Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. Would like you to address the gold you stole from me also...thank you
  2. Both ur 1hour wars favour only 1 timezone. Change timing of any one of them to sgt /ist evening time. Don't be partial devs. Cant wake up at 3:30am for war
  3. Before the exploit of the algorithm (lb 10,000 guild hansels), before the rancor wars, before any of this none sense you know the one single thing that made ee fun?

    Anyone could knock anyone out.

    There is so much more that could be said, but that's the important one.

    Best of luck, kaw admin

    (Use bfa and eq on osw's ----) that's the reward
  4. Chopper07

    This is supposed to be a constructive forum regarding EE if you have a personal issue contact support.

    Aside from that no body cares and keep this constructive.
  5. #1 - Can you please add a legend for the table you posted or change this to a bar graph?
    Because the Y axis is very confusing.
    Is the Y axis the # of wars that had a certain % over the total wars?
    Is it the % of the plunder difference in the wars?
    Is it some sort of average of the above?
    Is it something else?

    A simple graph showing the following would be nice:
    Y axis - Avg % of plunder difference grouped by % of strength difference.
    X axis - War #
    Note: You could break the strength difference into 4 categories:
    Category 1> within 5% strength difference
    Category 2> 5 to 10% strength difference
    Category 3> 10-25% strength difference
    Category 4> Over 25% strength difference

    This way you can compare the % of plunder difference between clan strengths that are similar. As the current matching system is not matching based on % of victory but % of ability to hit.

    A sample legend for this table:
    X Axis - War #s
    Y Axis - Avg % of plunder difference
    Green Color - within 5% of strength difference
    Blue Color - 5-10% of strength difference
    Orange Color - 10-25% of strength difference
    Brown Color - Over 25% of strength difference

    Note: I think that you will find the table I recommend a more revealing representation of what is actually happening in the game.

    Also, I agree with everything in your last post with the exception of the crazy idea.

    In the end, Please just make it a fair fight so we can go back to enjoying the game we love to play!

  6. Thank you kaw_admin.

    Please do not dream us away overnight. I appreciate you taking our comments to heart, publicly, as opposed to silently as you have in the past.
  7. @ kaw_admin

    Yes, that seems to sum everything up nicely. Thank you for trying and listening to our suggestions. 
  8. Devs, before you do something like ruin the plunder guilds give, and ruin the strategy of hundreds of great GHs, just simply make GHs pay the same as a mid sized build when hit. This way everyone is happy. We still keep our guilds and nice plunder, but it's no longer considered an "exploit" to others. However, if you completely nerf guilds and give them the plunder of stables or something, you're gonna have alot of players quit ee wars. (All the ghs that war)
  9. I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
  10. Yep! That will work! Ty for summarizing the main concerns to show you listened.
  11. ha

    @kaw_admin all you have to do with gh is make them make less per hit on a player not an eb. If this is hard to do then keep it the way it is. Being a guild hansel is NOT an "exploit" per say as much as being a cheaper strategic tactic.
  12. @Kaw admin: Please list us the change you plan to change/address and what the time table is for those changes. Personally I rather wait until the changes are instituted before I EE again, not sure about others. I'm thankful you have taken the first step in addressing the issue... But tbh you have to understand some of the skepticism because we have been promised things before "soon." if you could be transparent about what changes will be made and a set deadline as to when it will be instituted, I think many can sleep well.
  13. I have to agree with Wsp, the fact that you have given no explanation as to how it was possible for FAITH to be matched with Zodiac today, only has left the community with apprehension about warring again. This match was the perfect opportunity for you to do so since it was such a blatant mismatch. We have 0 confidence in your system as all those factors you claim to take into account for a match are not evident whatsoever in the match my clan received today. All of the "issues" on your list have been around for months and have not been fixed despite promises and assurances that they were or would be. I do not want to send my clan into another no win situation before I receive answers and see actual fixes this time. Your word has 0 credibility at this point and it's our time, money and opportunity for fun we waste by continuing to participate in your mechanically flawed system.
  14. You want Guild Hansel to be somewhat more of a challenge for the teams utilizing 10+ a war well here you go. Make guild hansels worth a lot more per attack. Say a guild hansel has all Highlands bought make them pay the same as a HLBC Hansel would. GH are still very useful in wars but people won't stack 10+ a war cause all the hybrids and hansels will make bank off them lets just say 50mil Top hit. Also dont consider there CS with matchups not sure if you do or not but really can stack teams by mixing TOP with the lowest. Just my two cents Good luck Kaw_Admin.
  15. Can't say anything until I meet with my team tomorrow morning. But we'll do our best to be as transparent as we can.
  16. The highlighted suggestion there is a worrying one. Some people would prefer to war even if mismatched than to sit out, so there needs to be a careful balance of exactly when to cut-off and give a mismatch. For many players a one-sided victory and a one-sided defeat are preferable to not getting a match twice - it results in a net gain of mith and rancor, and it also provides some (limited) enjoyment of warring.
    With war times limited, if I can only make 2 wars in a week I'd rather two mismatches than two no matches.

  17. @LP - that is exactly the reason so many clans boycotted , so it would be obvious that the Devs would match a highly overpowered zaft to a much weaker clan. The system is flawed and geared to cater to zaft. In a fair system Zodiac would have received a no match. You anger is justifiable, the question remains ... How long will kaw play mith farm to zaft? Zaft has already said they have every intention of warring fully stacked all season , because the Devs let them and if they don't another clan will. Last few weeks it was Night Watch stacking 17 merc lb into EE wars. With a no limit power roster clans will continue to game the system.
    Season 1 no match needs to be instituted immediately, with added tightened bfa/bfe hit ratio. Why the Devs refuse to return to a system that worked is mind-boggling. 
  18. kaw_admin- I am posting on behalf of La Resistance, where I am an admin and war leader.

    First off, I applaud you for having this thread as an open dialogue with the players. As I mentioned a few wars ago, one of the major problems we've had as players is a lack of response, good or bad, from you and/or the devs. Getting any feedback is HUGELY helpful for us. All of us are very passionate about EE Wars/Trials, so we want the experience to be as balanced and fair (and fun!) for everyone.

    The list of concerns you posted about a page ago is a great list. I think that all of these are already covered in what you're looking in to, but in case there's anything additional, here is the list of items for our clan:

    1- No Match is better than a mismatch. It looks like you've already heard this loud and clear.

    2- Too many LB players (very high BFA) can't be overcome. From wars I have been in, if a clan has two or more leaderboard players than the opponent, then it's almost impossible to overcome (0LB vs 2LB, 3LB vs 1LB, or 5LB vs 3LB, 12LB vs 5LB, etc.)

    3- Hit Ratio itself is a good idea, but it hasn't worked well as implemented. Hit Ratio should calculate on ability to successfully hit, not just ability to attack. Not sure if game mechanics can be adjusted much to tighten the hit ratio, especially between LB and smaller (6M CS and below) accounts. If DTW/DTS mechanics can't be changed easily (I would expect that they can't be) then when calculating hit ratio for matchups, maybe the "ability to hit successfully" could be a factor and just result in a no-match if not enough players could successfully hit enough opponents.

    3a- Can you tell us what an acceptable hit ratio is and what isn't? We had a war recently where we had a 70% hit ratio and another at about 74.5%, with one where 3 of our players couldn't attack anyone on the opponent side. 70% seemed like it should have been a no-match.

    4- Combined Stats matching should be in a tighter range. In week 1 war 5, we were outmatched 470M CS to 320M CS. Simply, a 150M combined stats gap is just too much. We'd like to see no difference greater than 50M CS, but also understand that there are other factors that are involved.

    5- BFE should be counted in matchups, but it seems to be counted too much. We all warred and spent a lot of time and money to earn Vanished Paladin equip, and now we can't use it in war because it causes us to get mismatches.

    6- Similarly, BFA should be counted in matchups, players have earned that BFA through time and money and should be stronger than others. However, if there are too many players with too much BFA then it should result in a mismatch for them. We all want to war, so if clans that stack LB are getting no matches then they will adjust so they can war. For the most part, any of the clans and players warring are willing to adjust builds and rosters in order to get fair matchups.

    7- Prestige is not calculating right - We were 4-3 in wars week 1 and have 995 prestige. It's disheartening that a clan with a winning record has less prestige than clans who don't war (they are still at 1000). If anything can be done to correct this and then either recalculate prestige or just reset it again for week 2, that would be great. This is definitely the least important item on the list, but it's one of those additional things that eats at you every time you see it - so it would be great to have this corrected and it feels like something that would be simple to resolve.

    Again, thank you for hosting a collaborate forum where we are able to have a healthy conversation with you. As players, we are willing to do what we all can to ensure that EE Wars continue to get better, and want to continue to have fun playing this aspect of Kingdoms at War. EE Wars have been a wonderful addition to this game, and we'd hate to see war participation drop because too many players feel alienated or frustrated. Having this kind of communication is going to yield a positive impact on EE Wars.

    Very best,
  19. Guild Hansel Exploit:

    Where I don't see it. What I do see is a bunch of butthurt players and clans crying because your builds suck and your war strategy is lacking.

    I have an amazing idea: lets throw together a bunch of untowered mid builds and go do some rancor!

    The facts are simple clans and warriors have built rosters and builds around what works in these wars. Now you crybaby bleeder builds want a change after the season has started.

    No No No

    I mean really… you war the same clan and keep losing but keep the same builds and strategy in place! Quick we got a bad match lets all hit the forums and cry. Honestly what do you think will happen if you put a mid size Hansel with no adt in a 1h war…

    Everyone of you crying about a guild hansel exploit are off your rockers.

    Give the clans that have built there rosters to win some credit. Don't like losing then fix your builds and rosters. Its simple really. Don't want guild hansels hitting you then tower up and stop the craziness.

    The season has started clans have based rosters around the devs "test wars" and came up with what works. Do the same.
  20. I agree with minus mogul in this issue. I don't see the guild hansel as being an "exploit". The guild hansel is a legitimate strategy build that exists to maximize the EE war system. The pros to being a guild hansel are obvious.

    However, the cons are also pretty big. I would need to drop a few trillion to become a guild hansel. That price seems a bit steep to me, so I won't do it, but other players have determined that its worth the price. So be it. I'd prefer to have a build thsts good BOTH in EE and out of EE. Guild hansels do not get that luxury
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