Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 3 - War #1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Devs look at the war --- look at all the top guys from opposing roster -- here's the issue they stay high skim troops you can't hit them they skim the hell out of you--- ok so let's hit them ? WRONG I HIT THEM LOSE 4k troops 10 percent they lose 600-800 so takes me 40 percent of my troops to kill 1.5 hits worth of their troops ? HIT RATIO IS BROKEN LISTEN TO WHAT THE HELL PPL ARR SAYING FEEL FREE TO BORROW MY ACCT AND TRY THIS WAR ( also respect to our opponent lots of good fighters) but match up still blows
  2. 2 hour weekday wars are kinda hard especially when they are in the middle of the day… 1 hour wars would be so much easier. Try being glued to your phone for 2hrs while at work lol
  3. so in what way was our match up fair? just wondering. 29vs26 lol 10lb vs 2 top 100lb just wondering what made that match up possible thanks
  4. Just read your new update but since it is lock maybe you will read this here. So you made changes for war 1 and the wars were worse. Now will make a few more changes and then we are stuck with this crap. If you polish a turd. At the end of the day u still have a pile of ****. But now it looks a little better from a distance but when u get closer it still smells like ****
  5. Phalanx vs sotra is a poor matchup for phalanx despite 100m cs more. Sotra has 13 gh with great bfe. They can hit anyone n gain more than 50m each hit. Half of phalanx can't hit them n rest of the clan that could hit get only 3-4m each success. Also these gh can comfortably sko as half of phalanx can't hit. There is no way to closing the plunder gap.
  6. I would like to know WHY would you change things MID-SEASON?
    Also, why would you START a season before you work things out first?
  7. Devs what needs done is what people keep saying just because we can actually use the attack action doesn't mean we can get hits on them meaning with your "hit ratio" being good we still can't hit because all fails. How do you win with all fails. You need to tighten the dtw dts threshold. And get more strict on VP farmers.
  8. Dev. Just remove the dtw/dts and let us have fun hitting back. Gh can hit me while I can't hit back.
  9. Seems to me that we are taking shots in the dark when roster building. It's like playing a game of chess without knowing what the other is doing, then at the end if you didn't make any mistakes... Then you have played a game. Otherwise, you didn't. Out of trial and error we have figured out what works and what does not, but it would be nice to have a feedback system leading up to wars to tell the clans (for example) "reduce your BFE 75m for a closer matchup", you'll find that clans are more than willing to make adjustments if it means not getting stuck with a massively uphill battle.

    In our Sunday war we had 8 GH and they had only 2 players below 10m CS. So, effectively, it was 21 players vs their 26 (they only fielded 28 players). We couldn't overcome the disparity, ultimately.
  10. Not sure what happened tonight, but most clans where outmatched cs wise. We was down 130 mil cs. Was still a hard fought war, but still think you guys can tweak this a little better than what most of us saw tonight. This was not your best work at all.
  11. Y the big change from season 1. The only thing we ask was to include bfe. Thats like overhauling a v8 motor and when you pop the hood there is a nice new shiny 4 cylinder motor. Sure its new but about worth less
  12. Hi Devs, in addition to my comment before about how we (SOTRA) matched with Phalanx, however now after having won we haven't received prestige once again... We (SOTRA) were on 1010 and Phalanx on 996 or 997 - I believe this is within the prestige awarding range or is it that you have to be within 10 prestige of the clan you are warring against?

    Either way, SOTRA have been in 20 wars in the last couple of weeks and won all of them but have only received 10 prestige points. If you are awarding prestige based on the prestige levels of both clans, can you work into the algorithm clans with suitable prestige, as only receiving prestige for half the clans we've warred and won against is very frustrating and something that is completely out of our control to do something about.

  13. I also want to know how I can attack someone it says dtw then I scout them a few times they lose 0 spies meaning they aren't ko but I can't attack them cause dtw. And they attack me.
  14. How to exploit devs hit ratio go huge at the top absolutely tiny at the bottom hope ur bigs are bigger then opposition bigs ---stay high make them fail and sit on them for 2 hrs -
  15. Richard that seems to be the trend. I don't think many clans have "balanced" rosters anymore. Clans are exploiting the hit ratio, to avoid other skewed types of rosters matches.

    Darling devs, you need to analyze the shift in clan compositions among those clans still warring and see what your wide dts/dtw range combined with avoidance of issuing no matches is creating. Y'all are about to have a slew of new problems b/c you have waited so long to address the existing ones. You guys should know better than most if you don't fix it yourselves we will find our own solutions, which typically involve creating solutions that are in direct opposition to spirit of your "creations". Hope your tweaks for tomorrow are more successful.
  16. As the two above me point out, clans are not all trying to find an "exploit"...
    Most clans now try to include at least 8 or 9 accounts less than 2m cs, simply because that is the only way to guarantee avoiding opponents stacked with lb players.
  17. The problem is the players.
    Make THE WHOLE CLAN war. Every member.
    Wars should be 24 -36 hours long to ensure fairness for activity. There will be inactives there will be busy people But the matchup in strength will be fair
    The other big problem is the prizes.
    This is a WAR GAME war for fun (Game/fun get it?) not for equipment or Estoc
    I don't know why I'm wasting my time typing this, those that can do anything about it can't fit a device up the canal their head is stored.
  18. Dylacer,

    I agree the war system in 2010 was fun when it first came out; however, even under that system "matching" became its eventual downfall. Rosters were "locked" due to mercing, length was shortened b/c no one had time to stay pinned 24/7, and eventually detailed negotiations between clans to "match" strength evolved. In essence, the system became so complicated and matching so difficult that the entire system became more of a hassle than it was worth. Seems this one is heading down same path unfortunately.
  19. Lp I think you're missing my point
    We all have lives (well most of us) so make the wars long enough that going inactive for a six hour sleep and only able to hit a few rounds on coffee break and a few good hours once you get home.
    24 hours with rotating start times would ensure fairness for all TZ
    You would need some troops on actives and hunt down inactive. If the ko regen time was 15-25 min or longer it would make Sko less enticing
    Imagine a ko at 23:58 on top plunderer
    I understand that most of kaw can not grasp how a LONGER war is time liberating, but I can't stop pointing out the obvious improvement.
    I've invested to much time in this stupid game to give up without a fight
  20. That's why it's called gh exploit. An easy fix is to match a gh clan with another gh clan. It's unfair for a balanced roster to be matched to a gh heavy roster because of the uneven payout between ghs and the other builds. I can easily attack a 10mil player and make 50 to 60+mil a hit while my bfe is not the best.

    But dev's hit ratio is preventing this happening. Devs, seriously, your HIT RATIO DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! Why don't you listen to ppl once and remove this crap???