Season 2 - Week 1: Recap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 22, 2013.

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  1. @moose there is nothing wrong with a guild hansel except how can a 1mil cs player attack a 6mil cs player? That would be the only thing needing to be changed is how high they can hit, because guild hansels are the fastest way to grow most new players can be them. So there will always be plenty of people for the guild hansels to hit but being able to hit someone 600% their size is a bit excessive.
  2. Sorry if I confused you dylacer lol. My bracket idea would be too simply but the clans into tiers. Also there needs to be more incentive for the bigger clans too stay in the big boy bracket like maybe 2 x mith payout. So if the brackets are set up like this platinum division cs min 500mil and above Gold division 450 mil - 499 mil Silver division 400 mil - 449 mil Bronze division 350mil -399 mil etc etc. Do away with hit ratio and let clan owners figure out what division they want to be in. So if zaft wars huge you know that you have to be over 500 mil cs to war them so either man up or shut up. This will make clans not stack if no one wants to be in the platinum division it also keeps the cs difference to 49 mil and by cs once again I mean and ill spell it out total bldg stats added to your total players bfa plus bfe bonus multiplied by .02. Last season when I warred at zaft we knew we would get either bg warlor or rca because they were the biggest so just put those in the same division and let us go at it.
  3. In my last war (10) I was clan rank 8 .. My opening target on opposition side was 34.. I got the first 2 attacks in .. Both FAILS !!!! If 8 can't hit 34 for a win @ the opening bell . That's proof positive that either u have no clue don't give a **** or have the system completely rigged .. Your ee algorithm is **** ... Must have been written by kindergarten kids with no comprehension of math .. As far as I'm concerned ATA is a bunch of thrives using bait n switch tactics .. To cater to a certain few :: I DEMAND YOU COLLECTIVELY PULL EACH OTHERS HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND PROVIDE US WITH SOMETHING BETTER THAN YOUR VERSION OF THIS CRAP ... U MUST IMPLEMENT AN 80% win ratio into match factoring .. If the top 10% can't hit bottom 10% fine .. But the other 80% should be able to hit (FOR A WIN DAMMIT) each other ... Your system is a joke and frankly your programmers are either incompetent or on the take from your big spenders ..
  4. Rising hawks suck. Match up fair BS
  5. Give Europe more wars or better times please
  6. Hey admins,could you give us some example of a 1 vs 1 matchup between 2 players?

    I'm thinking, people see targets with higher cs than them but their bfa/bfe would make up for the cs. Maybe if you show examples of 3-4 different types of builds/or players and how they match with each other both new and old players would understand some match ups a bit more.
  7. Honestly i think the best answer to gh is to change plunder made hitting a person off of the number of buildings they have and the level of said buildings. Not off of cs.
  8. @Kush, Support
  9. Can someone post the link for info on BFA/BFE? Thanks
  10. (Again about the gh "exploit"?) I believe MM said it best a few pages ago, if u don't like the gh's tower up or become 1, gh is the most popular build in these ee wars and I am sure the clan u r in have several as well. GH is not the biggest problem here so pls offer the devs better suggestions on how to correct the system in place.

    I have read through this whole post (yes, I have a lot of free time) and there r a ton of great ideas that have been presented now (and I am sure countless times before). I will leave the game mechanics up to the smart ppl, so here r my (and i am sure several others ideas/opinions).

    -Obviously more wars catered to more time zones r a biggie. To the ones saying to themselves "hey KMA bc, it will b hard to field a team of 26 most of the time" good pt random kawmmunity member. Which leads to this idea-----------
    -(yes this is a stretch and a bit of a pipe dream) Those clans who want to war, but cannot field a team of 26. Why not have an option to have sign ups at 13-15 as well as 26-29. The teams that sign up with 13-15 can b "partnered" with another team of 13-15 casted members to go against a regular clan sized at 26-29. Yes, that idea is a stretch. (Sorry) This isn't, have 2 seperate war sign up sizes. Keep the 26-29, but add 13-15 or whatever, ik several clans always miss wars due to not having enough ppl. Hopefully there would b enough clans in the 13-15 size range to field enough wars.
    -Increase incentives to war! No rancor lost when u lose, no TVP eb anymore instead "require" ppl to use the 14 mith spells to war. Before u sign up to cast u need to buy a "war package" first. In this "war package" is the 14 mith spells and 2 xstals, make it reasonable say $3-5 dollars or 100 billion in gold (hey, it is a business after all). When we receive the 1 hour notice to mith up everyone's "war package" is engaged automatically. U want to war u spend real $ (which we all do, well most of us) or the gold too, if u choose not to war, that's on u, but at least there r no free rides out of it. If u wish to cast more mith spells on top of the "war package" awesome, u will still have the right to anytime within the hour countdown.
    Winners will still receive a great mith payout, but what about on top of the regular mith payouts u distribute performance bonuses too? Top ko's, top plunder, most actions, most sko's, etc. They can range from more mith, to aqua, to inferno, to the new haunt seals, to a ton of gold, to random equipment drops as well. Keep the ee wars exciting! :)
    Losers will receive a free token for a "war package" redeemable in the next war of their chose. Lessens the chance of ppl warring just for the mith eb. U only get mith if your team wins, but u will always b able to war even if u lose with the wp token.
    But keep TVP eb, add it to a tier (or keep it where it is). Make the gold per hit and bonus a little more, but add aqua and inferno drops as well. And ( wait for it) have it randomly drop an actual piece of The Red Paladin Equipment. Make the drop rates extremely low for the 150 mith pieces and up, but less extreme for the 50-100 pieces of mith.
    -And lastly (sorry) try to develop ee wars for single individuals, not sure the exact ins and outs, but the amount of ppl who want to war, but cannot (do not have a clan to war in, have a clan, but their clan does not war certain wars, does not meet certain req. to war, etc.) is pretty substantial.
    Ty for letting me express my opinions. We understand it is impossible to make everyone happy, but the amount of ppl who have taken their time (and $) to war should b respected more than it has.
  11. @Kaw_admin. I think if you really want to assure people matchups are fair then if you post a graph or stats show the total cs/bfa/bfe for each matchup. For me the most common complaint is 'they were so much bigger than us' but people only ever look at cs, rarely bfe and never bfa. I would also include a gh count per side. This should give the players a good idea on the matchups
  12. I really hope you don't "fix" this gh "exploit". We are using what is available. To change it so some builds can win more is ridiculous, especially since the season has started. Why not have those builds change so they are more effective against gh? That's what the current buildings are for. Same buildings that are available for EVERYONE to use if they so choose.
  13. I'm woefully behind on does take quite a bit of time. I have all the Week 1 data, just need to get some free time and assemble it all together.
  14. Guild hansels being fixed is no different than the tower build being fixed in season 1. Only difference is that the towers cost hundreds of billions where I just built a guild hansel in less than a week.
  15. The issue with ghs or more accurately towered ghs is not how big they can hit. It's the disproportionate plunder. When a gh can hit you for 40m and you hit back for 1m it's hard to overcome. The gh get the extra gold for hitting targets bigger than them and the reason there's targets bigger than them to hit is the mixing of huge accounts with the tiny gh accounts to get a match with a bunch of middle size accounts that the gh can make a killing on. This is able to occur because the devs throw an entire clans cs, bfe, and bfa into a bowl and look for a clan with similar cs. Each account in a clan needs to be looked at as an individual IMO to make more even matches. When we used to make our own matches long ago in kaw we used to do this. If one clan had 4 lb and the other 3 the people negotiating the war would always ask for the 4lb clan to sit one same thing used to go with hansels and every build for that matter. We knew long ago that if we wanted a fun war we needed to try to make it a fair war. Now a lot of times things fell apart after the wars started lol but we tried to start as close to even as we could. Guess what we never used cs or the inaccurate clan strength rating the devs had and it appears their matching algorithm is just as inaccurate as their clan strength rating. Stop looking at the clans as a forest devs and match on the individual trees please.
  16. As well, please note that if your build is good for hitting eb's it may not be good for war. Adjust as needed; there are buildings to help you with that.
  17. A solution soon...
    Well know this has to be some of the funniest **** I've seen yet. Did you not run The Catechism Wars to implement changes to Season II wars. You had 14 weeks of match ups and willing test rats to make all the changes you wanted.

    Season II has started rosters\builds\strategies have been formed around your test wars. To change now is completely intolerable.

    The only guild hansel problem is a clans inability to plan for what's coming. Just because you stack your roster poorly doesn't mean there's an exploit in place being used against you. Static defense ;) use it.

    LB Issue??
    Again why is this an issue?

    To all you whining: lets put our big boy pants on. You have had 14 weeks to prepare for season II. The fact that you didn't use the time wisely is irrelevant now.

    Happy Kawing
  18. There isn't a gh "exploit", it's just another build, each build serves its own purpose. Those crying about it are eb builds, unwilling to sacrifice a little plunder for sdt/adt. Dts/dtw was put into effect to "fix" the gh issue, which in my opinion is crazy. What kind of war is fought where one can't hit another? If you are being hit by a gh learn how to ee & hit back. If you don't like being hit by a gh fix your build & try putting up some towers or drop/change build as I've done. Sorry admin this hasn't helped you, it's designed to help the eb builds that you see crying in previous posts & to state there is no gh "problem", it's a build problem. You've done your part by placing dtw/dts into effect. Continue to focus on other issues, REAL issues.
  19. @ Minas morgal and other gh there is a problem it doesn't effect me as my cs and towers do prevent Inc in war
    As others have said I don't think gh should be handicapped nor should lb be refused war
    But I do think the amount of plunder a gh gets is too much when attackers cant make the same plunder when hitting back so why not keep gh as they are and increase the gold you get from attacking them.
    This way gh still make same plunder and get same amount of ko only change would they might have to change tactics
    As for lb and this does effect me I think the system for match ups does not work on hit ratio as I can hit a lb I can even win if I'm full and there close to 0 but there will be only one out come in the long run. My clan has lb players but we rarely have more than 2 at any one time and yes when we have a war we out number them with lb the advantage is vast so there has to be a compromise with this and it might be the more lb ppl a clan has the more chance of no match that might balance out lb players over clans
  20. @Minas we all know how to hit a gh. Hitting them isn't the issue. The plunder gap is. I hope the devs simply alter the plunder values and screw the gh that have been screwing the system for months. It is an exploit plain and simple.
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