Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 3 - War #2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. BE GLAD YOU GOT NO MATCHES ! Btw great matches devs - you have officially sucked your last dollar from me ( 98 xtals remain ) then cash free kaw --- AND TO ANYONE THAT WANTS TO HELP GET ADVANTAGE WARS -- big at the top and as small as you can go at the bottom ( alts guilds no adp) look around everyone is doing it ----just make sure not to many small(5-6) then u will miss the " hit ratio" --- btw respect to zaft you guys are beasts  CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT RATE THIS APP POP UP LOLOLOL
  2. where do i file my grievance?? such a disappointing start to the season gotta say i had higher hopes :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
  3. Good job recently devs keep up the good work.
  4. Minas morgul member here, today we got a no match and for the first time, we started the tvp and the eb locked for hitters, we ended up ff it and went and continue doing escapes( paying seal), please compensate the warriors, or as someone once posted, get rid of tvp altogether and give the 15 mith, or in case of war, give the mith back, trust us, we will spend it
  5. LMFAOSMALL ADJUSTMENTS ON TIGHTEN BFA BFE CS n hit ratio. Oh where oh where that small adjustments u tighten will b @? I need to work out on my thightighten my thigh
  6. Are you serious, devs? You will fix the matchup like this for the rest of the season? Your current matchup seems so random and I think it's all becoz of your hit ratio. When we had a smaller roster, you matched us to a stronger clan and when we had a bigger roster, you matched us to a smaller clan. May I know the reason why? Wouldn't it make more sense if it was the other way around?

    I feel bad for both parties in the war. The mismatch just took the fun out of the war itself. Please re-consider your decision. The current matchup system definitely needs more work!
  7. Oh I got my app rate pop up I put remind later hmmm with these erm how would you say it !!! **** matchups I know what I'm putting. Way to go for season starting. Devs rushing to earn money end up losing because less ppl warring.
  8. That was a much better match up devs even though we lost in the end the war was fun an both sides enjoyed it..
    I thought I should give so good feed back after the angry ones wen you messed up if they keep like that for the rest of season good job guys
    Thanks again
    I will be analyzing the data to elaborate the cause for no natch and will post my results and data in wars topic for all to view and discuss. Since they won't tell us their changes we can work together and figure them out
  10. If anything this is definitely worse now that you have made your "final changes" what a joke did you just move the hit algorithm 1%? For it being mandatory that we spend money to do EE wars you guys sure aren't trying very hard to keep your cash flow coming in. It really will be kingdoms of ebs soon at the rate y'all are going. Something tells me this is more backwards than before and you should probably try to please the people paying you.
  11. U don't need to have them wall u sorta look at the clans ... Every one of them run little gh with larger / lb players

    If ur bottom player can't hit ur top player ur clans hit ratio will be off .. If u have 10 that can't it will be way off its really that simple
  12. Says the biggest rancor whiner out there
    Just saying
  13. LOL if al those clans did that then they would match eachother with an excellent hit ratio. Think before you post. Or keep looking like a fool.
  14. Please email and we'll sort it out.
  15. @ the Devs. After all whats been posted here you ONLY react to such a lame thing as an eb that couldnt be started????? No respons about the matchup algoritm???? Can we conclude that you are incapable of fixing it? Please be honost to the kawmunity, so we can all BOYCOT ee wars and go on being an eb fairy. The only one good thing in KaW and you manage to destroy it. Well done 
  16. Why dont you guys make a minimum stat requirement to join EE? Its as simple as that. The current bad matchups are created because guild hansels can join and get "balanced" by LB players hence "averaging" their stats to an "average" clan. That "average" clan will then have numerous problems trying to hit LB and wont make anything off from GHs.

    Also, why not make plunder just like EB plunder? Make plunder based on your personal stats, not on the person you're hitting. That way Guild Hansel or no Guild Hansel or LB or not wont change a thing. You'd still make that amount of golds hitting. Sure give a small bonus for hitting larger players, but the minimum plunder made should be there and should be based on your stats.

    That way clans will be rostered in a better average strength and guild hansels will not be that popular since they would be "money bags" and LBers would still need to have their work cut out for them.


    During the casting of WOC, NULL ALL ALLIES BONUS during the war. This will give more chances for everyone to war in a fair fight. Based on raw stats and equips. Yeah yeah I collected BFA etc etc and those are so dear to me yada yada - so? Do you want a fair fight? You want to play with strategy? Thats the way to do it. Having BFA in EE wars is nice, but hard to calculate and hard to predict. Based on pure raw stats however, much easier, fairer, and gives a chance to EVERYONE to war fairly.

    Before y'all go berserk "then whats the point of buying all them allies?" Well many points - first for osw - no bfa means you get hit easier, and well many of you love being on the leader boards. Second, I think the devs could create a secondary tier war for those wanting to use their BFA, and play there. By casting a different spell. Call it Blank League for no bfa and Premier League for BFA included. Whats the interest then? Of course people having more bfa needs more incentive, more than blank league players - e.g. Better mith payouts? Include golds as a payout? More rancor levels when you win? I dunno many options are there.

    Anyways I typed long enough.
  17. Is there a reason my post was deleted off this thread kaw admin? All I said was how does our clan with very little bfa get matched with a clan with a top 50 and a top 20 LB? They weren't much smaller than us at the bottom. Must be nice to get two free tanks for a war. Thanks devs. Delete this post to I'm sure I'm done with e war and spending money on kaw. I'm just gonna farm your paying customers 
  18. GH are not the problem. The clan we faced had NO GH and still 8lb vs 2lb but from the 8 are 5 top 20 ally lb. The dtw or DTS doesn't work in most cases cuz 4 of the top 20 ally lv could hit me.

    I only post this again to say even without the guild hansel the algorithm is faulty. Hit ratio won't show the reality. If I can hit a lb account and he me. It's ok for hit ratio but my hits will mostly fail while his will mostly succeed. Bfa factor is still not counted in in a way it should be.

    So basically the same as Season1. No change at all.
  19. It's painfully obviously that after season 1 LB players, who account to probably 75% of the devs profit, decided they want to play in EE wars too. That was almost impossible with season 1 matchmakings BFA standards. Its obvious that this game has slowly turned to the devs playing money grab at every update (seals,horns) so Ofcourse they won't upset their biggest suppliers of revenue the LB players. Why should they care about me spending $20 a month when many LB players spend more than that a day in nobs and Xstals. I personally hope that the change was completely malicious but the devs, ie telling the LB players how to be matched but at this point I couldn't be sure. So if your not content with the current system there's no sense in whining anymore the devs have thrown in the towel for the season.
  20. Maybe an answer is not tightening matchup parameters but tightening massive bfa DTW dts mechanics , if LB were not able to hit an entire roster who can't hit them back successfully, it would be a Better world lol. And I don't mean all LB , for instance: last war risk zaft I couldn't hit redstar and their number two I forget who it was yesterday, however suddenly I'm getting incoming from silph, number 1 LB!!! Such a privilege ! But nothing I can do about it..... So devs I think this is your answer to all your problems: take a look at the effect of massive bfa and expand DTW/dts : apply it to rancor wars only. I BEG YOU LOL