Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #8

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Ty biz, its just unfortunate that we invest almost thousands into the game and we get mishaps like these.
  2. @ Joor

    Guild strength is overall CS + BFE (from an earlier Dev post, I do not believe BFA is factored in, or it is at a very reduced level).

    Max Hit Ratio = the best hit ratio your clan had against any other clan.

    Mean Hit Ratio = the AVERAGE hit ratio your clean had against any other clan

    Currently hit ratios less than 75% are NO MATCHES by default. Beginning next week, Devs have stated they plan to expand range... See my post(s) throughout this thread that explain that.
  3. Great Job on match...they do it so you wont complain about 'unfair' matchups ... Would you rather get mithril from a no match or lose a few to VP? :D

    Doing Great Devs!! Keep It UP!

    kaw_admin ! Youre cool bro ;)

    Peace :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  4. Guild strength is a rough estimate of your rosters strength vs other clans that signed up

    Max hit ratio is the best hit ratio that you could have had against any clan that signed up.

    Mean hit ratio is essentially the average hit ratio against all other clans.
  5. ^^devs stole my answer that I stole from them when they starting dropping this information on us... o_O
  6. There is always a chance that if you are a in a clan with large variance in strengths that almost everyone can hit each other except 1 or 2 people in the clan due to the clan having a large variance in strengths.
  7. Ok Devs ty, let's see how it goes
  8. Can't my BFE get through? They are still hittable. 70% win 30% lose. i still dont get why should i sit out in war with nothing to do :oops:
  9. So if I understand correctly, the hit ratio represents how many accounts can atk each other without getting the dts/dtw message? If that's the case, does it take into consideration whether or not the accounts that CAN hit each other can actually win? If not, you may want to consider it somehow.

    If you are matching one clans against another that has accounts they can hit but can't win against, it doesn't make for a fair match-up... I've seen this problem mostly with higher ranked clans that have lb players. Though most of the roster can hit them, they don't stand a chance of winning, even with full pots on a scout.
  10. Kaw_admin is walking along a beach and finds a lamp. He rubs the lamp, and a genie appears. “I am the most powerful genie in the world. I can grant you any wish, but only one wish.”

    Kaw_admin pulls out a map, points to it and says, “I’d want peace in the Middle East.”

    The genie responds, “Gee, I don’t know. Those people have been fighting for millennia. I can do just about anything, but this is likely beyond my limits.”

    Kaw_admin then says, “Well, I am a programmer, and my programs have lots of users. Please make all my users satisfied with my software and let them ask for sensible changes.”

    At which point the genie responds, “Um, let me see that map again.”
  11. Exactly Canadian... I believe the devs stated as such in the very long 30+ page post from last weekend. It represents when one sees DTS/dtw, as opposed to actually being a successful hit (which would actual be a good matchmaking term for hit ratio)...
  12. Oups... Didn't read that one. Apologies if it's already been discussed.
  13. And please answer Canadian girls question because we all want the answer to that.
    Max pots and failing in certain kingdoms on rivals kills wars and basically gives rivals a couple of near unbeatable builds that can skim and pick off the players their clan mates cannot touch.
    BFA needs to be weighted more highly in matchups along with equip
    You have the set up for divisions. But those ideas have already been posted.
    Awaiting your answer
  14. This is the same problem we had through weeks and weeks of trials and finally got more no matched brought back instead of huge mismatches. Sounds like they may be reverting to huge mismatches again instead of no match in the coming weeks :(. Would like to have seen the roster for No Match Found since they had same # of participants and rank of 52 where we were rank of 51. Seems like there dtw/dts system leaves little wiggle room for smaller clans since most of the clans not matched are the smaller clans.

    I am of the belief if they would have listen to feedback and fixed this during the trials we would have better matchups and more people and clans warring. So many people refuse to war or have quit the game over the recklessness of these wars and the system they have shoved down our throats.
  15. I don't understand why BFA and BFE should be weighted more heavily. If they truly add the strength they show they do then it should be enough to have a total number for everyone giving them their strength. Why weight BFA and BFE more? that just means if you bring in BFA and BFE you can't hit those with huge CS instead of allies and gear. Thought the point was to equal the playing field more not give the advantage to those you didn't want to invest in allies or gear. 10mil stat in an ally should be the same as 10 mil worth of bfe or 10 mil worth of regular troops (If you don't understand 10 mil is not the CS then you should really learn the game more).

    However I wouldn't mind seeing the devs factor BFE into your actual strength in clan roster and leaderboard numbers.
  16. @ kaw admin
    Is this turning out to be like s1? were s1 was really trials aswell, really i saw it coming when you rushed s2 trials from ppl cryin. My opinion dont change any thing else!! plz!! let us war within what you gave us ppl are gonna complain either way. really not happy about no match but we are looking into our roster to see how we can fix.(its our 3rd nomatch) ty
  17. I experienced a strange issue this war. I emptied my troops until I got the message"not enough troops" when I tried to attack.
    Then I emptied my spies and finished with a failed steal, no sko!
    Then I tried stacking and spying, both said"not enough troops".
    Then a minute later I was koed by enemy assassin. When I regenerated, I had only 5% troops instead of 8%.
    Why did I not get koed until my troops were negative?
  18. Kaw_admin,
    Please explain this while in war I'm getting hit 5-8 minute after I've been ko but it's suppose to be 7-12 random ko?something is wrong here.
  19. Damn what a mismatch our war was 
    Great War though
  20. Rush,
    You lost by four bil that's not a mismatch.