I think most aren't participating for personal reasons. Length of 24hrs sometimes is too much and for 8-11 weeks!!! Forget about it. 12hr, rotating start times would have more and more clans/players wanting in. They should also probably just let 200 clans participate regardless of clan rank. As long as they have a closely matched opponent in strength. That would promote more involvement.
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I feel forced to change my guilds now tho I'm happy warring and doing EBs with this build. T4 bias on best drops and new EBs for t4 only spoiling my long plan.
Now there is an extent to which you can be stupid to. But third party advertising a different game, then giving your referal code is really stupid. But posting it on KaW Admins thread (apparently multiple times) is just something else. I'm sorry but how do you manage not to think what your doing before posting it... Wow.
Wow nice war thread no smack talk "muaaa I stripped you" or fantasy photos so little kids or fat ppl could project models images. I thought the were more clans warring our little group has joined our good friends and it's been a riot so far 3 wars including the Beta we are 2 for 1 Kinda nice to only fight one clan at a time.
What happened to week 2 results, haven't seen it anywhere! Is the tournament that bad that even Kaw admin doesn't want to acknowledge! Or are they too busy item hunting like most of Kaw?
The devs actually did really well creating this war system even with all the hate about auto-join at start. It's the first system wars I've enjoyed on this game well done devs you took the mindless turtle wars out and the crap 20bil wars with 5 actives. And don't whine about being in a clan to small to join it's supposed to be viewed as an elite tier of player involved in these and so far the players I've warred with and against are pure class and skilled.
I would like to be part of a summer war but keep getting rejected because of my size! Which is very annoying and says a lot about the game if your not big you have no chance! But if you want to invite me please do I know how to war I'm an alt