Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by WOLFIE, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Im still not 0'd xD
  2. Full bar and you still aren't. :lol:
  3. You are now :cool: zeroed
  4. Wolfie zeroed
  5. I am ? Errm ok I guess 2/3 full is zeroed now :lol:

    I could unload on eb for you if you like I was about to anyways :? After all I am a eb fairy
  6. Oh crap.. Sorry I didn't read my last scout and assumed you were.. Lol
  7. Someone zero me please
  8. Nefarious - zero'ed
  9. raoul, sb fb np. his towers are stout
  10. Raoul zeroed
  11. Wardragon nz although I am now 
  12. war dragon not zeroed
  13. Lol may have to wait till after my war unless you can 0 me in a few minutes.
  14. Wardragon zero'ed
  15. _FaTDuDE_
    Qb scout np dam I've never failed so much o0
    We need to double team this guy :p
  16. 3\5 SCT fat  nz