Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 8 - War #11,12,13

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Rancor50, not 59, sorry, typo as im very tired of 8 weeks of restless wars
  2. LaR should have Match silver in war 13 (devs your are a bunch of Idiots) ty for the dissapointed Season 2 ️
  3. why free rancors for no match? there was plenty of time during season ... and many wars before
  4. Devs. Can you pls explain how oG alliance got Rising Hawks as a match. We had a good balance of big/mids/smalls. Rising Hawks had 23 Guild Hansels and LB/Bigs. How is that a good possible match? Please post reply. Thank you
  5. Devs plz give 2 rancor points for no match war 15 plz
  6. I agree with cherrie my last 2wars were no match stuck at 48 rancor not even a chance to get 50
  7. Devs plz consider giving 2 rancor points for war 15 no match, or give us any match, its not fair, i had about 4 no matches this week
  8. #RancorForNoMatch #2morelvlsdevs. #ihavgoodgradesbumpmeto50
  9. This season is a failure.What more could i say that has not already been said.Maybe if you would listen to us and stop planning around just making more money.
  10. I would like to know why The Insane Asylum didn't get a match for war 15 plz. We had so many members about to reach the next level in that war too.
  11. I can see if I was trying to abuse the system... but offering at least like a +1 to existing rl for every no match received in the last two weeks. where it can only be added if an equal amount of rancor already exists. So no one could just have rl 1 and try to no match 15 times so they get next level. but those that are honest and really try get something even though the matching algorithm made it not even possible. I myself had 3-4 no matches recently. I've warred at least 6-7 wars a week. I have rancor level 38 and was no matched a few times in the last few war match-ups. it would've been nice to have the opportunity. mith isn't as important as rancor tbh during the season. so by all means call it butt hurt or noobish. but I war very very often, and I found this season to be littered with no matches. please consider this to help several line like me who flat out warred their butts off.

    if you think I'm a leach, by all means check the war goe vs sas war 14. and lar vs kc before that. both top plunder, not always there. but I'm no slouch, my friends and adversaries will tell you the same. tyvm for considering devs.

    p.s. I apologize, it's very hard to type in these forums on my phone. sorry.
  12. With the season being over now devs I have an idea that might balance out the matchups. When a clan casts wave if #1 can't hit number 29 or whatever is the lowest to cast then they can't war. Everyone complains about the exploit of adding smallish ghs to get a desired match. If everyone in a clan can hit everyone then this should decrease the said "exploit".
  13. oh and for the record, I had rl 30 week 4. and lost a ton in a row. that's back when it was only +2 for a win. thanks to all clans who let me war there and accepted my input. met a lot of great people this season. -driver
  14. Well said driver, devs plz consider? At least for last week no matches....
  15. Thank u devs for a great season can't wait for season 3 :) wen the next all stars
  16. Please post stats for silver, KoS, battlegrounds and LaR in our no matches for wars 13
  17. Good old ampersand cut off half my post.

    Please post stats for Kos, LaR, silver, and battlegrounds no matches in wars 13 and 15. You had 3 of the top ranked clans on the sidelines in each war with similar rosters. This impacted many players ability to get to their next level. We had 3 no matches in last 9 wars. The no match in war 7 is understandable when considering the number of sign up in that time slot, but two of the last three makes no sense, especially after seeing some of the other matches. Another look at why none of us matched each other and the information would be appreciated.

    Also, support some form of drivers idea.
  18. I just want to know . Is going to be wars like it used to be . No rancor of course but just warring . Like the test wars or even like before season 1 . Just for fun . But in the EE format .

    Thank you
  19. My first ee season devs and i must say it was good..Had few wins,few losses but in the process met some really good warriors. I really tried hard for rancor lvl 40 and above but No match for war 15 stopped me at 39. If you give +1 to guys who had no match in the last couple of matches, it would surely raise ppl confidence in you that you listen and read forum posts. Anyways hope you would listen to customer feedback but keeping hopes at minimum. Gl to all for season 3
  20. Plzzzz devs I had a no match in week 4 and then one in week 7 so I couldnt make level 50 so I stopped warring but if I had had a match I am sure I would have won and warred more and gotten lvl 50 for sure so plzzzz gimme all items... I deserve it, gimme free stuff

     keep trying....