Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #5

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. If it's anything like I've seen in PvP mechanics, then each build can be boiled down to one number (almost like CS, but not exactly). The game mechanics allow you to hit up to some multiple of that number.

    So let's say your number is 120. And you can hit up to 6x your number. That means you can hit targets in a range of 20-720.

    So your hit ratio is the percentage of peeps in the other clan that fall within this range. Now you calculate the average hit ratio of all the players in your clan against clan 1. Then against clan 2, clan 3, etc. this gives you your clan's mean hit ratio. Max hit ratio is that one clan you would have a closest match with...I.e. the clan your players would have more of an opportunity to hit against.

    Clans that are top heavy yet fill their numbers with GHs will have a lower hit ratio than those that have a range of builds populating their roster.

    Anywhoooo...that's my take on how this part of matching clans with each other works.
  2. Kaw_admin,

    Many of our players were kicked off the server and unable to log in for 80 minutes of war 5. It seems that most if not all of them were our Asia players (and we have a lot of them). All respect to S.O.T.R.A., they are great warriors! But we didn't have a fighting chance with so many of our folks unable to participate. Please address asap!
  3. Please look into lag past two wars i have both bin in have laged me out and my kaw crashes up win or loose i dont care just want this issue sorting kaw admin please look into this if this didnt happen in my war yesterday i would of had 150+ actions
  4. Devs what the hell is this going on!?!..The lag not only made my performance terrebly low but also make lose 2 xtals, loads of miths, if these are the wars that we're gonna get then i might aswell not war
  5. One of our guys from Sweden also couldn't log in.And one of our Asia players said he could log in but the lag was unbearable... I'm at a loss for what happened devs but I guess that's for you guys to figure out. ;)
  6. We had 1 guy not able to log in for an hour. And 1 clannie reported about huge lag.
  7. Getting sick of lag and sick of reporting lag. Lag is serious issue. Get it sorted
  8. kaw_admin - La resistance had the same issue where several of our members were kicked off the server in middle of the war and couldn't get back in - then once were in they couldn't even load an opponent profile to participate. Please investigate and let us know what the issue was.

    Thank you!
  9. Aren't we all tools of the hit ratio? 
  10. Yes kaw admin I was one of the players who kept getting kicked from server and not able to load anything. As soon as war was done it was like magic and server back at full speed. I feel like I let my clan down cause half the war I spent trying to log in and load pages. I'm saying this just so u guys can look into thx
  11. A few of our players had server issues and were kicked mid war. The other point I might like to add is although we won we were not rewarded our increase in clank rank. Please look into this kaw_admin? ️
  12. Given that there were several clans with issues regarding server access during war 5, will compensation be available for clans who were impacted? We lost rancor (most important), edge, mithril, and prestige because several of our members were kicked from the server and unable to log back in or perform actions once they could finally log in. We feel that we could have won this war if our members were able to fully participate.

    If this was a preseason match then it would be no big deal, but it's regular season and losing the war was a 3 point rancor swing (lost 1 instead of gained 2)

    Kaw_admin - Please respond and let us know what the root cause of these issues were during war 5. Thank you.

  13. We've explained before that clan ranks is based on the Elo system and that we are looking at changing it.

    Will look into any server issues.
  14. Been locked out for an hour during war 5, I did uninstall kaw and reinstall it but still had a problem loading kaw because server issues

    kaw admin still did not know the issues like usual so how many star should we rate it?