Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. Thanks devs - just wanted to point out the wartimes for Europen are much much worse than in season 1. There are zero weekday wars available if you work or go to school. 7 wars start after midnight.

    And being a guild hansel myself, I think I do need fixing. It's weird that I can put up few HF towers and then I am more effective in EE wars than someone who played this game 3 years longer than me. That can't be how things are meant to be
  2. I noticed kaw_admin mentioned "guild hansel exploit", what is this exactly? It's just another build.
  3. I presume the argument against the lb/gh algorithm exploit means as a 'middle person' I should immediately grow to lb or drop my build in order to have fun.

    Or is an entire section of kaw -'services no longer required'? People talk of gh and how hard they worked - what about everyone else?
  4. Should read: argument against lb/gh exploit NOT EXISTING
  5. Kaw Admin,

    I feel that increasing participation is the key as it won't matter how bad your matching system is, if you have enough clans warring you'll be able to match them better with just the top and bottom suffering. If you make it more profitable to war than eb then you'll get a hell of a lot more sign ups.

    But for the top and bottom clans please address the match ups. Is there anyway we can go back to season 1 and add the following:

    Combine BFE into BFA total stats and make this have a 10% (finger in the air percentage) higher weighting than total stats.

    Get rid of DTS/DTW but keep an adjusted hit ratio: Have it so that it works out on a 50% success rate ratio rather than the possibility to hit ratio. If you reduce the % required to say 50% rather than the higher percentage you require, this effectively shows, 50% of the clan can successfully attack or ass etc. against 50% of their clan. These are just fingers in the air numbers but with some testing it could be achieved.

    Get rid of random ko wars, the advantage KO wars are bad enough but the finger pain you get through these wars are just horrible. Get rid of 1 hour wars...these wars are purely about strength, very rarely will any strategy win a war like this, a bad stategy might lose it but there's no war for those experienced war clans to overcome a disadvantaged match up.

    Leave the GH mechanic in wars..seriously people need to stop complaining about this. If you're annoyed that GH's affect match ups then if the hit ratios are done correctly then their stacked line ups get no matches..simple. If you're annoyed because a GH can plunder you as a hansel etc. then it's pretty simple also, get some ADT's and tower up, get 1-2mil of ADT and then they'll be failing all the way to being ko'd. The GH is a great build for newer players to get into the game, they can be a valuable war member. They also will earn a more mith to try and catch up on the equipment so they won't be so far behind the 8 ball on bfe when they do look to start growing.

    Lastly, please run all these changes through a focus group to make sure they work. Get the regular EE war clan owners together, enough of them have posted this thread and they're all pretty well respected through KAW and will be able to give you feedback on how changes will be received and how they will work or not. (Maybe include some clan owners of other clans who don't EE war and find out what it would take to get them to war).

  6. I don't usually write on forums but since EE wars are what make me keep playing this game I'll add my opinion.

    After a couple weeks of mismatches between season 1 and season 2 we at World War Z dropped our roster size drastically to get better matches. Now it works most of the time even tho we're the smaller clan in almost all wars we do. But the size difference isn't as big as it was before. Before season 2 started we used to war at around 300-350m cs with average bfe and bfa. Our opponents usually were around 400-500m cs with much higher bfa and average bfe. Now that we are warring at 200-250m cs our matches aren't that much bigger anymore - we usually match with clans around 250-300m cs, something you're able to beat with strategy. I do understand that the ranges at stronger clans are broader and that LB is a big problem. (We don't have that problem anymore. One LB max on the other side - just ignore and you can still win) but being matched with someone who has 2 or more LB than your own clan gets near to impossible to beat. The fact that the hit ratio may show they can be hit doesn't change that you can't hit them successfully. And that's what matters. Failed actions don't win a war. I agree on tighten the strength differences as many other do.

    A second thing already mentioned a lot is that BFE is factored into match making too much. There's a point where you can't get more bfe unlike BFA what's almost infinite. Don't make us get an disadvantage in wars only cause we warred a lot in season 1 and earned our mith equipment! It's easy to get just slightly weaker stats with eb equipment. BFA is different tho. At top LB level it's unbeatable. And there's no maximum BFA you can get. You're able to grow and grow your BFA to a point it is impossible to anyone else to beat you. And looking at the stats of wars with ZAFT on one side those top LB player are able to get over hundred of successful hits in - doesn't look like many on the other side were dtw to them. But I bet not many are able to hit them successfully. Means they can sit whole war with full troops and just skim On opponents. Differences in strength at the top are more important than at the bottom of roster!

    And closer match ups are more important in 1 hour wars since there's not much time to get back plunder cause of strategy.

    Something else I want to address - not as important as the other things - prestige ranking is kinda unfair. We are 6-3 this weeks and have less prestige than clans that didn't war.

    Although there are some problems in the system we as clan will continue to war. We all love EE wars and rather risk a bad match we already know the out come before the war even started than completely giving up on the fun. Otherwise we wouldn't spend hours of prepping and planning on this game. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate in these wars and thank you for finally getting in touch with the community.

  7. Devs you give epics clans new 3x Hautings and seals. What about support EE clans too???? Add to war random Seals drops or double hit plunder when ppl hit enemies ......
  8. Yea, how about that disadvantage that Rising hawks has. Oh yea, the GH loophole that you promised to fix over a year ago and still have not. LIARS. You always lie because it benefits your pocket book. All those mini GH spend xstal $ and you like. Hence you do do nothing to change the loophole that allows GH to **** ppl in KAW and not get hit themselves. Lame on you. In real life, if you send a weakass to war, he is sure to die in first 5 min. In KAW (a war game) he becomes a king as no one can hit. LAME ASS KAW
  9. Support to WSP great idea , hope devs will make it better
  10. @ luckstar lmao support
  11. What luckstar said. +1
    Btw, thay graph is both silly and dangerous.
    Silly becouse you cant measure the quality of matchups looking at the plunder difference.You'r going nowhere with that.
    Dangerous becouse now(if they dont have done that before) the clans that exploit the system would be sufficient to "adjust" ttheir plunder near the end of the war with the plunder of the victim clan. And so you'll keep having a beatiful graph out of reality.
  12. Val hit the nail on the head on page 2. Nuff said. I'm sure it will be ignored if we go on past performance.
  13. As much as amount of plunder difference is related to wars it can not be the measure of match up difference as strategy alone can make a weaker clan close that plunder gap point is the weaker clan will still lose no matter how close the gap is. please review what really matters in war i think thats the key to better match ups, a much stronger opponent can win a war without strategy while a much weaker clan can lose against huge opponents even with great strategy, and of course thinking of strategies takes half of ee fun
  14. KaW Admin: on page 15, skippydoo expressed some confusion on your page one chart. In weeks past, when you have put out war data, many people in the public have stated that they have difficulty understanding your charts. Although we deeply appreciate the data, it would be fantastic if it was presented to us in a slightly different manner.

    Our Valiant Knight, UnicornPoopCookie has dedicated hours and hours of his time collecting and posting war data in a way that is more user friendly to the public. Please review these links, and note not only the data that is presented, but the community reaction to it. Could you possibly present the data in this format? Or one similar to it, as the public seems to enjoy and understand it more? Presenting the data in the manner that UnicornPoopCookie does would go a long way in helping to alleviate confusion, and the easy to understand format would offer a new level of transparency that the gaming population would enjoy and use. As you can see, these threads spawn great discussion, and as we have seen, an i formed public is a happy public. Anyhow, Here are his links.

    Catechism war: week 12

    catechism war: week 13

    .Catechism Week 14 War 3 - Anatomy of 18 Wars

    Rancor wars: week zero, wars 1 and 2

    Rancor wars week zero: wars 3 and 4

    Rancor wars, week zero: wars 5 and 5
  15. I don't system war much so my post may seem as irrelevant but why is it that admins have a higher leverage. Just because your not an admin doesn't mean your input should count any less. Especially if you war often.
  16. Great idea mentioned on a prior page...

    One solution to some of the issues we have is getting more people to participate in EE wars. If we had 100 clans or maybe 200 clans then there would be a lot more clans to allow closer matchups. A great way to get more people warring would be to incentivize players a little more for EE war participation.

    A couple ideas that would work really well:
    1) Add a Seal of the Damned drop at the end of wars (for both winners and losers) - this was a great idea to whoever posted it first, sorry it's early and I'm too lazy to re-read the posts...
    2) Have 2x Gold or 3x Gold Wars where you earn double or triple plunder. If everyone is making double or triple then it wouldn't affect the match, it would just multiply the score and earnings. This would also help offset the cost of doing wars, and if EB players can get lots of 2x and 3x bonuses, why not do similar for EE players?
    3) Allow mithril to be sold for gold. Mithril is the primary incentive for warring, and a very good incentive. But we're now at a point where anyone who has participated in a lot in wars already has all of the red paladin equipment and likely vanished paladin equipment too. And with BFE factored too much into matchups none of us can even use the paladin equipment, so warring for mith has lost a lot of the benefit.
    3a) We could even combine #1 and #3 above - what about allowing the Seal of The Damned to be bought for mithril? i.e. 40 mithril for a seal?
    4) Random equipment drops like EBs, but from wars you could give a couple pieces of equipment that give a 2% plunder increase (plunder in non-EE war only, wouldn't want a plunder increase to skew war matchups)?

    I'm sure that there's many other ways that players could be incentivized more for warring, these are just a few that I've heard or thought of that would make EE Wars even more exciting.

  17. If you really want more clans to war, here is a real easy solution: Fix the match ups!!!
  18. Probably not the right thread to ask but hey I'm curious!
    @eric_northman on pg 1 you stated that devs had done a good job, after your clans last war I was wondering if you still thought that?
  19. As confusing as Princes post was on page 11, he made a few points in there.
    Allow clan owner to see his/her clans CURRENT WAR COMBINED STATS.
    Have transparency in War Divisions stat minimum and maximum.
    Then you can max out your stats and fight in the division of your choice, and if someone nails and is replaced by someone that puts you in bad position, it tough beans.
    Your almost there, good luck KaW
    You can Doit!
  20. I really don't care that much about the poor matchups, the main issue for me is the war timings. I could do more wars in the CATECHISM (6 a week) wars than I can now there's 10!!
    This is poor form devs please fix this.
    I'm uk tz btw
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