Sea Witch Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. People have to remember that the players on lb for this event play this way normally anyways. Seemingly never sleeping, almost like they can be logged in 24 hours a day. This is a normal day for them. Just their normal playstyle gains them that many jewels, they arent ramping up their hits etc due to fact this is how they play normally.

    Its those of us that dont have the rare ability to be logged in skimming every 5 minutes for 172 hours straight that struggle with eb events

  2. How much did you spend to get to the LB of this event?
  3. X plus 20 nobs name change = many
  4. Oh look! Another event where only the top game leaderboard players fill the even leaderboard.

    No one gives a damn about this leaderboard, it is always the same players and the fact that it was dropped to only the top ten was ****** because it doesn't let the smaller or newer players have a crack at the better event items and rewards.
  5. That is correct cause they ant getting cash from small players who just play and dont spend so why should ata give them anything? ATA train of thought "lets make worthless equipment for small/medium none paying players and save the best equipment for the ones that spend over $100 in our money scamming events that way everyone can be happy as we screw them." I gave up hope for a banner you might as well add a price tag on banners as only people who spend their retirement funds are able to get them.
  6. $100.00  yep u def dont pay anything on kaw. Try $300 a day minimum for many players in kaw
  7. i said over 100
  8. Final leaderboard has been posted on the first page and rewards will be going out shortly!

    Good work everyone :)
  9. I am starting a youtube account for games and this is one of them so please support and watch the very first and contact me if you would like to work together and start a weekly post on youtube for all active players to enjoy and perhaps help

  10. Congratulations to the final top ten!
  12. Congrats big spenders cheers to you buying the devs 3 more Lamborghini's for their fleet 
  13. :lol:
  14. meaning congrats to you,its poor form to congratulate yourself
  15. I can hardly wait for the next event and it's HTE LB.
  16. How about a list of how many people got to each tier??

  17. You should STOP miss quoting developers..

    Rewards already distributed...
  18. When is next promo

    Need plenty of time to organise the sale of my kidney so I can get more dosh for seals

  19. Patting myself on my shoulder...

    God job Tr1 - you are a great supporter of the game.
    I'm proud of you!
  20. What a scam. I tried to buy golden Aquarian key after event was over and it said I didn't have enough points. Bought points and then said I couldn't buy the key.