Scrag the Bloodless - Smoke Signals

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Or Jenny the Bloodless
  2. Oh, I will fail on 999 and it'll drop down to 29. The mage is always wasted whenever I try and get it to the max enchant :cry:
  3. So the new items will never fail when trying to enchant them or only for the first enchant using the scrolls and bronze bars?
  4. Yes there is now the Relic plus level 0 and then 10 levels.
  6. Can it still fail once u get past the scroll level?
  7. Kaw_admin, what are scroll drop rates? This will be very useful, how many can drop at once? Example, will only 1 drop, or will 2 or 3 drop at a time?
  8. Might as well ask it here also.

    Why was pvp not added to the black friday specials and why hasn't it been added to any specials this year? It always seems that it is only for ebs.

    (Yes, I know, you said you are trying to improve it- I am asking is it really that hard to increase plunder for a day.)

    -Talking about off system pvp.
  9. KaW_admin:

    Why can't you make warbeast 50% more plunder ? So small stats like us got something to do, it's not fair 
  10. Amazing Artwork!

    Top Notch!
  11. When you say 100% drop relics, do you mean equip or scrolls? Or either?
  12. Is there a regen for pase 3?
  13. I'm a GH, during phase one of eb I'm doing 97m a hit and during the second phase I'm doing 69m per hit. Why?!
  14. Where I become the "Relic items"?
  15. The remaining question is when and where will we get the scrolls needed
  16. Why do u need the mage for one enchant the first one should be free so the pepople with out mage can get somewhere
  17. People without mage??????????????

    People without mage shouldn't be hitting this.
  18. It should be if u get a scroll u can buy bronze bars melt the bronze and mold it on to the relic
  19. Yey! Finally giving us something for whacking other players.
  20. Very good, omg, not got a glue what to do. Thank-you very much. :roll: