Season 2 a fair shot at the rewards for all.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Nice idea, but I don't like the xtal thing :|
    Not everyone has xtals there at their disposal, and not everyone wants to buy them
  2. You know what I've always thought would be a good estoc war set up? People sign up solo. Every person will be placed in a estoc clan based on strength, bfa, etc. These clans are made by the devs and only used for the wars, players are kicked after war is over. I think this would work best because people who can't war because they can't find a clan can finally war and there would be no "no matches found." the only problem I see with this is that it is harder to coordinate and get people to xtal, maybe give people an hour or two to converse with their clan to come up with a strategy. As with your idea, I like the ideas but that is too many wars and doesn't solve no matches.
  3. I like your idea for the rancor points though, way better than this season. I also like the only 16 wars idea, makes you really think about which wars you want to participate in.
  4. Total support!

     Go Empire
  5. As mentioned. But shall not repeat please. Anyone who wishes to war with empire please apply to "empire of the obsidian"

    Xtal idea sorry I don't think we can avoid xtals in wars. Devs require an income.
    I did propose another system that could be another option to earn mith and equipment in another thread I shall bump shortly.
    Hopefully higher rewards would help support a season two and bugs are slowly being addressed so hopefully by the end of this season we will be better established for season two.
    Btw @ ambermoon thank you for insightful compliment. Appreciated.

  6. I need a clan to war in, wall me, ( i have only read the first page because i am kinfa bush atm ty)
  7. Oops ummm... Wrong account... I mean wall.... -crazyboy-... Yeah thats the account i wanna war with atm
  8. Lol NW im in empire 
  9. Oh look another post about everyone getting a trophy ....EBs are the guaranteed wins- war is war. Winner and a loser. I feel as if I'm playing four year old soccer ...not a war game these days.
  10. @ applegirl
    1 the forum is about far more than that.
    2 the wars are not sustainable without clans to lose and people will not war without incentive.
    Like it or not that's the way it is. So if we want wars we have to accommodate for all players.
    If you want the wars to die out then fine leave rewards as they are. A select few clans will consistently win, others will not participate due to the cost of warring leaving very few clans involved.
    So simple choices are let the wars die out for all but a select few and let players lose the appeal of pvp which is why I war or we can add incentives that encourage additional participation and "reward" people for the very real time and effort they put into the game.
    There in lies the key. It's a game people want fun and something for their time. If getting more rewards means more clans warring and a steady increase in ability and strength of those who war how can that be a bad thing?
