Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #10

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. if you're gonna try and match ppl based on b.f.e and b.f.a. you might as well make things simple and take them out of the equation. Then no one can complain or ask questions about bonus differences.

    On the other other hand, if you wanted a true war system, you can toss hit ratio out the window, let ppl change equips and builds on a whim, let ppl use whoever they want in thier roster, throw all the clan names in a hat, randomly match em, and give em an extra hr to prepare after match up.

    Wouldnt that be fun.
  2. We do care, and we are making some matchup changes today. Thanks for playing.