 pieces new better stuff will be out and ull have to buy that ... It's just a way that allows for players to get good Bfe if they work for it long enough not make winning seasons less important

    If u win in season u get a bunch for free and right away can ug it .. Again by the time the people who didn't win it save up for it ur already getting the next pieces ..

    It's fair to both sides while allowing for parody in the game and allowing newer players or those not lucky enough to win in a set 2 month period the chance to work really hard for a long time to achieve a goal .. That's a win win for all means more people doing more wars allowing for better matching
  17. Oh and LoL, why do I even need equipment?? Cannot even use it during Primal Wars LOL................... FAIL
  18. I think devs should strip all Season 3 equipment, season 3 was a joke. Devs refused to deal with the exploits and pushed many players out of EE. Much better fix in my opinion.

    And devs should review all the no match mith expoiloits and strip them of I'll gotten mith as wellexploits,