Season 2 Rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. I get it! 100% agree! Wish we were 3 or 4 hours ahead, but we aren't so we are working as fast as we can. Apologies on the delay! My last reply so I can concentrate, thanks everyone for chiming in!

    Remember we are using your Rancor at the end of the day on Sunday Nov 10th, the last day of wars, so if your's has expired, fear not Kawsmonaut!
  2. Pls Reed my thred on dis ishoo. I hav propos idea
  3. Kaw_admin never replies to me lol

    I would want u to reply because I'm amazing but u gotta get to work!
  4. @ Kaw Admin...Since we have spotted you on here I have couple of quick questions.
    1. Any time table for season 3?
    2. Can we get EE extension if preseason is more than two weeks apart?
    3. Can you please listen to community and actually implement the things which will actually help the community? ( during preseason when u experiment with hit ratio and what not)
    4. And last, can you please be more understanding of community's concerns and be proactive? After all It's been only 4 years since you have been running this game

    Thanks for Season 2.
  5. Kaw admin, while youre playing with the equip code. Any chance you can remove the enchant fail reset on the paladin equip. Boots, helm, ring souls and greaves? Mith is expensive and difficult to obtain. Please, this will help plenty of players
  6. Thank you devs, don't listen to all the whiners 
  7. Speaking of not being payed enough... Exactly how much are you payed kaw_admin?
  8. Classic. Kaw admins statement about all the things kaw peeps complain about. Funny stuff.
  9. Kaw Admin earns roughly 2k cookies an hour.
  10. How many 50's were earned this season devs?
  11. Do you think they are calculating a Rancor reimbursement for brutal mismatches?
  12. If that is the case, take your time KaW_Admin
  13. I kind of want to see how many players got
    Lvl 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 and 1.

    Example Lvl 5 : 200
    4 : 400
    3 : 600 etc etc
  14. KaW admin, even though I only warred once and lost, can I have a lvl 50 rancor equipment reward just to be fair?
  15. So let me see if I'm trackin here:

    Players get pissy when things are glitchy, which causes spammy threads in Active Topics about how glitchy the equipment is because the devs were rushed into releasing it.

    Players get pissy when the devs don't release equipment right away because they don't want glitching/bugged items so players make harsh/rude/demeaning comments towards devs which probably makes them annoyed which sets back the time.

    Players get pissy when devs don't respond back to their comments/aren't active.

    Players get pissy when they are too active and aren't working on the equipment.

    Its a lose lose situation and y'all, as the players, yall need to grow up and realize that ain't nobody works on your time. The devs don't got to release anything, they don't have to have EE wars that probably make 'em want to pull their hair out.

    Is anybody trackin?

    Take your sweet time devs, gives me more people to show that they gotta learn patience if thet want things in life
  16. I imagine Kaw_Admin sitting in a chair. Taking his right index finger and pointing it to his for head, he pulls the trigger, PRAYING to God a real bullet comes out.

    Seriously, guys, we've been waring for 2 months, so just wait 12 hours or so.

    When is season 3? You think we can let them focus on finishing S2? There is no answer to that question.

    As Fiddler said so well, let them take the time they need to get this done and do it right because if we aren't complaining about how long it takes them, then we'll complain about how stupid they are for getting it wrong.
  17. Thanks devs. Ignore those complainers
  18. Thanks!
  19. ...yea about that photo... I might have nightmares. And yes it probably will be because of that photo.