Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. Kaw admin- one way to increase participation may also be to do away with losing rancor for loss and not have rancor expire. Keep rewards the same for the first two equipment but up the rancor points required to get The last 4. This does two things: it allows for more people to try the EE wars. One win gives them an equip but losses doesn't take it away. It's the keep trying til u win philosophy. Secondly for those who already achieved their 6 item can still help their clanmates without the fear of losing their equipment. The worst thing is to see clans struggling to meet req numbers because so many in their clan already got theirs.
  2. Thank you for taking time to acknowledge concerns :)
  3. Ps- plz address euro war times.
  4. As someone who took part in the very first ee war and has taken part in ee wars with my home clan and merc in many other clans I have seen my fair share of good matches.
    These wars are great the excitement after a close war wondering if u have pulled of a last minute victory win or lose it really didn't matter
    But for every good match up there's the mismatch. This is the bane of every ee clan giving a boring war with a result that can be predicted at match up 2hrs before war.
    After beta test then season 1 and ee trials we hear that more information is needed to help devs get match ups sorted to this I say bollocks if I failed doing my job like devs have with matchups I wouldn't have a job.
    I don't have the answer that's not my job I just pay the money to play and hopefully have a fun.
    And that's where I feel kaw has let us down as customers we agree to the term and conditions if we break these we are subject to different sanctions. yet when as customers we Ask question on diffrent threads about our concerns we get no response. But they have time time create another thread about ebs
    Kaw is broken papering over the cracks isn't working.
  5. @KawAdmin

    Clans stacked with leaderboards and GH - should be matched with other Leaderboard/GH clans or given No Match. There is no 'acceptable' hit ratio for any other clan . IF your program is finding that there is, there is a miscalculation in there. Try running the same success ratio and the plunder earnable based on probailty of success -show us those numbers and prove me wrong. If you want to promote *most* players to ee stop catering to these two very small contingents of the kawmunity.

    You promised to fix the GH exploit and made it worse. Now with DTS/DTW mechanics they can attack us and we can't attack them - and they still provide no plunder. Also this 'lne' about don't worry about if another clan appears stronger they likely will be unable to attack you. IS BOGUS, maybe they can't attack GH - but they can sit high with no one able to hit them and plunder and pick off most of any non LB/GH clan. By you not factoring them in, you are making huge miscalculations.

    Someone else mentioned it but clans who are fighting should not be losing 3 prestige and have less prestige than those that don't fight at all. Especially if you have a winning record, you are still under 1K prestige because you only gain 1 for winning. It should be reversed at min, or you gain 1 prestige for losing and 3 for winning. But thats least of your issues.

    Try matching clans that are similiar in makeup and you will get a much better result for all. We are often outmatched in CS and tend to keep those wars close if the clan makeup is similar. No complaints as someone is always going to be stronger.
  6. The largest complaint is the current matching system needs to have tighter parameters. Season 1 proved that clans will adjust around those parameters around the no matches.
    We have seen upwards of 100+ mil cs difference and at the point war is decided before anyone ever hits. Solution to this would be tightening all the ranges of allowable matches.
    When looking at wars specifically 1 hour wars need to have much tighter parameters than 2 hour wars. There is less time to make up the troops strength disadvantage.
    1 hour wars should never be 5 min advantage. This war supports nothing but large attack builds and coupled with the matching system has resulted in poor outcomes.
    Possibly bfe is overweighed and bfa is underweighted, but without the algorithms I have no way of verifying that.
    Leaderboard players and Guild hansel are second issues causing many players not to war.
    Most all warring cant’ touch the LB player unless a LB player themselves and when multiple LB’s are on the same team vs a team with none makes an almost impossible war.
    LBs need to be able to be included considering they are a major source of income for KAW, but honestly I have no solution for this issues at this time. Possibly tightening the DTS/DTW window could help with this.
    For the GH issue I have heard of solutions such as doubling all non-guild building plunder or make a maximal amount of guild buildings allowed for each clan. Or include a caveat in the matchmaking algorithm to not allow greater than 5 GH’s in a war.
    We have been loyal supporters to EE since the start, but are losing the desire to war when matches are impossible to win regardless of our strategy and skill.
  7. While i would like to see a return of season 1 matching with an adjustment for bfe. It would see the immediate kick of the lb players.

    While im not sure they would war to the extent they do now if you just nullify bfa effect during war is the best suggestion i have seen so far.

    Should be a quick fix editing season 1 algo.
  8. You tested times for war and got lower participation in euro time zones.

    Why could you not offer some euro friendly wars at possibly a lower entry # for those that cant meet the numbers for the off timezones.
  9. A brief recap of what my main Freeflyjunki posted in the Ban EE War 10 thread ( I would post with my main but it was forum banned for requesting in a new thread Where has the EE war ban thread gone) Thanks Moose.
    I was basically saying that something needs to be done about the GH metrics in war.
    It's not exactly right in my opinion that my 14.5m cs attack build that is all towered up can barely out perform this 1.6m cs GH with hardly any equip. This and the hit ratio metrics are a mess.
    P.S. Can un forum ban my main.
  10. I believe that putting a cap on bfa for wars only or factoring in bfa more would help.

    I was very anti GH in the past but now see the benefit of a balanced roster a lot more. GH have been around a long time and I am not suggesting that all clans stack with 15-20 GH every war. I do feel that gh should pay better perhaps or should not be able to hit much larger accounts just by shoving up a few towers.

    ATM- bfa is under compensated and bfe over compensated. This may be somewhat controversial but why are clans that worked so hard last season to reach 50 rancor and get the best equip now penalised in season 2?

    IMO I don't think bfe should even be factored in wars. If you've not got good bfe there are now plenty of Ebs that drop almost comparable equip than the paladin equip... It's just more defense heavy... That's not a bad thing.

    Maybe increase aqua and inferno drops to get some clans that haven't warred in season 1 up to scratch. Dont penalise the clans that worked hard season 1 to get their equip. I am not biased as look at my equip. I did not do most of season 1 due to osw and have gradually built my equip up over time.

    Just my thoughts

    Happy kawing all
  11. First I'd like to say Ty kaw_admin for the EE wars. You brought them at a time my clan personally was struggling with boredom of the game all together..WSP u have some good ideas and Ty for reaching out to us all...
    We don't want EE wars stopped. we just as as whole want to be listened to heard,and answered..we deserve that much... 1 times be better for UK/Asia players as stands they don't stand much chance getting the 50...2 matches I think season one was great (had issues yes) but brought everyone closer clans though face facts u have big clans adding Gh to match lower levels and thus causing medium sometimes to match low level.. This isn't fair to those of us that have built and adapted...
    My clan personal season 1 got bad matches all the time we build rebuilt tore down built again as did ppl are getting matched unfair more often and it's causing ppl to lose interest.. All this is just my opinion but I'm giving it as I wanna be heard to..
    Last thing those of u here with no EE and no experience please stop having ur mouth all over ur face about things u don't know about TY.
  12.  I supported the boycott. (Plus I was too lazy to war today:)~
  13. First off, I'd like to thank you, devs, for opening up this thread. I'm glad that you want to hear our opinions, and hopefully implement them. I also am happy that you will be giving priority to admins of the clans. So that this post gets noticed, I am an Admin in -Elysium- and at Towers of Fail.

    I believe that it is fairly obvious that matchups at this point are not working. People such as Lady_Liz and Rissa have expressed opinions, and solutions absolutely clearly already on this thread.

    The issue that I would like to bring up is the guild hansel exploit. Yes, I say exploit. Devs, you acknowledge that this style of warring has huge advantages over regular builds. I say exploit because any build that can hit other kingdoms for 55 mil, then only get hit for 2-5 mil clearly is not fair in these wars. At the point where you see clans that are controlling the whole war, staying up, and getting 2-3 times as many KO's, and still losing to guild hansel clans, the system isn't working. You told the Kawmunity that you would address this problem. Well, what I assume to be your solution, DTW/DTS just doesn't work. The best solution that is fair to all is that every build pays a minimum amount of plunder in wars, say, 30 million. This still allows guild Hansels a slight advantage of opponents still earning less from them, but negates the insurmountable advantage that they have right now.

    Yes, others are able to "drop CS" to become a guild hansel, and that option is open to everybody. So was the tower build, but that was also removed because of an "exploit in the mechanics". Well, Devs, this is another exploit in EE mechanics, and I, as well as many others in the Kawmunity formally request that you rectify this situation.
  14. My feedback is please let us kick leaks halfway through wars, especially a 2hr war, things happen and emergencies arise and leaks can happen(breaking a device). Also another minor thing that continues to annoy me is can you PLEASE fix it so when someone opts into war and an admin/owner clicks on that notification it takes you to the player and not the sign up page. People have lives and this would save a lot of time to know who we have in without having to sort through the roster to view the person who has opted in.
    As far as the gh; theyre hard to hit yet still dont pay much at all, yet rake in the plunder. My suggestion to fix this would be to include the bfa and bfe into the plunder payout, not just cs. I'd be happy if you could bring back kicking halfway through war and the notification thing. I've always complained about the member restrictions; 26-29. I miss warring with 85 in. But I don't expect to see that changed anytime soon. Im trying to be realistic here, please grant me these two changes, I've been brining it up all preseason.
  15. Here are a few of our current questions/concerns:
    1. BFE seems to be over weighted in matchup. Anytime we run with full BFE we fight clans 120m+ more CS than us. If our BFE is higher there can be higher stats on the other side, but that is quite a big difference. Clans have started to war with empty slots in order to test this and try to get more winnable matches. As a test, we tried this for a few wars, and it did in fact reduce the CS discrepancy but as a clan we hated it and really dont want to settle on this as a solution. This result makes sense since it IS factored, its just factored too much.

    2. BFA seems under weighted in matchup. All the LB issues already mentioned all over. Clans are having to either find a way to drop into a lower bracket or acquire their own, or chance of winning is slim.

    3. If you are sticking with hit ratio, we would like to understand it a little better. We had 4 wars this week where up to 6 players could not attempt a single action. My math tells me that's nowhere near the claimed 90% hit ratio unless this means something different.

    4. Guilds - they make loads of plunder and give up no plunder in return. Perfect setup for the LB/GH combo we all LOVE facing.

    5. After tweaking the BFA and BFE weights, what everyone is saying "tighten the CS range" may not even be an issue. i realize its CS+BFA+BFE in some way , and the range between the totals is the big unknown, so all we can do is look at CS.

    Look around, in order to have fun and try to get fair matches, clans are adding GH to reduce CS, removing equipment (prizes earned are liability!), trying to recruit LB's, etc. All of these things in my opinion are things we would rather not have to do. Im all for planning wars and creating a smart balanced roster but I dont think we should be doing the things mentioned above in order to try to avoid such bad mismatches that can occur without them currently.

    Summary: war 10 - Battlegrounds II (313m CS with 0LB) vs Rising Hawks (291m CS with 4LB). match algorithm calls this matchable... i'm sorry BG2 i respect you, but everyone knows this is not going to be a good match. (wont i feel like a fool if you pull it off!)
  16. All i care about is knowing is why you weigh bfe so heavily into matches its ridiculous i didnt spend my money season 1 for you to start giving mismatches of plus 50m cs between two clans. Honestly bfe cant compensate for that big of a mismatch so please explain to me and the Kawmunity why is bfe so heavy in your algorithm.

    No Match Found
  17. Hello kaw_admin,
    Here are a few of my thoughts on your concerns:

    bad matchups: I want to speculate that hit ratio is based upon an algorithm that uses percentages, not absolute numbers. I believe this will work for small clan matchups, however, when LB players get involved a 5 or 10% difference in strength is much more, making them invincible.

    thrown matches: I believe some matches are thrown yes. I also believe that many matches are so poor that the weaker clan sees no point in casting mith. Also, there is no rule that mith must be cast to war, it is completely optional. When a clan matches a much larger oppononent, sometimes it is best to resort to asymetric warfare. Not casting mith and fighting weaker causes the losing clan to gain 14 mith (paladin EB), and the winning clan to only win 2-8 mith. I don't see a problem with this guerrilla style warfare as clans are given no other choice when bad matchups happen repeatedly. I find it pretty humerous that the LB stackers get angry when this happens, because mith is the one thing their bright red-hot credit card cannot buy.

    crazy idea: Do NOT allow other clans to see who has casted WOC. I am very certain the majority of clans browse rosters to see who has WOC casted so they can "game" your hit-ratio system.

    I don't have an exact solution for the bad matchup algorithm, all I know is that in it's current form it is not performing the function it was designed to do. Maybe you need to scrap the algorithm and start from scratch?

    Thanks for listening, keep up the hard work. :)
  18. @Lady Liz, you have some nice ideas and suggestions especially concerning incentives for participation- I know I've read ideas such as these before....Even though I hardly read Forums bc of the nonsense and repetitiveness-I hope they actually take some of these suggestions into account...because when I do read forums- I do not see my fellow EE Warriors as complaining...I see them begging the devs to respond and DO something to fix this mess.

    @ATA, Rudementary has a valid point. Maybe it is time to reach out and open communication with the clan leaders of these EE clans away from the spam of smartasses or EE Noobs who feel they have to say "something." All those insulting idiots are not the one's carrying these war clans. The work we put in is EXHAUSTING and it is :evil: :twisted: frustrating and a slap in the face that you pay attention to these idgits before paying attention to our suggestions and refuse to acknowledge the problems we bring to you.
  19. Really time you guys sorted out the lag I'm ko and don't know it what's the point of trying to fight when you already dead WTF 
  20. @Kaw admin: just so my posts do not get overlooked because I am in a non EE clan, I am the leader of kings castle and the kings family. I just moved over to MAYBE to spend some nobs for my fellow king's and guests of maybe.
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