Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. Thank you for playing and for warring. Also, thank you for taking the time to draft a well thought out reply.

    We can definitely look at tightening up the high end of the match up algorithm. Hit ratio s secondary but we can emphasize strength even more.

    I like your suggestions about rewards too and the EB ideas. We'll look into improving both of those things.
  2. Like LP022 said just because you can hit someone doesn't mean you have any chance to beat them why not take into account people's chance of successfully hitting someone in matchups.
  3. Does achievement % bonuses and pro pack % help out in ee wars?
  4. Sorry that we didn't get back to you. I've logged a ticket to have this looked at first thing in the morning.
  5. Soz KaW admins I meant prestige lol not Rancor :) thanks 
  6. Many good points and questions have been brought up, once again, in this thread. I won't rehash/repeat much that has already been touched on.

    1) for those calling on not including BFA, please stop. It's all or nothing. Either count it all, or don't count any (all warriors are matched with everyone having sane stats).

    2) the algorithm. Transparency here would be appreciated (although you've stated that you'd rather not share it) to allow clans to know how they'd like to build their rosters. Some subpoints would to know which stat is weighed heaviest, followed by the next heaviest, followed by the next... i.e. is CS the most important, or BFA, or Bfe?

    3) why is BFE factored so much? The difference between EB equip and mith equip has narrowed with the Skorpios releases. However, warriors that have spent money on crystals galore, are forced to drop equipment to try to not be outmatched by tens of million CS. Again, transparency in the algorithm would alleviate more concerns, but it doesn't seem right to "punish" those that have ee'd much by not letting them wear their equipment (again, only to avoid the dismal mismatches in CS)

    4) war crystals (why wait for season 3)?????

    5) hit ratio - uh? We've had several matches where our bottom has one or even zero targets. That isn't logical. If that is what your algorithm pops out due to "hit ratio" drop the algorithm, or drop hit ratio.

    6) NO MATCH IS BETTER THAN A MISMATCH (I've stated this for weeks upon weeks). Please list why clans received their no match, and let the clans decide how they will adapt their roster build.

    Thank you for the consideration.
  7. KaW admin, I know you are trying to gauge your responses so as to not give unrealistic expectations. But you don't appear to be hearing the issue.

    You need to balance out LB players. Technically players ranked 3000-3050 can hit LB 1-50, but would this be a good match up? Would they have the slightest chance of winning?

    Your hit ratio has to be based on a reasonable chance of winning an action, not triggering the DTW/DTS mechanism.
  8. Ok thanks, I believe this is because we use the Elo system. I'll explain more in the morning once I've confirmed this is what has happened in your case.
  9. @devs- first thank u for responding but we wish for further explanation. Of course cs, bfe, and bfa along with hit ratio is favored during matches. At least I hope it does. Our main gripe is that the parameters set for each category is too large and broad which skews matches. No algorithm is perfect, especially with such a small sample size for matches I understand that. But then have the no matches and let clans adjust to those parameters to make a fair war. Results of match doesn't always reflect how the match was. I remember the last war of season 1, we got a clan that probably had 1-2 wars under their belt compared to our 100 . On paper it was a good match. The result was a slaughter... But u cant use that as a basis for bad matching. The reverse also applies when an experienced clan keeps things closer than it should have been. Its happened... A lot of good ideas have been thrown out there... I just hope u use it as a brainstorm session to come up with a better algorithm and system then what is in place. Ty again for listening
  10. Devs, no matches now seems to be only because of low hit ratio. It will be good if season 1 no match mechanism can be put into place too.
  11. This cannot be said enought; When a clan with 2-5 lb players have 13-15 GH with maxed out Red Paladin equipment, a mid-tier clan cannot compete. I was in a clan where S.O.T.R.A had that makeup, to no fault of theirs. They are playing within the system KAW created. However we lost to them and 24 hours later we were matched up again and they crushed us! How is that fair? The money spent on playing a game that is not fair will not be spent again!
  12. European war times PLEASE!!
  13. Just a thought. We whine to much as customers? Lol

    You guys are doing a great job

    These EE wars don't appeal to me, because of the time required, but I do read forum posts about them. Most are people crying about mismatches. I remember system wars that were massive blow outs. Usually someone went to bed, or a "real life thing" happened that left someone wide open. It happens, and in the EE system you can't do anything about it.

    People with large bfe bfa, or hlbc deserve the advantage. People without should stop crying about it.

    GH are not an advantage. Outgrow them. Isn't that what t6 does?
  14. Is the schedule same as last weak. @admin or other people
  15. Open Casting for war 1 Wk 2 :D?
  16. Hi there kaw_admin

    I am one of the leaders for War Honour. During week 1 we won 6/9 wars yet were not even 1k prestige thats just nuts. 1 lvl for a win but lose 3 for a loss......think u mixed numbers up lol.

    Guild hansels and clans using them to exploit match up. Is propably the biggest issue in EE anyone can take 10 top 200 ally leader board players and fill the rest of the clan with guild hansels. That takes no skill and is unbeatable. Id rather have the tower mech back that this new direction.

    Suggestion would be bring back the clan ranking thing then use ur hit ratio for possible matches this keeps people in a set range 1 up or down. If the hit ratio is unable to work in that range then no match

    Hit ratio is set backwards just because I can hit mahooka doesn't mean I can win lol. Ratio should be set to succesful actions not kamikaze stuff.

    Someone mentioned rewards for ee participation this is an amazing idea and would boost people doing ee in turn making u more cash win win

    Clan prestige should be earned. Meaning clans have to do a minimum of 3 wars to get prestige. Sry left that out earlier

    Thank you for your time look forward to your reply

    Warriors of the Ancient Realms
  17. Nope.
  18. Kaw admin I see your graph and understand how your argument is 60-80% of wars are under 100% plunder difrence, how ever I will bet if you look into wars with 4 or more lb players in the top 200 you will find 90% of those war have a are well over 100%... The problem with lb and gh all come down to the same issue bfa/bfe/cs not counted in match up correctly
  19. Any answer on why WOC can't be casted if it's a 24 hour spell and EE is in less than 24 hours from now? Thanks for the responses by the way. You are doing a great job and you can't please everyone.
  20. Ok, it's getting late on a Sunday evening and I can't possibly reply to every post. So I've compiled many of the top concerns. Thank you very much to everyone who participated.

    Let me know what I'm missing please:

    Things you'd like us to work on:

    Tigthen up the CS range especially on the top end.

    People feel that BFE is factored in too much.

    NO MATCH IS BETTER THAN A MISMATCH or in other words, again tighten up the strength range.

    Hit ratio needs to be secondary at best to strength comparison

    Hit Ratio needs to be either explained better or it needs to change to reflect not just how many people can hit each other but also the success of those actions.

    BFA should be factored in more to the matchup algorithm.

    Increase the rewards for wars to reflect the effort players put into warring and encourage participation.

    Times better for UK/Asia players

    Guild Hansel exploit

    Fix/address how leaderboard players are affecting the balance of wars

    Possibly incorporate prestige into the matchup

    Some interesting suggestions:

    crazy idea: Do NOT allow other clans to see who has casted WOC. I am very certain the majority of clans browse rosters to see who has WOC casted so they can "game" your hit-ratio system.

    Transparency (give us all the data and your algorithm), we'll do our best to be as transparent as we can without exposing sensitive information or exploitable info.

    Nullify BFA -> we talked about this but we feel that it eliminates an important part of the game and we want to find a better solution (also presents a ton of knock on problems). It's also very difficult from a technical perspective (we tried).
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