Season 2 Rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Ezio, the devs don't care about your bed time
  2. We did do it before the season and we have been testing, the point was that we want to triple check everything before we give it out. Does that make sense?
  3. Please make 1 piece of equipment bugged.
  4. Ok, if you insist.
  5. This is what you call the community tarnishing KaW admin with "that brush" lmao. And we all know what that brush is. Covered in a liquid of notMeetingDeadlines
  6. Give that piece to Karl. Negative stats and cannot be removed ever 
  7. Admin, can we get some equipment from season that gives a plunder bonus anytime soon
  8. You didn't answer my question  I thought you loved me Kaw Admin 

    *cries in corner*
  9. Lmao love kaw admin threads and his replies :lol:
  10. You guys triple checked everything last time then we all got greaves weighted to attack rather than defence..  it makes sense of course but you should know that ur customers live around the globe and when u decide to wake up on the 14th some of us have done a whole days work.. Maybe being more specific in future will stop us getting frustrated?
  11. This is the medieval times. Why don't we just dig a hole, put KaW admin in it and stone him? This is essentially what this thread is lmao
  12. Complaining done.. Il go sit in the corner and wait like a good little customer now
  13. We would get banned if we we did.
  14. I lost my ee & rancor today,will I still get my equipment?
  15. Maybe I'm biased cuz I don't EE...

    But c'mon guys really? Is the equipment that important you can't wait a few days? The Devs are more active in the community then they have ever been. They respond to your posts even when said posts are ridiculously rude and noobish. Coding is a ***** and they wana make sure everything is right cuz if they release bugged equips you guys just noob rage further.

    Thank you KaW_Admin for taking the time to explain to players what is going on and thank you for all this new fun stuff that makes KaW a better game.
  16. I love it when kaw_admin trolls the trolls!!
  17. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who appreciate the hard work you are doing devs. It's just all the negative people who like to voice their opinions. So "thank you" from all of us who wait patiently!
  18. ATA generally needs to employ someone as their forum troll. That'll shut haters up. I'm willing to take an interview.