Both of you are idiots. I'm pretty sure almost everyone knows devs Tz... Oh and it is the 14th for the devs. So just patiently wait; stop complaining and go to sleep. When you wake up you should have the rewards. If not... KaW just hates you.
My only questions are, will you be extending the duration of the EE spell for bonus gold like you did last season? And will there be any kind of special rewards to those that hit level 50 rancor in both season 1 & 2? P.S i had fun in all your wars keep up the good work cant wait to see whats next
Dear Admin, if you are still on could you please let the community know if you will be running ee wars soon and when, so we can earn mith to enchant all the great equipment. Thank you.
Can't wait until Season 3, seeing as war xstals will be added in by then ( then I could finally war more often ) Thanks devs!
Take all the time you need Kaw_Admin. But one question. Will rewards be distributed like the fangs, or all at once
Funny how I keep reading what's everyone's posting here but cool season can't wait for season 3. Thanks devs.
I don't get any rewards so I don't mind waiting lol, I see the word glitch and remember the beginning of EB's and the great Haunting glitch, that's the kind of glitch I want to see again. LOL