sdt and adt on ll, hl or hf?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Sorry. I thought we talking about spy buildings not towers.
  2. Still so much bad advice poor guy
  3. Lowlands first. Cheaper
  4. Wow is all I can say. Horrible advice on this thread.
  5. Do you have any advice cloud?
  6. Lol people saying bad advice but then not giving any themselves.
  7. I actually am very interested in any opinions
  8. Now I am getting curious too about what advice Station and Cloud would give... I'm all open ears to get a lesson on towers and how they work and their placement impact (I am serious, I would love to hear some rational thinking on this as I pretty often get asked this same question).
  9. Odviously the best place to put towers is on hl and HF if you plan on keeping them and ll if you don't plan on keeping them long.
  10. Yes I have some avoid ll towers. Only build them for a temporary method. I would love to give more but may war against u at some time. So would not be beneficial to help everyone to much. The less land towers are on the better. Use the build calculator before making changes. Have a plan before you build. Tear downs get expensive.
  11. I learned threw many test
  12. That's as about as specific as I would get on the subject but yes having a set out plan and thinking about future upgrades at the same time is the 2 most important parts of any build
  13. I personally have done it both ways... here is my advice...towers on HL and HF are the way to go for long term commitment for warring. This frees up your LL to be able to take advantage of tweaking for different mechs depending on build type.
  14. Thanks for the answers!

    Benvolio, that's a very, very interesting point, I didn't think about that one (well, it will depend a bit on your overall size). Additionally LL towers really eat a lot of plunder compared to HL/HF (at equal stats ofc).
  15. / ignore most of these people lol, 2.29m ssd on LL costs around 370b I think, that's around about two (yes, just 2) hl ssd. 23 sdt costs around... 11m per hit on haunt.. So, 10 hl to reach same stats costs- like 2tril roughly, to actually start having a monetary advantage you would need to hit at least 140k MORE on your battles won. IMO... Go with LL, for all you know, in another year or so the entire game mechs may have changed.
  16. Horrible advice ^^ :lol:
  17. Each tower u have regardless locations is around a 6% plunder loss. Yes ll are cheap and fast and so is that hooker on the corner doesn't mean it's better. Towers don't only help in ee but also osw.
  18. Lots of different opinions!

    So who knows if 1m sdt on hl will decrease plunder just as much as if you have 1m sdt on hf?
    To make an example, let's say you build 1m sdt on hl, and decrease plunder by, let's say 10m.. if you then tear down these towers, and put 1m sdt up on hf instead - will plunder then stay the same, or will it decrease more or less?
  19. U would need 10 buildings on ll to get 1 mill
    U would need 4 on hl to get 1 mill

    T4 and t5 plunder are very close together so saving 6 plunder making buildings will save u plunder yes