Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. My darling dev,

    Thank you for your response, and I think Eric definitely summed it up best by saying there is where the tweak needs to be. If one of three factors is skewed in one direction while the other two are in essence a wash, then logic tells me the match is still going to end up skewed.

    As Resistance mentioned, if say one clan has a CS advantage it would not necessarily be an equivalent strength factor to neutralize say an opponent with a bfa advantage, because CS are based on troop levels while bfa is a static factor that does not change as troop levels are depleted. In essence you are not comparing apples to apples. BFE and BFA can be somewhat interchangeable; however, there are still a lot of people rocking the percent based equipment so again, not apples to apples.

    I know when just looking at number comparisons between the factors, and even rolling it all into a lump sum strength factor does seem "fair" at first glance, but I suggest you monitor troop levels during these wars. Watch how many players still play from basically 0 to 2 regen worth of troops in these wars. When playing from low troops, your CS alone are pretty much worthless. If you are matched with a high bfa opponent because your CS were so high, it's in this pin scenario that those static stats really come into play. I know you guys watch the plunder differentials in war, and for those clans who were blown out of the water from a plunder stand point, I can almost guarantee they had lower static stats than their opponent and/or had large variation between their top, bottom and average stat player.

    So yeah, lets talk about that hit ratio of yours lol I have said this many times, but if hit ratio is based off of dtw/dts mechs then it's horribly inaccurate to predict comparability of targets between clans. For example, when you have a clan whose highest CS player has say 22m cs and their lowest had say 1.4m combined stats, while their opponent has say someone with highest cs of 19m and lowest of 9m there will be plunder gaps among other issues that cannot be overcome due to one side having many nice juicy targets to choose from and their opponent having...well less than juicy targets to choose from lol Sure someone with 3m cs "can" be hit by someone with 19m cs, but that isn't because it's logical for someone 6x their stats to be able to hit them, that's just how y'all have coded it.

    The reason I'm sure you guys don't want to change the huge gap is because it would create a whole different set of problems with guild hansels that now have high BFE. If those guys start warring at stat levels that really are more appropriate to their sizes, then you will have the same issue of how to match same CS with extremely high static stat components. Theses guys are currently hitting AND winning against opponents supposedly 6x their size. Again I ask, is that logical when the other factors that rely on the strength mechs don't align with it?

    Bottom line, it sucks, I get it. Y'all are damned if you do damned if you don't. But this is why we pay y'all the big bucks ;). There has to be a better way to adjust match ups than tweaking this algorithm of yours. I am asking as nicely as I possibly can please stop looking at the symptoms and start to tackle the underlying conditions. Some recognition that you guys not only understand the problems making your poor algorithm look ineffective is actually the mechs themselves and that you are also working on fixing those would be fantastic as well. :)
  2. :)
  3. Nope, will be addressing it Monday. May post a thread requesting for feedback before hand though.
  4. Devs, could u guys check into our wars? Phalanx vs Los-orchids. Before war clan ratings was 999 and after we(phalanx) won the war update was the same. I have ss if needed too.

    Old clan rating:999
    New clan rating:999

    Please look into it please. 
    Thanks for your time and help. ️
  5. Q: do i want to be involved in another season of EE when the opposition your system matches me against players that pay half/ a third/ a quarter the amount i pay per hit? Irrelevant of what amount of towers i could build to stop it..

    A: No! Sort out the indifference in pay per hit and il see you in s3 where i will again spend my money..

    What farcical nonsense
  6. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=146238

    In this thread,''kaw'' moderator had said that ''THIS week schedule will be released soon'' but you are saying it will be done next week .
    Next week schedule is changing due to release of New building and New eb.
    Isn't that post and your answer contradictory?
  7. I gotta say our war against La Resistance was a pretty strange match up - for both sides - it was very closely fought but to have 7GH that could only hit one of our guys - resulting in a mini 7 v 1 war of its own. You would think that would have given an advantage but with 6 less players to plunder off , was pretty strange war
    Sometimes a bit of common sense has got to be better than some algorithm - but the results visually show it was a good match up grrrr
  8. Lp has it correct. As I have said many times, to get a fair match you need look at player and clan strength from a wholistic perspective. This does not mean meerly sum the individual components, but properly weight them first then sum them.

    All stats really fall into 2 buckets a static strength bucket and a dynamic strength bucket.

    Static strength would be anything that provides a constant stat value (most BFE, BFA, towers, some permanent items).

    Dynamic strength would be the rest (non tower build stats, percent based BFE, most pro pack items and clan n individual achievement bonuses)

    The key to getting good matchups is properly weighting the 2 components of strength. As anyone who has fought a clan full of LB accounts or max season1 equipment, or god forbid both would know, static stats are very powerful, far more so than an equivelant amount of dynamic stats (mostly because in a close war you will be fighting from KO most of the time (0 - 20percent)) and should be weighted accordingly. What the correct weightings is would take some trial and error iterations but static stats would need to be weighted at least 2x more then dynamic and possibly up to 5x or more.

    If you also made payout based on this weighted strength instead of build strength you could get ride of the hit ratio and GH plunder imbalance in one swoop.

    Give it a try devs...I guarentee better matchups for all if you use this approach and matchup clans with similar total strengths (within 5percent or so).
  9. Mind explaining how s.o.t.r.a. Vs chaos theory was fair? Nowhere even close to being a "good" match.
  10. @jmah - it's 'fair' because in the devs algorithm you build stats are close, your BFA is tolerably close so even though their BFE is twice yours the fact that the other components are close means it must be a 'fair' matchup.

    This is yet another example of the fatal flaw in logic of compairing each each part independently instead of looking at the complete picture. Until the devs grasp this mismatches will continue.