Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by WOLFIE, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Damn, I was sure that I could have gotten ballz dtw.
  2. Hash z.
    Damn u must've been full 
  3. Ballz z
  4. N8n8 spies z
  5. No fair hash, I was almost empty lol and scouted dude above me but low on spy's so his spies are still open;)
  6. Sleeping sickness zeroed
  7. Wolfie hb sb np
  8. So close thou :? Must be 5~10% at most
  9. Wolfie zd. Did I do that??
  10. Properly but you're punching bag now sleeping :lol:
  11. Lets see that inc, then! 
  12. Sickness zeroed :p
  13. I'm more than shocked no one hasn't taken the chance to smack a wolfie about :shock:
  14. whenever I can wolfie........

    i will.....
  15. Hmmm….…. Scout away y'all