Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 8 - War #3 and War #4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. So our 1st match up would've been better then out second n now the winners get 6rc n losers get 1, Ty I guess
  2. Oh and they had us by over 100m cs. Please tell me in what world is that a fair match.
  3. Devs you forgot to list a clan....
  4. Kaw admin thank u for the plus 2 rancor. It puts me at level 50. I want to say thanks to clan silver for making it possible. Especially dogs sisie mino ahyla larry and sugar. I guess even punch. With out the great people there would not have been possible. SILVER STOMP
  5. See devs slight problem with your comp for the screw up what about us with level 50 rancor, ain't like we can get level 52?.
  6. What about the ee lvl we lost it ? U should give it back to . Not only rancor
  7. First matchup was against a clan 3 ranks stronger that was cool second matchup against a clan 12 ranks higher in strength what is that what don't u get about everyone complaining that hit ratio thing is bogus is that not proff enough
  8. Can't go above 50, killa
  9. Oh an while I'm here mad respect to my family ThE OuTLaWz And OgAlliance Especially Kick,arch and holly who I wouldn't have this without.
  10. You can keep your 2 rancor levels devs, I'm totally sick of your continuous f ups, all we, the kaw community asks for is fair match ups n you can't even manage that!!!
    2 rancor lvls, means that loosing side gets one extra while winning sides get six, you can't even get your compensation right, how about checking individual matches n compensate accordingly instead of a blanket " have a nice day" such poor form devs, again seems like you don't care about the kawmunity, only dollars.
    F u very much
  11. Cool to give rancor points, but the chumps who got he crap beat out of them, due to the mismatches only get 2 rancor levels and loose an EE level, while winners get mith and 1 level of EE? Real cool...............not
  12. So in my case right now because we lost we end at plus 1 , and the other team ends at plus 5

    And we lost edge again.

    That seem fair to you?
  13. Correction. Other team ends at plus 6

    Dont throw salt in our faces like this dev
  14. With all these promotions going on, why not do a special with EE wars and increase rancor for certain wars this week?
  15. @Qwerty...............................

  16. 
  17. Q your such a noob. Lmao
  18. Any chance at x10 mith this season lol i dont get the mith payout this season its def not worth it we have members at lvl 50R yet only made e nuf mith for a couple equip last season was so much better, and since im here wth is up with matchups lately as soon as i shot u guys an atta boy for the perfect matches things went all wacky again look at TuCs history its all the proof u need to show whatever u did is working for someone just not us y do we only get matched with clans way up the list from us we love a chalange but this is a waste of time and money there needs to b a pay scale when fighting the imposable so it makes the risk of getting a bad match worth signing 26-29 people up for like 2x payout for every 20mcs bigger your matched withand the winning side if bigger makes less
  19. Id like to thank my team for this season we all worked very hard and learned a lot and will b even better next season

    Again thanks guys TuC rocks if it wasnt for bad matches we would win them all we put a 100% in every single sign up except the no matches id like to apologies for the devs matches aeth u worked so hard building rosters only to have a bad match it was like watching the bully smash your lego castle that u worked all night on but u always came back with a better castle thank u for not giving up we all put 100% into thos season looking forward to next season already hope devs fix there matchup system or comes up with a better way to get mith TuC Fam Rocks!