Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 2 - War #1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. I hope you are working just as hard in making KAW running faster on iOS7. iOS7 makes KAW run slow. Please help speed it back up. Makes it hard to war.
  2. Great war today between la resistance and chaos reborn. Was a great war gj devs.
  3. But I still see miss matches like zaft vs risk how is that match even fair? Plz explain
  4. The hit ratio! Duh!
  5. Great matchup and war between S.O.F.T. and V-Hawks. It was close in strength and a close well fought war on both sides. Much respect to v-hawks and we look forward to facing ya'll again!

  6. So I can't win on attack against a number of the big attack builds AND I can hit the gh who pays out less than 100k. Of course this allows the gh to all get together to ko me for 100-200 million & even win some attacks against my adt when they start with hardly any troops.
    Your match system is broken and will cause fewer of us to war. A no match is better than more than a few of what we have been getting. Please put some of these suggested ideas earlier in the thread into place right away. THANKS
  7. Lol. Sko man!
  8. Must be a genius...
  9. Your system is a waste of reading time devs.My first post ever to actually say so.Week#2/war #1.We get match against Lb team.We are at 28 members,they at 29.Then we found out,2 more of our members couldnot even hit during war.So now we 3 people short.You need a bathroom room for all your update EE war posts.Be alot easier to flush them.
  10. great match up?? risk vs zaft? devs always listen in matching system.. we know that..
  11. @ s-king ....
    First we had no lb in war at all

    That being said yeah match wasn't greatest we had u beat in bfa still and bfe for the most part cs was close enough other then u were down players but don't use gh ... If they can't hit to the medium size of ur rosters they are probably a waste and don't forget ur clan is lb too just not as high
  12. Hi devs thanks for another awesome war and good fight:) Yall do great with the endless variables you have to work with! Some tweaks are needed, but overall every matchup has been within reason here for our crew.

    P.S. (I wouldnt worry much about the tears on this thread, Every last crybaby will be back for the next war)
  13. Well @Daedelous (-art-of-war-)

    It's Devs way of shafting you (you're the pansy) after the way the Devs shafted Rising Hawks last week when they were matched with bigger clans like BG, NWoCB, etc.
    It's Devs way of apologizing so they (RS) continue playing.

    This is normal in Devs world. They compromise the game anyway they want.
    They're not here to make the game fairer. It's unfairer else they'll lose the $$$1000s they make from the Super Whales like Chongo, Majesty, and now Cella/RedStar.

    This game is their vehicle to a better life. Think Condo on Lake Tahoe, Ferrari/Lambro/ American Muscle, Think Amex Centurion.

    I know. You're contributing Zero, since you want everything for Free, you want Devs to be as poor as you.

    Well grow up. They have their dreams. You have yours. Quit complaining.
  14. Same problem with our clan summit. Match up with koc clan. Our toppers cant hit thier lower 15-20 members. Wth goings on by kaw. Bad match up. If this will happen again many will left from doing war.
  15. I havent got my seal of dammned till date.. devs will I ever get 1?? Plz look into this.
  16. I can't believe some of the posts from people saying things like awesome job devs, thx for a great war. Just because your clan happened to not get a god awful match doesn't mean they did anywhere near a great job. Stop calling people here addressing major war issues that need fixing cry babies. If you don't see problems with how ee is going right now you do not understand war mechanics at all, and please do everyone a favor and don't post. People are not complaining about these issues because they got beat or cuz they suck, majority of those talking abt these issues are top tier ee clans
  17. Solid ko time definitely the way to go in my opinion. Yes had a Great War war 1 but as many have been continuously pointing out there is still major problems that I honesty don't have answers for or the know how but have heard great ideas on season 2 thread that should be considered/implemented. Ty for ur time
  18. We got another bad match-up. Don't give me none of that crap "It was a close war." No, they're like 5x stronger than us and that's how it was the past few wars. Done with this crap, fix the system.
  19. If the four clans that were not matched because of low cs, why couldn't we war each other? Doesn't make sense.
  20. The Devs already said the reason they haven't changed the match system is because of all the crying about getting a no match. Seriously? Ppl want to be slaughtered in a mismatch and not have a real war rather then no match and wait for a good fight? That seems like thoughts of a child to me. I'd rather have to adjust my roster/ strength and have a good fight not a blowout.