Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #9

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Again. Kaw_Admin i need the info now.
    I want the hit ratio of Battlegrounds and Devastation
    and explain how did we match with Battlegrounds which was 21vs29 ( our 8GH's can't even hit )
    So is this fair to you devs? we are outnumbered and being sit no point for us to crystal they will just burn it because it is 29vs21( outnumbered) so tell me is this a fair match? How did we match with Battlegrounds? How is this winnable? explain
  2. To the clans who got a no match, feel BLESSED.

    Look at clan events right now. They are ALL blow out, lopsided landslide no brainer wins, except for one competitive one.

    Horrible match ups this week! I really hope the change in week 3 actually does something.
  3. Can I know why no match for my clan?
  4. Ok first up devs I would like to thank you for war 8 the match up was perfect an both clans had fun..

    I think to my self you might of just got it right the. Again war 9 comes along an I tell you wat it's the biggest joke looking at every war it seems to me something isn't working u either need to stop ee till you fix it or sort it out now !!
    We are all paying u top dollar here for to get it right if u can't sort it out higher some one who fing can !!!
  5. Devs. Match up between Wingless Angels and Sparta Elite seriously wrong. Outmatched to a severe degree in every aspect. Neither side crystalled and yet look at the huge score difference. Rather than warring like this I'd rather watch grass grow in my backyard. Certainly no fun for either side and as such pointless to pursue. I believe many will stop warring at this rate until clan matches have been improved. Respect to Sparta Elite
  6. Devs seriously?? I'm admin in phalanx and My first reply asking for clan ratings to be checked out because it didn't change. And now the same thing??? Twice in a row and u didn't even bother to reply me in the first feedback. So what's gg on?? Am I not paying more than top lb players u couldn't be bothered about it? Now twice this happened and I urge u to check on this. If not I'm really losing faith in you.
  7. War9 really crap!unfair match devs!!kindly fix it..ty
  8. nice war 9 i was up the whole time because i cant even hit any target from enemy roster and they cant hit me too devs please check Wingless Angels and Sparta Elite
  9. No point in complaining... Devs said a fix is on its way on Monday... So wait til then to voice ur opinions... Until then, match ups are like a Box of chocolates... U never know what ur gonna get
  10. Devs..Wow what a great match up we had... Just little faults -
    1. 110mil cs difference (leave BFA and BFE)
    2. We couldnt hit more than half of the roster
    3. Our guild hansels could hardly hit 2 members. Some couldnt even hit anyone!
    4. They had so many LB players we started clapping.

    Apart from this rest everything was fine. Thanks again devs for the wonderful match!!!!
  11. @ wsp I wish Forrest gump was a dev then there might be fix
  12. EE Wars are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get
  13. Devs, just a quick note to say congratulations for your refusal to address the guild hansel exploit and resultant death of mid range players in estoc wars.
    Rosters now are getting filled with bigs (20 million cs+) and gh's. As a mid range build i can now only scout successfully in wars, exciting as it is, i'll not waste more money to do that.
    With level 3 Hoarfrost released this week, this will only become more prevalent and the distortion in rosters even bigger. Welcome to death of these wars as fewer and fewer clans will continue to be involved even for rewards of shiny new equipment.
  14. ️ Respect to Wingless Angels for warring and not rolling over and lying down.

    Devs you seriously think that mismatch wars are fun for either side? Please think again!

    That being said, our BFA isn't that great after 3 months of osw with Zaft 