Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. How to fix ghansels exploid?
    - refuse build guilds on High Lands (same as T5 only for High lands and T6 only for HF)
    - ppl who now have guilds on HL give 5b / each build on HL and destroy these buildings
  2. Please check your dtw/dts. Don't know why a 6.5mil hansel was dtw to me
  3. Devs, hit ratio fails badly in the lower range and here is why:

    You use hit ratio (%of people in Clan A that can hit people in Clan B or something along those lines) to match clans up. A couple of clans (not naming but everyone knows who it is) pile up lb players and gh only. They have no mids in their clans at all. Lets say Clan X belongs to this bracket. There is another bracket of clans where there are a couple of bigs, many mids and a couple of gh. Lets say Clan Y belongs to this bracket.

    All those gh who are in Clan X can hit all the GH and mids in Clan Y and all the lb players in Clan X can hit the bigs and mids in Clan Y. This leads to a higher hit ratio between these two clans. So you match up Clan X vs Clan Y. The mids in Clan Y are absolutely useless in the entire war now. The GH have no adp, so mids cannot plunder off them. The lb players are obviously too big for them. This leads to over 10-15 players in Clan Y being redundant. They cant plunder off people. Those GH with crazy bfe/bfa feed off these mids.

    However, Clan X will never match someone in its own bracket (ie. LB players + GH with no mids). This is because the GH and LB players cannot hit each other as they are DTS/DTW and the hit ratio is low. Clan X should be matched up against clans that are similar to Clan X in composition and only then will it be a fair fight. Due to this hit ratio, as a mid stat player, I am nothing but a liability in a war against these kind of clans. There are 3-4 such clans currently and any clan they face, they will pummel them but its not because the clans they face are inexperienced, but its because your hit ratio nonsense allows them to cheat your match up and they will never faceoff each other. This is what leads to everyone coming here and whining about match ups (like me). So stop matching up Clan X with Clan Y, it doesn't make sense to match both of them up on any level. Match Clan X with another Clan X.
  4. ๎ˆฒVery well explained. 10/10.
    But i doubt devs will understand that post. Otherwise they wouldn't have implement such absurd system.
  5. Totally support neal. A very good explanation
  6. neal has it dead on. fully support neal's statement. hit ratio should not be the primary match. it doesnt work. also, kaw admin... please give us an eta on changes, because less and less people are wanting to war due to this matchup issue.


  7. Also, if u match based on cs and combined strength... gh advantage should fall out because gh should face gh. Then gh isnt an advantage but a decision to war with that mix and match a gh opponent.

  8. Great Post Neal ๎Ÿ๎Ÿ๎Ÿ,Hopefully evens dev,s could understand it,it's the main problem in EE. wars, would even fix GH. Problem at same time,
  9. Im sure there is a way to take off dtw/dts during war? After all it a war right? U dont go to the battlefield look at the oppenent and walk away because the are too weak..if you go into battle with low stats you know what you get yourself into
  10. There are several clans who would war again if the Devs would just give answers to the fixes. The "thanks for the feedback" is patronizing now, we've asked for changes for over 16plus weeks.
    Plz ignore those who cry about not getting a match, they would cry regardless if they did. All of kaw has asked repeatedly to end the hit ratio dts/dtw matches. They are easily exploitable with mixes of lb/gh or full lb rosters. No match extreme rosters and force clans to team a balanced roster like season 1.
  11. Yes Neal.... An algorithm that takes that into account is ideal (so clans that are composed the same would be matched together, instead of never facing each other due to hit ratio.....)

    10 lb + 19 GH would never match in current system with another clan that is built the same due to the poor hit ratios
  12. @kaw_admin

    Ok so you might be hesitant at releasing bfa figures. Which is the one thing we can't count so perhaps when you.give us matchup data give

    Hit Ratio

    And either..

    Difference in bfa between the two clans

    Or a % based value. So whichever clan is biggest BFA wise have them at 100% and the other a % of that I.e 75%

    What do you think?
  13. @ Neal and biZaro . Yup you guys are right. And the devs don't care and won't admit ee is broken because of this. They actually have stood by their system in other posts pointing this out. thankfully I've made some great friends here to make up for something that would be the best part of this game that is ruined because of these exploits
  14. I'll see what I can do.
  15. Thanks for the feedback.
  16. If you guys are really in love with the "hit ratio" system, you can add one more thing to prevent the exploits explained on Neil's post:
    You can add a new hit ratio factor, let's call it "inside hit ratio" IHR. This IHR it's the mean hit ratio of the players of the clan not vs the opponent clan but vs their own clan. If this IHR is lower than, let's say 40%(but you can figure a better than me a limit for that), then the clan will have NO MATCH. Even if their hit ratio vs opponent clan can be more than 75%. Question resolved.