Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. I posted this in another thread but I'll post again. Have A few questions actually:

    Is there any way to incorporate a successful hit ratio when doing matchups? obviously a huge problem is leaderboard top heavy clans. Yes our hit ratio could be 100% but successful hit ratio would probably be 0.

    would using an average stat per roster member be better than using a total stat/bfa/bfe matchup system?

    Would tightening the no match circumstance to a lower stat difference help or just cause more no matches?

    Is the lack of clan participation hurting matchups?

    Are clans constructing their rosters wrong ?

    Are clans taking advantage of system?

    I think we know the answers to some of these questions, just want to hear your feedback of my feedback. ;)

    Let me just add that not all match ups are terrible, we are starting to find a comfort zone where we can usually match with a similar opponent.(it's usually one of the same four clans I might add) So this past week was about 50/50. There were a few though that make you say, how was this possible?

    I think you guys are trying to do the right thing but obviously tensions are high right now.

    Warring out of newly formed EE clan RiSK.
  2. Here is where your **** goes wrong:

    1. You can't account appropriately for BFE
    2. Dtw/Dts mechs haven't been in line since you inflated the ally market back with t4 release and Eb equip release
    3. Plunder hasn't been adjusted since 2010; hence, why you have a guild hansel problem
    4. Edge should be rewarded for warring to encourage participation. If you want to lose/gain anything it should be rancor levels during rancor seasons
    5. FIX PRESTIGE RANKING - losing 3 points when u lose and gaining 1 when you win is BS. Almost everyone who wars will end up in the hole.
    6. No match is NOT a bad thing! Don't be scared of it! Keeps rosters in check!

    I have told y'all this since beta wars, some of it since before summer tourney last year. Fixing **** your way doesn't work, try fixing it our way and you might get better outcomes.
  3. This has been stated more than once, but when your enemies top 5 or even top 10 wr are much stronger than your no.1 guy but all within dtw/dts range, that is just not possible to over come. They will make plunder off your top guys with little concern while you try to make it back from their smaller players while you're taking inc. But they have the edge because they won't be taking inc or if they are, the inc they're taking are hits that bounce.
  4. Ok my two cents take it or leave it for wat it is

    U can't fix current ee problems for all lvls with one quick fix its impossible can't be done I know this along with ever other wc in ee ... Steps that could be taken to even the field and make ee mechanics simple and easy to program and match

    Step 1 take dts/dtw back out of ee it only makes gh even stronger in ee (I don't need to go into how we all know how)
    This has to be coupled with other changes or its useless

    Step 2 when hitting a kingdom (only in ee) make wat a kingdom pays out based on amount of buildings only (this goes with step 3 so hold on) no larger clan will war with gh if they pay the same as a towered larger hansel this will make it so that like sized cs fights with like sized cs and stop people dropping builds just to get gh mechs we all know is unfair

    Ok now for the big one most controversial maybe but coupled with the first two solves all issues of equality making wars about strategy and teamwork .. After all this is a tournament not a osw

    Step 3 discount all bfa in ee only (does not factor into payout or hit/def power at all)
    This would make matching infinitely easier as cs and bfe only real factors to match and make everyone build correctly for wars not depentant on some untouchable mechanic (even amongst lb players its far to uneven and too difficult to calculate)

    In real war a bullet from a privates gun is just as effective as from a sgt .. Wat u are trying to do is match a foot soldier to a b2 bomber and it just doesn't work ...

    As I said its a tournament and in tournaments all of them their is some sort of handy cap to allow an even playing field so people of all lvls of play can compete

    These are just a combination of a few of the ideas I saw that would work together to competent fix matching and making war more even and fun for all ... Do not change in game mechanics or how things work outside of ee only once that timer starts till it finishes

    Any way like I said at the start no 1 thing can fix this mess it will have to be a combination of stuff but u can't fix anything till u deal with how gh pay and how u either weigh bfa (or don't weigh it)

    Have fun reading thru all the good ideas on this thread and participation is something that can easily be addressed 1 when people know they aren't being lead to a slaughter and 2 if its made profitable both by mith and gold

    My two cents worth 
  5. Make every build, big or small pay the same. Solves your gh issue.

    Remove all mechanics ie. attack build can hit 0 gold hansel as long as the hansel att troop is not 0. Just like how you remove tower build mechanics.

    Cap bfa and bfe to a max amount - anyone above the max amount will be calculated at the maximum rate.
    Solves the lb and bfe difference issue.

    Result - everyone can war and winning will be base on tactics and strategies rather than lb/gh stack, bfe difference etc.
  6. Thanks Illini -- I bought everyone a round before the war and said to have fun. 90% of my warriors couldn't succeed on the top 14!, the rest being scarcely plunderable GH/T. We've never purposely tanked a war, but this was just an exercise in stupidity. Thanks Devs for proving the failed matching point so saliently!


    Ꮸ₪₪₪₪╣══BλŦŦŁĘ₲RØU₦ÐŞ II══≽
  7. Battlegrounds support this boycott to encourage developers to look into their matchmaking system for ee wars season 2. Towards the end of season 1, we thought developers finally improved matching system but we seem to go backwards in season 2. We enjoy warring and did try to give it our best effort during this week. But, it doesn't matter how much skill, preparation and effort u put into a lopsided match, the only goal u can achieve is to loose by a smaller margin if the team is really good. We have experienced being on extreme sides of the new matching system when our teem was too powerful or too weak compared to opponent and the whole team wholeheartedly agrees that we enjoyed only close matches where strategy actually mattered and we knew we won not because we were too strong but because we executed a better strategy and teamwork. Developers if u can't improve matching system for season 2, just change it back to matching system that we had during season 1 because it was a much more successful version.
  8. Having plunder based off number of buildings may skew things a bit. I don't think that hitting someone 50 lands with lvl hl should pay the same as hitting someone with the same lands but all lvl 3 highlands.

    One suggestion could be to have a minimum plunder per building but once ur build goes over the minimum, then the normal payout applies. Even at 50k per building minimum, a 60 land GH will pay out 30 mil to all builds. Someone who normally would pay out 30 mil per hit from this account would still pay out 30.. This is one suggestion to address plunder payout. Keep this mechanic only during EE wars so people don't exploit it.
  9. Personally I think everything is perfectly fine with the matching system. What needs to change is the scoring system. I dont think plunder is a good representative of a scoring system especially since spy attacks essentially represent zero plunder unless you KO the other team ... But a scout KO worth less than 1m is pointless. How bout a system has sucessful actions count towards score and fails count against?
  10. I just want to know why is the prestige ranking not
    increasing correctly after wins our clan s.o.t.r.a should had
    Ranking of 1010 instead of 1007 can u please chk it out
    Thank u kaw admins
  11. Battlegrounds II matched Rising Hawks. Clan ranks were 200 apart and they had 4 on LB. Our largest was 500s.

    Absolutely the match mechanics are not fair. Maybe a LB factor must be added.

    Any clan that can win 80 in a row and matched against anything but the strongest opponents is a poor match.

    I would like to see a comparison on this match and justification of how it occurred.
  12. Ok devs I know this looks like a lot of bickering, but it really is a show of how many ppl like what you are trying to do. If they didn't then most wouldn't take the time needed to post their concerns.

    I can't speak for anyone but myself. That being said there are probably other customers of yours that feel similar to me.

    I know that you want to make us happy. I also know that fixing things is not as easy as saying "oh it's broken let me hit this magic button and fix it all". That being said there is a lot of ppl posting concerns and possible solutions as they see it and very few get replies. I know you can't take the time to reply to every forum post or you'd never be able to try and address the concerns we express. It would be nice to see a few more of the concerns acknowledged though and maybe some of the solutions that we suggest even if it is just you saying that you saw the idea and while it is not simple are looking into it or that you saw it and it will not work the way we think because of (insert your explanation here). I know you are trying to do this already ie. I'm replying to a thread along these lines but for me I just do not see enough feedback or acknowledgment from you.

    Bad match ups will happen and are frustrating but in the wars that I've participated in most of us tighten our belts and give it our all even in the face of insurmountable odds. The problem with bad match ups is when other ppl see that it is an issue and decide to manipulate their roster for an easy win. I'm not sure how you can go about fixing this but maybe there can be some kind of limit where your biggest player in a war has to be with a certain range of your smallest player in each clan.

    Ultimately though I think you are trying it's just frustrating out there in the wars when we see little to no progress being made and little acknowledgement from you that you know there is a valid concern.

    Thank you all
  13. I have proposed a simple and effective solution to poor matches on forums which got mostly ignored and via email straight to support, which got the bog-standard post on forums response - woopee.

    But in a nutshell, my proposed idea is a point system by building. Dont match raw CS because there are buildings of the same tier and level which offer different levels of CS.

    It should be scored as all tier 5s at level 3(including volary, changeling tower and the dungeon) providing 50 points, at level 2 each provides 47- so on so forth.
    Then we come to tier 4, make that 40 at level 3, 37 @2 etc.

    The whole clans score accumulates and is matched accordingly. Or player to player, I dont particularly care
    This idea is very strraightforward and far far more balanced.
  14. Damn - sorry - early submission.

    BFA can be factored into the points via bands, (I.e 0-5m bfa =1,5-10=2....)

    Equipment shouldnt be factored. rpgs equipment is designed to give you advantage over level, its wrong to match according to the advantage people have earned where others havent.

    As for my final point, prestige could be incorporsted and should sway matchup. Eventually all clans would be banded and would basicallt be winning and losing according to their tournament performance. If they do lose against stronger, they lose prestige, and go back to their comfort band. This also gives the newb clans even a chance to taste victory.
  15. I love to war, but for me (a european) almost every war is late at night, in the middle of the Night or in the middle of the day. All week Wars starts at 00.00 or 04.00?? What the fudge? Almost everyone that war pays your bills! And pls fix the match ups? Not that i have much to complain about, i havent warred much yet... I Wonder why? Pretty pls reschedule and do something about the match ups?

    ️ Skippy
  16. I'm not here to complain but just want to let you guys know that devs don't give a damn about what we say. We have 2 options. Option1: Stop playing kaw. Option2: Stop participating in ee wars if you all feel you have unfair matchup and stop using real $ on the game. I knew boycotting war 10 won't work bcos most people just want to fun before monday( which we all know is stressful. Devs have no useful data to give for wk1 bcos ee war system is broken and can never be fixed. We had test wars for 13/14wks and its still the same thing everyone has complained about. This shows its either they don't give a damn about the community so long we keep spending money on it or they can't fix the ee war system. Now all sit back and wait for devs crap recap of wk1 of S2 ee wars believe me they have nothing useful to give as recap bcos they don't care about the community who spend money on the game. Have fun and good luck in S2 if you still want to war.
  17. The current matchup system is horrible and the player community has given recommendations numerous times or asked how a matchup was made...always with no response.

    Your matchup system went to hell as soon as you added in hit ratio and dtw/dts plus started to account for bfe in the algorithm. Based on my observations so far it appears you place a way higher value on bfe than you do bfa. Whether this is true I don't know but it seems to get better matches you tank your bfe and start adding bfa. So basically anyone who did season 1 was wasting their time since to use that equipment = bad mismatch.

    You started season 2 way before your system was had promised to fix bfe in matching and guild hansels but instead screwed up your algorithm and did nothing with GHs. You should put season 2 on hold...fix outstanding issues and give clans time to adapt to them...then restart season 2.
  18. I for one do not like the fact that clan members "that are not in war" can change equip right before war starts. This completely changes the ranks of members "in war" ans some clans have been using to there advantage.

    Kaw admins.. this needs to change

    ╠╣╚╣╔║ ╦╗╔╗
    ╩╩╚╝╚╩ ╩╴╚╩
  19. As long as I get 50 rancor points by the end of the season I really don't care lol If not I quit the game :lol:
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