Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. I don't think BFA should be excluded from eewar. I feel that a negative consequence of that would result in slowing down ally market. I do feel that it should be capped at a large enough number to make LB players happy while being in reach to all players - I think somewhere in the ballpark of 325-400m. To keep clans from exploiting this by waiting to buy allies after match, I propose that the BFA stats you have at the moment of match be frozen until the war is over. Thus any allies bought or sold after match will not alter the BFA you will be using in war.

    Also the impact of guild hansels must be minimized - in regards to their size they should not impact wars as they currently do. I was told that they can hit up to 8m cs...that doesn't sound right - they should not be allowed to hit targets over 4m cs.
  2. Oh one thing u could do is go back to giving us a fixed war roster at time of sign up no moving ... That would help those clans out

    And I'm not really sure how big an issue barcode names are to the devs ... As it doesn't really bother us as a clan but if u fixed position war rosters that would stop that from being any issue at all for any smart clans

    Just figured I'd throw that out there
  3. Can you also increase the daily xtal limit?

    At least double it (currently 24) and a counter would be really nice. Alternatively just remove the daily limit completely.

  4. To clarify: It's not just LB plunder that wins the wars. It's their power.

    An LB player comes in on me, I'm done for in a few hits. They barely use anything, and I'm KOed. They do that to multiple people, and can take out 1/3 of your clan with one bar. Then there are two crystals.

    Yet, I can't touch them.

    When every EE war starts with people in CC saying, "Ugh they have 5 LB to our 2!" (or any comment referencing the enemy LB numbers), it's not the fun it should be.

    Way too much power. Change the mechs.
  5. And of you decide to make changes after responding in forum that the system was working well, then I hope you compensate those who tore down hundreds of billions in buildings to go gh to help their clan.
  6. Thanks Kaw_admin for acknowledging our feedback. As a whole, the kawmunnity has much to be thankful for. Some people let the few disadvantages this game has cloud their judgement. While there are some problems, there is many good things to enjoy about this game. And we all make mistakes, you developers are trying your best and thats all i can ask. Thanks for KaW! 
  7. WOC shows a 1 day length and yet a war that starts less than 24 hours from now we cannot cast for. What is the time frame when WOC can be cast?
  8. Just tell us your matching algorithm and I will tell you what's wrong. I had a long response but I realized without knowing how your matching us it's kind of pointless. Maybe you tell us what cs bfa bfe was at time of matchup the good clans already can figure out 2 of then it's really not that hard. I believe it's just the range if I knew what the range was I wouldn't complain at all. For example if our clan goes over. 500 mil cs now that's cs (bfa bfe)*.02 and we get nwocb at 550 mil cs then I know the range is over 49 mil and we need to drop some to avoid that match. so the dtw dts thing was to nerf gh from hitting players bigger than them for 45 mil but only giving up 10 mil or less . How to fix that without eliminating the build. I have no clue I usually just ass them. Problem solved. Without making a min stat for war or maybe have a gh clan bracket where if you have 1 you can only match clans that have gh. So recap give me your algorithm or give me the match up numbers or put gh clans in a bracket by themselves let them figure out how to win or tell your 4mil cs buddies that get hit by them to ass them and if they can't they suck IMO.
  9. @ KaW admin, how about removing BFA from ee wars? This will balance out wars, greatly reduce the amount of miss matches and give everyone an equal footing. ;-)

    (I don't know if this has been suggested here, i haven't read the entire thread)
  10. I am very confident the devs will have an appropriate fix for the concerns addressed here and on other threads. They always respond swiftly and with the appropriate action. So if I kiss your ass like like this will you give me the gold back you stole from me 3 months ago?
  11. You still have a kind of long response prince lmao
  12. Thanks for your feedback, for warring and for playing KAW. We too want to make the game and warring better, and this thread is aimed at doing just that.

    The results of wars are how we measure the success of a matchup. We match up clans based on their bonus from allies, bonus from equipment, and combined stats. Whether a clan has leader board players or not is only relevant as to how they affect the our matchup stats and hit ratio. But it's apparent that we haven't communicated how a player on the leaderboard affects a matchup. Does that make sense?

    Guild hansel issue is complex and will be addressed unfortunately it we haven't had the resources to execute yet though we have modelled out a solution that we hope to launch soon.

    Leaderboard issue I'll address further into the thread.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. We are well aware of how LB players effect a war, I believe most of the comments on this post are asking if you do?

    I don't mean to be flippant, but every second post is saying we can't hit LB players, there is no strategy to beat LB stacked clans.
  14. Thank you for the feedback and for playing.

    We do match clans by strength with BFE and BFA factored int. There were more blowouts in Season 1 and players wanted BFE factored in.
  15. Devs:

    #1 your graph sucks

    #2 IF you were taking into account bfa, then LB players would be included and they wouldn't be an issue. So the fact that the large stat/high bfa players are skewing matches to me proves you are not appropriately taking into account bfa.

    3. Your "hit ratio" is a freaking joke as I and many other players have pointed out to you. Just b/c I can "hit" someone who is strong enough to be ranked top 5 on ally lb doesn't mean I have a holy chance in hell of winning.

    I know my comments are all negative so you won't reply but I know you will read them. Bottom line you are looking at the wrong damn measures and have set incorrect parameters for dtw/dts which throw off your "hit ratios". Stop looking at the wrong things and putting band aids on a broken arm!
  16. Thank you for playing and the feedback.

    We'll look into the clan leaderboard issue.

    LB clans affecting wars is something that we'll work on addressing and clarifying.
  17. Maybe I should have worn my moose costume while posting for better chance of response
  18. Thanks for playing and for warring. We are always working on making the game better and on making the war system work better. We'll take you feedback into account.
  19. First of all I'd like to start off saying hi chop and hot. Devs don't steal from chop he's a huge kaw supporter and he loves all you devs. No on to the matchups. By adding everyone's stats up in the clans for matchups you are leaving to much room for exploiting the system. Clans have been adding smaller accounts like gh's to draw smaller opponents since season 1. If you matched on individuals stats or even group members in clan that are similar sizes then match you would get better matches I believe. I may be completely wrong but maybe you could test that for 14 weeks between season 2 and 3.
  20. Hi KaW Admins, I'm a co-owner of S.O.T.R.A and have posted on a few of the war threads about my clan not receiving Rancor levels for winning wars. We have now won all 10 wars in week one and were only awarded 7 Rancor points total for these 10 wins.

    To one of my posts the other day a KaW Admin said they would look into it however I haven't received any further information at this stage.

    There were clans who had the same Rancor level to us who won against opponents who had similar Rancor levels to our opponents and they received Rancor levels and yet we didnt.

    There appears to be an issue with the awarding system and we would really appreciate to have our full 10 points awarded or an explaination as to why we were not awarded Rancor points for each war.

    Thank you kindly 
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