Seals of the damned

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Littlemnlt, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. Concerning the post op made on top of page 2 about "they kept it because everyone had so many seals" They kept it because they were making huge profit from it and they are greedy monkeys. If they just kept it because of everyone having so many, they would've taken them off the market and made it where a given time frame where all seals must be used then they would have taken it off.
  2. Mod please /lock
  3. No support, increase nob drop and scrolls instead 
  4. Lol tbh I have seals drop more regularly than inferno, if anything we need to increase inferno drops 
  5. hood sthu u are not allowed to request lock unless question has been completely answered an as you are not a dev you cannot answer that...

  6. #TeamPurple [/colo]
  7. #TeamBBCodeFail
  8. You get a seal, and you get a seal, everybody gets a seal!
  9. fUNNY thread dejavu seen this b4
  10. no support and I can say what I want
  11. Whoa, we gotta badass over here
  12. QUEST FARMING FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. And since op requested a lock, hood can too.
  14. Lol hood already got a 24 hr ban from forums :lol:
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