Seahawks VS Patriots Super Bowl 49

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Lol

    This was great promotion for this Super Bowl.

    This fix is in
  2. Was it not same temperature outside for the Colts balls?
  3. I say the Mariners by 37 kicks because they're the best swim team in the league.

  4. How long was he in there? 90 seconds?


    Seems like an awful short amount of time to deflate 12 footballs to a specific PSI....

    You, sir, are digging.

    Hate on, hater. :lol:
  5. Honesty is not hate. Hate sure is a stupid word n over used to death. Raise ur kids n use it over n over til they believe in it.
    Watch the game
  6. Belichick is going to go for the throat in the second half. After they wear down/ beat up the nicked up secondary of the Seahawks.

    They need a excuse.
  7. I loved the Mariners back in the 90's. Ken Griffey Jr. And the Sonics. GP and Shawn Kemp. Awesome. Now I'm stuck watching OKC.
  8. I'll root for Seahawks... just because i don't like the cheaters. On a side note, NBC will broadcast the game live on their website! Woohooo! The first SuperBowl I can watch!
  9. I agree moose is a moron
  10. What was that fight? Who started that?
  11. Seattle's been regulated to league one

  12. Seatle gangstahawks
  14. I don't know. You were 18 seconds away from winning the Super Bowl. You don't hit anyone, if you're the pats. And what was up with that pass? He had 1 foot and a half to go before he won the SUPER BOWL!! Why in the name of God do you throw it?
  15. that is going to go down as the worst play call in the history of football

  16. Agreed.
  17. In wouldn't be suprised.
  18. Marshawn Lynch carried the Seahawks to the superbowl. Marshawn Lynch would have won them the superbowl. One yard. He would have won them the superbowl with a one yard run. My home team has disappointed me once again.
  19. Seattle lost. Have to say Russell Wilson what were you thinking. Why on the world would you pass the ball? C'Mon it was second down.

    Score: Patriots 28 vs SeaHawks 24

    NFL, how about checking those balls. Whom knows they might have been deflated?

    After all it was a good game. Good Job to the Pats.

    SeaHawks better luck next time. Also, you are loosing your Head Defensive Coach not good. You had the best defense already.

    After all, good game.

    To those raging over the game we get you. Pass it on. # Deflate Gate.

    Best game so far.

    Good Halftime Show. Katy Perry good show.

    Have a safe drive everyone. Police Officers will be looking for DUI drivers.

    Remember you share the roads with others. If you can't drive call a cab(Taxi) and have a good day.

    Super Bowl 49 has officially ended.
    Have a good day or night. Drive Safe.
    Happy Kawing Everyone.
  20. I know. 1 and a half yards, and you pass it. A two year old having a seizure while on acid could have made the 1 yard, and that would win the SUPER BOWL