Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by WOLFIE, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Jano zeroed. But it took all I had 
  2. Hero zeroed 

    Wasn't gonna pass up the chance to give a mod love taps
  3. wasn't hard considering I had no spies lol. Kudos to you. I'm going to get you next my friend :)
  4. I'm properly in the same sinking ship :?

    My spies aren't exactly that high.
  5. got you as I said I would. wolfie zeroed
  6. Darn, didn't have enough spies to zero hero. :lol:
  7. Nohaa zeroed
  8. That was alot of fails xD
  9. Doesn't matter!!! What do you expect? ateast you are zeroed lol
  10. Nefarious zeroed ;).
  11. Dabiznez zeriod
  12. Took you a while ;p. Hopefully it'll take less time to spell my name properly.
  13. Stran zeroed
  14. did I zero you nefarious? I ran 58% spy bar.