Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. First thing clan rating didn't change after win. Secondly some of my members got less mith than cast. That is shocking and needs sorting out devs.
  2. Hi Devs can u explain pls if u cast 33 mith n win the war n dnt even back the mith u casted how does that work?
  3. Vhawks - whom received less than they cast? I just checked 8 of your warriors and they all received more than cast.
  4. Kaw_admin.... Just to shut people up next time please pair the no match low V no match low see what the outcome is and see if the clans enjoy the outcome :) just as a laugh to see what happens and show people how its a mismatch. This of course relies on both clans fighting with full roster and mith/xtals as they normally would.
  5. There's roughly 1600 people doing EE on a daily basis, why so low? Any chance Devs implement another set or two of war at a different time of the day? I'd like to war, but can't due to constant schedule conflict with work and kids.
  6. 1600 people warring and what a dozen or so complaining it's unfair? So you can't please everyone. Guess what kids? That's life and just the way it goes. I for one would like to thank the devs for all the good work they've done to please the majority. Way to go and thanks for all the hard work!!!!!!!

    Okay maybe 2 dozen :lol:
  7. Statless alt, 290 or more sat out of war 10. At least 10 established EE clans sat out.

    Put your socks back on, no need to try to count that high.
  8. Are you sad nobody missed you that war? I believe they still had around 1400 people doing EE. Is it unfair no one posted we miss you?

    I'm sorry I didn't see any posts where you were missed. If you sit out the rest of the season then you'll run out of stuff to complain about.
  9. Whatever, statless alt. Keep trying to derail intelligent discussion on the issues and see where EE goes.

    I am assuming you have a main exploiting the hell out of the broken matching system. If it isn't fixed, you will run out of opponents soon enough, but hey, you'll be one of the a holes who wrecked it for everyone
  10. NO, I completely disagree with rancor awarded for no matches. Already there are some clans that abuse the system and use tvp for free miths. A rancor lvl for them would just be a bonus.
  11. i never said that we want a match up with the same cs we use...i agree that we have low cs but we would like a bit more additional details that how much we are lagging or we'll just end up getting a huge clan like world war z or sotuw..

    about the rancor thing..i agree with you kartik that many use war system to get free miths but they wont have any garantee of getting no match...i mean to say a rancor level to those who dont get a match up..the ones who get match and perposely lose / really lose just get free miths for next war....

    devs if u will really give us a suggestion i will ask the clan leader to post here...Thank You
  12. Jethro7 why so upset? Just because I don't spend my gold putting together an ineffective build such as yours? There are many aspects to KAW. Not all builds can do all things.

    Thanks for the incoming naked at Rising Hawks. How did I pay? And I was theoretically defending your build :mrgreen:
  13. Lmfao if u think jets build is ineffective in wars ... Shows how much u really understand anything about how mechanics work at this lvl
  14. 53 clans signed up for Week 1 War 10 in spite of your assumed boycott of 10 clans over 1500 accounts participated.

    Hiney - "Jet" must be having problems with his account or he wouldn't be making all the noise. I have no trouble with my "Statless Alt" as Jet is so fond of calling my account. I do eb's and grow, trade allies, chat with friends. Maybe EE just isn't his thing. Apparently it's not working for him. All I'm saying is perhaps he should try one of the many other parts of KAW so he won't be so frustrated. Maybe he can find a "glitch" and make a ton of gold real easy. :lol: Of course he can continue to complain and troll forums that's all part of the game too I suppose.

    In any case it seems many are fine with the system and few are upset. You can't expect everyone to be happy with everything. People have been calling for a confirm button when hiring allies and many other things for a long time. But most seem to be just fine with the way things are. If not then don't EE or don't KAW, I really don't think the whining will be missed.