Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. Thank you for listening to our concerns.
    The biggest problem appears to be a wider margin for matching amongst the biggest clans, allowing for clans to stack lb players and still get a match for an easy win.
    Less important in terms of game play, but still worrying is the clan leaderboard. Clans with winning records are lower than clans who have not warred at all - that cannot be right.
  2. i have moved the protest thread from the GY to "other KaW discussion" so it can be reviewed by all who wish to see it. KaW admin is not trolling you.
  3. Thank god Val is here. The guy has all the experience one would need to help sort out EE matches.

    And the devs are taking the mick. All they are doing is buying more and more time. They keep promising x, y and z and yet nothing happens.
  4. @Moose. Didnt the devs put that thread in the GY for a reason?

    They did it because they don't want to hear the cold hard truth. And yet you just put the thread back where we can see and post on it.....
  5. To be honest kaw_admin I would just like it more if you guys would respond on threads or even come up with ideas on threads with the players. That way it feels like you care and who knows, some players might have good ideas.
  6. The devs monitor aspects of this game closer than you think. If they were trying to cover something up, they wouldn't have let the thread run as long as it did. And if they were trying to ignore you, then they wouldn't have made this thread.

    Most likely, the thread was pulled to avoid competition with this thread. Its nice to have relevant discussion held to one thread, and its most effective if KaW admin, who is the creator of all game changes, holds the discussion.

    Now, lets please keep the discussion to potential changes the community would like to see please. That is why KaW admin is here Currently.

    Keep it civil. Keep it smart. Keep it I'm topic 
  7. Positive?
    Lol devs.
  8. @ moose to troll us admin would have to respond to us in the thread instead they just lock it
  9. We try to read the threads everyday and respond, and we are trying to do better.
  10. Then all I can say is thank you for responding and even if the matches are hard... Never give up! :D
  11. @Devs- WarLoR has been participating in EE since beta wars. The turn they have taken is disappointing to say the least. We war EE because we love to war. We win- we lose but we have always had fun. You ask for input and then totally disregard anything we say.
    I doubt anyone could say that WarLoR lacks EE strategy, we have proven we can fight stronger opponents, and we can fight outnumbered. We have fought the best clans at the highest level. Any clan that has fought us in a fair fight and won.. deserved it and earned it.
    The matches of 17lb vs 8lb are ridiculous. We have long stood up for the fact that one guy can't win a war. But when you allow a clan to roster 6 plus top 50 accounts against 1-2lb not even in top 50, it's not a fightable war. Look at the plunder ... 10-11b made from untouchable accounts. There's no strategy possible to make up for that. If a computer can't see that then use basic human common sense.
    The clans that exploiting are doing so because YOU ALLOW IT. YOU created a system that allows ppl to exploit greed and bully.
    What happened to the EE wars that were meant to create clan loyalty and teamwork? EE brought ppl back to the game and now it's causing ppl to leave it. NO CLAN SHOULD GET A MATCH THAT HAS AN EXTREME ROSTER- it's just that simple.
    You are rewarding unloyal Mercs that are clan hopping, you are rewarding bullying by overpowering, you are telling the world that regular ppl don't count and only the amount they spend on the game does.
    Bring back the EE wars that made each clan roster a sensible fighting team, bring back clan loyalty , bring back the EE wars that made us want to play this game.
  12. I don't like the roster being locked when clans sign up. If the member had not casted for war they should be able to leave even when the clan is signed up. And lock it at the 60 min mark or even the time sign up ends
  13. Thanks for opening this thread. I'll recap some of my earlier suggestions for this post.

    After doing a lot of EE wars, the main problem that keeps reccuring is the bad matchups at the top tier clans warring. It seems to work for differently for smaller clans, but these are our observations at the top end.

    There are 2 main problems that need fixing.

    1. No match/ strength difference.
    During the last few weeks, the current 'hit ratio' algorithm produced the following matchups in the top tier clans. These are just some random examples, no disrespect to any of the clans mentioned.

    Week 12 war 4:

    Clan A: Ally LB 51 and 130 plus 27 non LB.
    NWoCB: Ally LB 10, 15, 26, 41, 43, 52, 79, 101, 147 and 156 plus 19 non LB.

    Week 12 war 5:

    BG: 29 people, Ally LB 87, 97 and 190
    Silver: 26 people and zero Ally LB

    Season 2, week 1, war 5:
    ZAFT: 29 people, Ally LB 2, 3, 17, 42, 43, 48, 77, 192
    Elysium: 29 people, Ally LB 82, 93 and 182.

    Season 2, week 1, war 10:
    FAITH: ally LB 118, 138, 190.
    ZAFT: ally LB 4, 5, 16, 17, 23, 48, 95.

    Not one of these matches are fair in my opinion. Having been in one of them, I can also say the dts/dtw isn't effective. I'm about 3,000 on ally LB and I could be hit by 17 ally LB.

    So it seems that at the top tier, the BFA component isn't taken into consiseration enough, and/or the dts/dtw range is too broad and/or the no match isn't tight enough.

    - Hit ratio needs to be secondary at best to strength comparison.
    - The 'no match' needs to be tightened and BFA needs to weigh in a lot heavier when comparing the strength of two clans.
    - If you really wanna stick to the hit ratio, then get the kingdoms' strengths much closer together by significantly reducing the BFA influence. Make it 0.02% instead of 0.2% just for EE wars; same for BFE.

    In season 1, we saw clans adapt teir roster when they got 'no matches'. The community solved problems of stacking by itself that way. Now there is no incentive.

    2. Participation
    More participation means better matches. Due to the current matchup system, clans decide to skip wars or even boycot the wars, meaning less participation. Fixing the matchup system will bring these clans back to war.

    Participation needs to improve a lot more tho. Warring should be rewarded more than eb-ing. At the moment however, that is very questionable.

    In a losing war scenario: The war takes 2 hours plus 1 hour activity lockdown. Only 29 people can participate. If a clan loses, the VP eb takes about 1.5 hrs since everyone will be empty going into the VP. If we say the war plunder and the VP eb make up for mith and pots lost during war, then that balances out.

    In those 4.5 hours of warring, prepping and VP-ing, my clan could have made about 520B doing TFC. Plus of course the 58 xstals this war will have cost us.

    IF we win, we get a lvl EE and mith. That still means 3 hrs of no eb for clan so 350B potential plunder loss. EE is easily lost again and mith won't build me any T6 lvl 2. So from a clan's perspective, participating in EE is probably not even the best option. Which is plain stupid in a game called kingdoms at WAR; just doing EE wars should be a LOT more rewarding than eb-ing.

    Solution: Start by really rewarding participation and reducing cost of warring.

    For the 29 warring clannies:
    -Make wars payout a lot more gold, and add aqua and inferno for both sides.
    - The winners get more of all that, a lvl EE and of course mith and Rancor (and maybe 1 xstal in a 2 hour war).
    - The losers don't get EE or mith but also they don't lose EE. Every level won just expires after 1 week.

    To help the 71 non warring clannies:
    - Drop the VP eb and just give the losers 14 mith so we can start an eb for all. Or allow everyone to hit the VP eb for gold; mith only for the warriors.
    - Let us run ebs until 15 minute before the actual war start. Then lock all activity and just give all warriors full troops so everyone is full going in.
    - Let us start an eb even if there is only 1 minute to go until activity lock. We don't mind failing as much as we mind pointless waiting.

    Thanks for reading.

  14. I believe, and I'm sure many other do as well that bfa is not counted enough in your algorithm. When analyzing our wars CS are always extremely close, and this would be awesome- except being a lb clan we have a lot of members who have a high bfa. We fight clans who often have even higher bfa. As raw stats are even, they basically cancel out and we're left fighting, not their stats, but their bfa.

    This is often hard to overcome, especially when some clans go in stacked with lb accounts. I know you say that the hit ratio will keep it fair, but at our level, there aren't many who can't hit up to the top 10 on the lb; it simply doesn't work for us, and others in our matching range. It works great for those in the mid tier, but if everyone attempts to go mid tier, as you see some top clans doing already, it'll only cause even more problems.

    That leads into my suggestion, ideally neutralizing bfa in ee completely would be the best solution, but that is very unfair to all who have worked hard for it; and that's not what I want to see. So what I suggest is making bfa account for more of what determines match ups. Bring back the no match system you had in season 1, but add to it your new algorithm for the hit ratios. In season 1 there were a lot of no matches at the start, but after awhile clans adjusted and no matches were reduced. With your current system there's not much maneuvering room to avoid a bad match. With no match back in place this could easily be fixed.

    I understand that the "perfect war" is impossible to get, and some of our matchups have been great in terms of evenness; but over all it's a gamble. And we (-Elysium-) are no longer sure it's a gamble we are willing to spend time and money on.

    Thank you for listening. 
  15. Absolutely wonderful @Lady. Nobody could have put it clearer.

    There is now NO excuse for the devs to take these ideas and instantly introduce them.
  16. Riot - a VIOLENT disturbance of the peace by a crowd.

    Since it is impossible to cause violence on this game in any physical form, therefore it is impossible to riot on this game in any manner.

    For those commenting about penalties for rioting, go back to grade school please and do your vocabulary over again. TY and enjoy the rest of your day.
  17. Clans throwing matches?? Who gives a ****?? Just go back to season 1 algorithm already for god sakes. You always address the most impertinent parts of ee. It's bad that many of the clans that war nonstop are not addressed but idiots and no stat alts that scream the loudest get your attention, i.e., 1 hour turtle wars, advantage wars, dtw/dts baloney. I'd guess that the clans in the top bracket spend more on this game than the rest of the clans doing ee put together but unlike a real world business that would address their top clients, you address the rest. It seems that ATA thinks that they have this elite team that has better ideas than the people who play. The people I know who play this game are highly analytical and can quickly analyze pros and cons of each change you make and within 5 minutes of each new idea you toss out we can easily see all the exploits that you never thought of. Maybe it's time to have a beta group to help u guys out instead of just rolling out changes that damage this game we all love.
  18. Pre season was beta testing, that's the lol part
  19. Moose isn't going to troll the dev thread? Just the player thread, nice. Jack ass.

    Despite the attempts of a few to derail the Boycott thread, the frustration level of established EE clans is high, this is not "butt hurt". I sincerely hope you have read the deleted thread and are willing to address these issues.
  20. My personal opinion is u created a monster by opening the frost lands so close to season 2. these wars have become ( to name a clan ) 'towers of fail' , now don't get me wrong towers are important and how people build is up to them but we see that these wars have become a more about how many fails then how many wins!

    These wars have become a heavily time consuming business in trying to organize people ( often needing people from other clans because of time zone differences) then the time needed to organize roster numbers,teams ect! These wars are becoming a chore ESP when u get an overwhelming match up!

    And what is the go with losing clan ranking!!!!!! Your match making algorithm allows for too many fails for any clan to maintain that rank and actually war!!!!!

    These wars have also become more about how fast ur Internet/wifi is giving advantage to certain countries b4 others! Yes yes we have all heard it all actions are fair blah blah blah, it's not fair wen u can't get an action in while your screen spinning( considering an action) for 10,20,hell even 30 secs while u continue to take inc.

    And once again wars times suit only half the world giving certain countries the advantage of being able to participate in more wars! And no I can't quite my job to suit these wars! I have emailed u details, yet to see any changes. Let me ask u devs.......are u discriminating? Yes I think you are.
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