I feel (and I hope Im not the only one) that OP deserves something for this. That he has helped better kaw greatly, and has spent much of his time in this without asking for anything in return. Atleast he should get the VK badge. He has by far done his part for the community
The damacles list has been a great source of entertainment for me this season, and no doubt a helpful tool for those that bothered to use it. Great work pandageorge
As far i as recall. Yonko's excuse was so awesome the clan required prood. And he sent them pictures of the stab. The thing was. They hadnt seen him before so they didnt know if it was him or not. Now that i recall there was also one player saying she was war prepping and her cat got under the car. And she spent the war trying to get him out. That one was memorable Also they were two players that reset at matchup. One we logged and the other one was @ owwn on last day. For my part. My favorite one was maxpayne's pic. Making gifs out of clips and memeing pictures really was my fun time
Just a heads up. Your first gif with the dog had a bypass of an underage naked girl running down the street just so you know.
Great Thread!!! Zaft lost a member(her) and I lost a girlfriend from S2. That's an excellent forum and killer effort on yur part to keep all separate and low key. Know a little of what ya must have gone through! Much appreciated thread PandaGeorge! Hope your able to do it again for S4