Season 2 Rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Would encourage more participation, The equipment wouldn't need to be as strong as the awards we were given sorry didn't pre read in a rush
  2. More crying over guild hansels…
  3. I thought the Equipment from the Rancor rewards are 15% stronger than the regular Red Paladin EQ's. But it seems messed up cuz the difference are only 10%. What the hell happened? Is there additional change? Did devs made some errors again about the EQ's stats for the rancor rewards items? I hope someone also notice this the same as I did.
  4. Don't suppose you are going to be giving out an extension on EE are you guys :) you did last season when you gave out the equipment, in 72 hours I'm not gonna have EE for the first time since before season 1 
  5. @kaw_admin

    Now that the season is over... and I need more mith to max my bfe, when is the next EE war so I can get more mith to enchant? -- Just curious... cuz I'm kind of addicted to EE wars as well.

    "It's Udder Madness"
  6. Kaw admin: Any promises for season 3 you want to throw out there now that season 2 is over? We would like to get the false sense of hope that you will actually fix the broken system you put together for season 2.

    End of season 1 "We are working hard to address the GH issue"
    Beginning of preseason 2 " We are working on a fix and it will be implemented before season 2"
    Start of season 2 "We are testing a few things but will have a fix for the GH issue during season 2"

    Pattern? :lol:

    Most strategizers will agree that GH alone is not the problem. Yes they pay poorly, and they make a ton when they are successful, but they do have their weaknesses as well. The biggest problem is how they are used to fabricate a roster that is stacked on top. If you are an LB clan and you have 0 GH and you are facing 12 of them, you can be sure that you are facing huge people up top and you are in for a long unenjoyable war.

    When hit ratio was first implemented, we at Kings Castle actually had some of the best matches we had ever had. Every match came down to the wire and we were excited about the upcoming season. Then came the introduction of HF lands. The hit ratio algorithm was not ready to deal with a bigger range of builds in EE. It was even more pronounced when lvl 2 and lvl 3 was released.

    It's time to go back to the drawing board devs. It's time to become creative. Yes, it's time for kaw_creative to start working instead of kaw_admin because even with the countless suggestions that were put forth, no positive changes were seen in season 2.

    Trust me, there were many people fed up and quit EE, many great EE clans warred less or stopped warring altogether and I know many who have vowed to not join season 3 at all if drastic changes weren't made. At this moment, there is more incentive to drop build than to build out.. kind of seems counter-intuitive to me.

    I could probably write a book about all of the changes I would like to see, but here is a few big ones:

    1. Remove guilds from highlands -- you have 3 tiers of spy buildings now, why make it an incentive to keep the lowest ones? (Trust me, it affects me just as much, as I have many GH's as well, but shouldn't we work on progression?)
    2. Do something about the dumbell shaped rosters. Heavy top, no middle, and GH's on bottom. If you don't want to get rid of them, have them match each other. Sure we can copy the same roster style, but most want to have fun... winning in this manner has to get boring.
    3. If you are insistent on keeping the GH's... then have a separate pool for matching for any clans with more than 6 GH on their roster. I would love to put together a roster of 29 non GH accounts without the fear of having to match against 4 LB's and 12-19 GH's. Please bring back the mid-level attack builds to EE. This season was the season of rejection for any mid-sized attack build.
    4. Add fixed KO into 1 hr wars. TBH, I hate random and advantage KO wars, but I agree that it's fair to have a mix of these wars. If that is the case, there should be fixed KO's in 1 hr wars as well.
    5. Have 1 and 2 hr wars mixed throughout the week. Why only reserve 2 hr wars for the weekend? This is a poor assumption that people have more free time on the weekends than weekdays.
    6. What happened to the rule that for an account to count to war minimum requirement, it needed an attack building on it? This still allows for 3 PS's in a clan, but at least it would prevent 25 of them in one roster.

    The season had its ups and downs. Congratulations to all who received rancor 50. Much respect to the clans that we warred and hopefully we see some positive changes for the upcoming season.

    Kaw_admin was super active in this thread, but watch them go silent now....

    -WSP (Kings Castle)
  7. Completely support WSP, couldn't have said it better  Middle attack builds are getting shunned now and GH's are taking their place...
  8. WSP that was brilliantly put 

     don't hear kaw_creative talking yet

  9. Devs or whomever it may concern... I know I'm in the wrong thread but it has the most recent responses from kaw_admin so I know it will be read by the right person. AN IDEA THAT'S WIN WIN. What about KAW Autobots sold by KAW that auto-unloads all your troops/spies while you are away from the game working to earn money to spend on KAW. Or how about an option tofully unload all your troops/spies in 1 action. Now I could add many ideas to this but I'm sure if you think about it you can handle it from here. A response from devs would be appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Hey man, how's it going? I think there is some great feedback. I will NOT make any promises. But I can say we are working on all the issues you listed above and I appreciate you taking the time to post them.
  11. Great thread WSP, fully support and agree totally with what you are saying. Its a shame you don't work for ata. Would see better more even wars..... Grats and respect buddy
  12. Yep lots of disappointment with the stats on these.. The rewards don't measure up to all the effort. I put my time and money into warring and stats on new equip frankly suck. Especially when you look at price of enchanting. Lol thanks devs but falls short of expectations. Don't think ill bother to waste all that mith for the tiny stat increase from regular s2 mith equips. Makes me want to quit playing. Was excited but hopes sank. Also don't EE warriors need defense? These equips are attack heavy. Good for gh I guess, like that's new................... Sigh. Btw ty for our achievement badge but why no stat or plunder percentage bonus to those who got 50? I think I have no need for a badge just to look pretty in my profile.
  13. Lol at Bryan the impalor.. Must be smokin crack cause that didn't sound like u were joking.. I seriously hope u were joking 
  14. I thought Bryan the impaler's suggestion was out of date. Aren't they on sale already. Imma get me one for ee wars for Xmas.
  15. Here's to kaw admin 
    Good on you for now resetting those obnoxious * bleeps * accounts like I probably would if they constantly complained. Cheers 
  16. Foxy, rancor/paladin gear was made to be offense heavy. We all knew this from day one, before the equip was rolled out pre season 1
  17. Just wondering if some of us are waiting on our season 2 rewards or if I might have just been missed? I didn't get my achievement or gear
  18. Lie..
    1. Summer plates, 81m cs.
    2. Abyssal Sword, 80.5m cs.
    3. Chest plate, 75m cs.

    It's clearly not the best item, don't play it off as if it was.
  19. JAC u noob u know nothing stop making a fool of yourself